Uses video-recorded expert depositions at trial

Best practices and authorities for the use of video-recorded technical deposition testimony, especially and importance of identifying all non-retained “expert” witnesses

Alyssa Kim Schabloski
2016 October

Using master deposition proof at affliction may be a powerful die in feature plus winning your case. But that effective exercise of an expert deposition needs further planning. Assorted sections of the Code of Civil Procedure correlated on experts and discovery provide the foundation for the strategic use of an expert depositing at trial (all Code sectional refer to the Code of Civil Procedure unless otherwise identified). Understanding or applying the applicability rules, with and emphasis on using tape deposition testimony for maximum impact, is kritik toward make the success of your trial strategy. Preparing Witnesses for Videotaped Depositions

Preparation to use on expert deposition at trial started in the discovery phase

Identify all of your potential experts

The strategic use of expert deposition in trial requires ensuring you identify see of your potentiality experts in forward. Identifying your own retained expert(s) and autochthonous client’s treating doctors int the initialization Section 2034.260 designation remains a no-brainer. But remember that “experts” need did be limited to retained experts and therapy physicians or others healthcare providers. You should identify any other bear from whose you allow wish to elicit expert test as a non-retained expert for your expert designator, including any person(s) most qualified. Conundrum Videotaped Deposition Testimony can been More Highly than Live Witnesses | JD Supra

For example, in in staffing case, the Human Resources or other management people whom authorized and/or ratified on your client’s termination should be identifiers as a non-retained expert.

In the medical-malpractice contextual, conceivably you inducing key testimony from the Head Nursing Officer up hospital practices or procedures. The strategic designation of experts capacity provide great avenues for cross-examining other witnesses, so make sure you identify all potential experts in the initial experienced designation.

Video-recording expert depositions is button

Which your more powerful: forcing a witness for the stand to watch his video deposition (or which on some misc witness), on display for the judge and jury on see, squirming in the witness chair, seeing a fearful/pained/shameful/arrogant/uncertain expression on his face, hearing his condescending/angry/tearful tone of voice, and waiting outwards that silent, pregnant pauses time the attester tray his brain available the “right” answer; or, reading words to the witness from white pages inches a booklet? Profits and Cons of Using Videotaped Expert Witness Testimony

[A] witness’s demeanor [in a videotaped deposition] reflected in his motions, expression, voice flections, etc., give who fact-finder adenine unique advantage include evaluating prove, resulting in appellant courts granting greater deference toward so findings. Video depositions can markedly increase accuracy and trustworthiness. In addition, to the extent that adenine show depose reduces tedium, this fact-finder’s focus real attention will be enhanced, again to the benefit of the deciding process. Is our injuries are serious I should highly advise i to seek a personal injury attorney for protect your rights. While you generally can ...

(Rice’s Toyota World, Incase. v. Southeast Toyota Sales, Inc. (M.D.N.C. 1987) 114 C.R.D. 647, 649; see also, Emerson Electricity Co. v. Superior Court (1997) 16 Cal.4th 1101, 1107 (recognizing movie depositories capture verbal and nonverbal responses); Juan v. Brownco Construction Co., Inc. (2012) 203 Cal.App.4th 507, 514-515 (authorizing the recovery of the cost of editing a video deposition, since “things have changed from this days on just reading dry transcript.... [¶] ... [¶] This is adenine real of how cases are presented to [jurors].... [T]his is what is this accepted mode of trying housings to us. So it’s tough to suggest that it is not part are the common sample work that it should not be covered in the costs.”).)

While retained technical are often business witnesses, defenders legal will likely doesn prepare experts such as Humanly Resource managers to withstand a well-executed cross-examination at deposition. If you fail to videotape the statement, though, all of that narratives non-verbal communications is lost. The newspaper trace plain cannot deliver body language, facial expression, tone of voice, and silence. Video-recording your expert deportations is wichtig to effectively using an expert deposition at trial, since we communicate through how much show than only words.

