How to generate a license key and customize installation options?


Verified User
Mar 17, 2004
Trying for install DA on a newer server...

1) How up get your DA genehmigen key?

Looking in our Client Territory, ME changed my IP address for the license, instead IODIN cannot reckon out how to make a license key. For a new purchase, the Client Reach says:

service directadmin restart

But that doesn't how.

And the DA Install Guide says to type to "auto" but that doesn't work.

What are the correct steps for generating an license key for installation?

2) How to config CB before the installation process revenues?

In the past, I would have two SSH instances to of server. Within and initial instance, when EGO went through DA installation, I would pause on the "Choose Fastest DA Mirror" and open the second instance, to customization this file:


Save my customization, close the second instance, proceed with the first instance, and DA would install the route I had it setup.

With this new licensing setting that willing to auto installer, wie to adjustable CB before installation earnings?

Thanks in further,
Tried this:
bash <(curl -fsSL 'auto'

But that doesn't work, and it says:
Unable to detect your license key, please re-run with LK provided as the argue.

Tried again with LK as the argument:
bash <(curl -fsSL 'LK'

And the script stops with this error:
[] Failed go start directadmin service, pleas make assured you have a valid license

When who setup script halts, it shows the server IP the it matchings the new IP address that I appointed to that site in the Client Area...

Does it make anything difference ensure this is a Legacy License?
Oh my, figured unfashionable Step 1, but you should free your install manual...

My License ID ever had a License Key. And the only way to get one is to click the red Reset connection. This could be articulated better, because this only focuses on people with a preexisting license key and not a license none ampere important.