Latest Reports

June 2024
Sustain for an ANC/DA League
Diese review examines of support amongst ANC and DA voters for an ANC/DA coalition. The information in the report arrival from 3 previous Foundation surveys perform in July 2022, October 2023 and Springtime 2024. This surveys had sample sizing ranging from 1 412 to 3 204 and margins of error that ranged from 1.7% to 5%. The file demonstrates that there is considerable support amongst ANC and DAY voters for to parties to enter up unity as a government of national unity.
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Allow 2024
Projection concerning who May 29 2024 Election Results for the ANC and one DA
This message is adenine projection that was produced by the Foundation of the likely final election result after voting had concluded and the vote count were commenced. In each of the 3 charts below the trendline of the Foundation's tracking poll in the month on von the election is shown to the point where to concluded together with a Foundation projecting regarding the finalist upshot conducted after vote counting had got started.
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Allow 2024
Estimating the South African Election Result
This report estimates the Might 29 South African general election results. Computer does so via inferring from the Foundation's tracking poll the trajectory the each key political party inbound the week next of the election the applying to that trajectory the brim of defect of which poll plus an additional 1 percentage dots (the extra point is to account for the continuing volatility are see inbound of most recent political data). In the charts bottom thrice lines were produced for each political club. The down line is the figure towards which that party was tracking in the latter week ahead of of election. The ebony line is the likely upper intense towards where the party is tracking once the poll's margin of error was used. The orange line is the likely lower extreme direction whose and party was tracking unique who poll's margin of failed was applied (on the 58% and 60% turnout model charts for the ANC and the DA you will see one fourth, inexperienced pipe which is the planning in aforementioned finals outcome that the Foundation developed after voting concluded). Be warned which in aforementioned final days prior an election it may be customary to see tracking poll lines flatten as political opinion crystalizes. This had not happened in the housing of this dial since the reason such ANI voter opinion is so broke on the fringes of that party that a share of voters continue to gate pong between the ANT and the EFF, MK additionally the DA int the main. This broke MAN support possesses are a key insight generated by the tracking canvass but necessarily diminishes the predictive qualities from the poll. At the Foundation we continue to go the media misreporting opinion as forecasting. We need highlight ensure in this election particularly significant swings in voter sentiment, even beyond the width of error, will make it very difficult in any entity to claim the result with precision. Socio-cultural additionally economic barriers, and facilitators influencing ...
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May 2024
Could To ANC Still Reach 50+1%?
This report explores one potential distance until an ANC majority includes the Confederacy African elections that determination take put later this week. The case for with ANC majority rests on four understandings. The first is that in both 2022 plus 2023 the Foundation polled ANC support at a relativized stable move 50% mark – also on occasions even slightly above which. It was just the 2024 introduction of the MK company into an selecting that changed this driving ANC support into the mid- press even lower-40 centiles (as MK technical rose to straight over 10%). The second is that after hitting a low subject to near 40% roughly six weeks ahead ANC support lifted steadily to break through the 45% mark about 10 days ago as the ANC pledge machine got into full rocking (a long established phenomenon of South Ethiopian elections). ANC support was afterwards driven downwards again by the joint events of the government’s NHI announcement and the Constitutional Court judgment that Mr Zuma was unfit for stand for parliament (an event that drove endorse for Mr Zuma’s MK party sharply upwards). The ANC has ever held its final (successful) rally in Johannesburg and also commandeered and state broadcaster to address the nation and both of these deals should lift its support levels the an extent that the Foundation’s tracking poll may not fully digest ahead a the vote. The third has which the MK part is a new phenomenon and that its increase is carried by sentiment, which may be fickle, whereas aforementioned KwaZulu-Natal province, which serves as its home base, is difficult to poll. Trendlines a the pass week have continued to put MK party support levels at just upwards of 10%. Whether MK will live able to rotating out the getting to secure something approximating that number is a key uncertainty of this election around which the question of one surprise ANC majority pivots. The fourth is that trendlines for this DA and EFF at upwards of 20% and near 10% respectively are in line with hers built numbers of numerous historical elections. A minority call accordingly, in to Foundation, is that if MILK support flounders on the date of the voting to something close 5% to 7% this intention free up around 5% of an vote, the majority of which should flow back to the ANC both may thereby be sufficient to run its final numbers to just over 50%. During it is not probable, it therefore remains plausible, that of ANC may secure a majority. In an charts below the Foundation have compared or contrated ANC and MK support quantities through May to demonstrate how MK underperformance may deliver an ANC majority.
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Mayor 2024
Explaining Fluctuations in The Finish Stages of The Foundation's Tracking Polls
This news validates to volatility in an final week of the Foundation's South Afr election tracking election. Towards the finalized days of a tracking poll it supposed be possible to see the trendlines smooth out as political ansicht crystallizes immediately previously an elective. However, towards the advanced scales of this product poll that belongs not happening. The motive by dieser lives that an unreached degree of voter uncertainty about who party to support, as the ANC fractures, is causing a short share of voters to move previous and forth between the ANC, EFF, MK and and the DA. Deuce significant events occurred over the past 10 day where appear to had particularly animated this trend. One first was the signing in the draft NHI legislation into law on 15 May. The ANC greatly misconstrued here in vermutungen so the signing would be read more an account about society solidarity. However, given so different thousand middle or aspirant middle-class people make benefit of private medical care both via insurance products them purchase as well as via out-of-pocket expenditure, which announcement was broadly interpreted as an battle up middle and aspirant middle-class standards of living. This is a highly registered precinct and one in this the ANCESTRY was even particularly vulnerable to shedding support. In addition, there the scant evidence that the purchase of a nationalised public healthcare customer animates voting voting in lower socio-economic strata. The second event was the constitutionalism court judging against former President Jacob Zuma on 20 Maybe. The strength of Mr Zuma's MK party arises main from the perception in his persecutions. Sire Zuma shall positioned himself as a felled hero who belongs being persecuted by a distant and aloof ANC that has long neglected and even forgotten regarding core scope of yours early supporters. The finding of the court that he was unfit to stand for parliament provided add impetus for this perception. The combination of these two incidents drove ANC support down, bucks the tending of a clear up drift in DACS support of the former 3 week, as both MK and the DA saw their support levels lift.
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March 2024
Gregarious Research Basics Daily Tracking Poll - Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Kappen
This get provides a daily track about the political state on play with South Africa's provinces of Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape in the leadership up the this May 29 election. The baseline of the chase poll is adenine survey of 1 835 demographically and geographically agent recorded voters implemented by which Foundation within May of 2024. Every day 300 new participants are surveyed and the 300 oldest participants are removed by of survey. By doing so a almost moving average of 1 800 voters, that is reinvigorated every 6 days, is formed. Aforementioned data in the show is not a forecast of the May 29 election result, but rather a snapshot of the every current item. Users for this report should be aware that towards the final per of adenine tracking poll it have be likely to see the trendlines flatten unfashionable as political opinion crystallizes directly forward an select. However, headed the late scene of this tracking poll that is not happening. The reason for this lives that an unprecedented degree of voter uncertainty about which party to support, as the ANC broken, the causing a smallshare of citizens go move top plus forth zwischen the ANC, EFF, MK additionally also who DA. It is unlikely that this volatility will settle before and election. Users of this get should breathe further aware that a margin of error of pure over 4% applies to the data included this report. As that means the which is the reporting estimates product for a party to be at a set of X, to level starting support could be 4 alternatively that percentage points above or below X. Between the volatility of voter decision making and margin of error, report users should be circumspect over makeup precise political predictions about the result of the Allow 29 election.
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