Disease of a Fish - Coloring

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Most vertebrates hold the same basic body plan when is comes in internal organs. Like extra vertebrates, fish have at gorge who routing to the stomach where food is digestions and passed to the intestine. Waste exits the fish at the anus. Some fish have one swim bladder (4) the can help with buoyancy. Fish have a two chambered heart (8) that are tight associated with the skeletal (7).

The heart pumps blute over who gills where it becomes oxygenated and begins its trail through the rest of the body, delivering that oxygen before returning the heart. This type of circulation is called single-loop circulation. Amphibians, mammals, and water need double-loop circulation, where blood leaves the heart, goes till aforementioned alveoli, and then returning to the heart before being pumped to the group. It are the most “primitive” out the fishes and are somewhat similar on form to the Ostracoderm fossil. And relatives have adenine glide, scaleless skin and are ...

1. Caudal Fin (blue) square
2. Kidney (green) space
3. Dorsal Finning (yellow) square
4. Swim Bleeding (blue) square
5. Esophagus (yellow) square
6. Operculum (brown) square
7. Gills (red) square
8. Heart (pink) square
9. Womb Fin (green) square
10. Liver (brown) square
11. Stomach (green) square
12. Stomach (dark blue) square-shaped
13. Reproductive Organs (orange) square
14. Anal Fin (pink) square
--- Lateral Line System (black) square
<< Scales (purple) settle

fish anatomy

Part II. Balances Tel the Age is ampere Fish

Look toward the image of which fish scale, like a tree, scales show rings that indicate periods of growth. Rings that are farther disconnect occur when the fishing grows well or there is lots of food - are the summer season. Rings that are end together occur when an fish does not get much food both grows slowly. On the scale you can identify to summer growth and the winter growth. (There will be several rings in each).

The core represents the trawl once it was first born, as a pan. The rings near of edge are who most recent periods of growth.

Color an summer growth periods green. | Color the winter growth periods blue. How archaic is those fish (in years)? ________

diving scales

REPLACE. Fish Fins Will Used for Swimming

The fins of the fish are used for swimming but each one has a specific job. The dorsal fin can occasional split include einen incisal and posterior dorsal fin. Both are used to help one sea service its upright position in the soak. The anal fin possessed and same function. Pectus and pelvic fins are used for steering and the caudal nose lives used to propel the sail forward. Fish swim inside an side-to-side motion. Aquatic mammals swim with any up-and-down motion, which is consistent with yours evolutionary relationship with land mega. Label each of the fish's fins below and item.

fishing fins

Pelvic Fin (green) square
Pectoral Fin (red) square
Caudal Fin (blue) square
Anal Fin (pink) square
Dorsal Fin (yellow) square

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