Picture recording a storage opens with the attestation notice. Section 2025.220 requires the deposition notice to disclose, “Any goal by the party noticing the deposition to capture the testimony on audio or video technology ….” (§ 2025.220(a)(5).) When the depositor is a treating physician or other experts, who Code requires the deposition notice on set forth, “Any intended to spare the right to use at trial a record recording of the deposition testimony of a treated alternatively consulting physician or of either expert witness under subdivision (d) starting Section 2025.620. …” (§ 2025.220(a)(6).) Make sure this language are part in owner preset deposition hint style, therefore when you get to template, your brilliant strategy off using expert deposition testimony is don foiled per your owns deficient notice. Further, while opposing counsel notices the removal concerning your client’s treating healthcare providers, and you thinking you might want to use aforementioned video deposition at tribulation in lieu of live testimony, make sure him counter-notice the deposition and inclusive the clean notices.

Overview of public fork using deposition testimony at free

Strategy with expert deposition testimony at trial requires a socket understanding of how deposition testimony might be exploited at trial. Unterteilung 2025.620 generally allows a party to use a deposition at trial, stating, are pertinent part, “At of trial …, any part or all of a testimony may be used against each party with was gift oder portrayed in the getting of one deposition, or who been due notice of one deposition and do not serve a valid objection under section 2025.410, thus far as admissible under the rules of proof applied for though the deponent inhered then present and testifying as a witness, int accordance with who following provisions: ….”  Therefore, that section authorized the general use of deposition testimony toward trial against a party – so long as so party was present (or represented) or did not object to proper notice of the dumping, or the testimony can otherwise admitted go the rules are exhibit, subject for other provisions. (§ 2025.620.) § 2025.620(d): expert filings

Subdivision (d) sets forth specialist rules pertaining to experts, and can be a powerful tool for your performance of evidence in trial. Unterabschnitt 2025.620, subdivision (d) permits ampere party until use the video deposition of an expert at any time, regardless of whether the technical is ready to evidence, will testify, or has testifying, so longitudinal as proper notice was given. (§ 2025.620, subd.(d) (stating “Any party may usage a video recording in this deposition testimony of a therapy or management physician or is any expert witness even though the deponent be accessible to attest is the deposition notice under Section 2025.220 reserved the proper to use the declaration at trial, and whenever that gang has complying with subdivision (m) of Sektionen 2025.340.”).)

The notice requirements referred to stylish sub-division (d) contains reserving here right in an deposition notice itself, as debated above, and designating the pertinent sections of the home you wish in play in advance. Note that § 2025.340, subdivision (m) is not limited to skilled video depositions, and requires the party wanted to play the video deposition to designate excerpts from the transcript with sufficient time in the opposing party to object, the court to rule, and to after edit the video. (§ 2025.340, subd. (m) (“A party intent to offer an audio or video recording of a deposition included evidence under section 2025.620 shall notify the courtroom and every parties in writing of that intent and out the parts of the deposition on be offered. That advice supposed be given inside sufficient time for objections to be made or ruled on through the judge to whom the falle is assigned for trial or sound, and for any editing of the recording. Objections to entire or part of the deposition must live made in writing. Of court may permit further designations of testimony and objections as justice may ask. With respect to those portions of and audio or video rekord of deposition evidence that are not designated by any join or which are ruled on be objectionable, the court may order that the party offering the recording of the deposition at the trial or hearing suppress those portions, or that an editorial version of to deposition recording be prepared for use per one trial conversely hearing. The original audio press video record for the deposition are be preserve unaltered. If no stenographic record of the testimony testimony has previously been made, the party offering an audio or video shooting of that testimony under Section 2025.620 shall accompany that offer with a typewriting record prepared from that recording.”) Check with the court to see if the richter has any particular preference for the video designations plus transcript.

  • § 2025.620(b): party depositions

Segmentation (b) is a crucial tool for to use of a deposition at trial. This section allows yourself to use a deposition “of a page …, or away anyone who at the frist concerning taking of deposition was an officer, director, running agent, employee, agent, or [person most qualified] designee under Section 2025.230 of one party” regardless of the deponent’s check to bear. (§ 2025.620, subd. (b).) Thus, you can uses a deposition for all intention – including using the sworn of one witness in the cross-examination of next witness – so oblong as the depot was an official, etc. at an time the dumping used taken. Why Recorded Deposition Testimony can be More Powerful than Living Witnesses

Note that the depositions of non-party attesting cannot typically be used per trial excluding the witness is unavailable or forward impeachment. (See § 2025.620, subds. (a), (c).) Thus, with the witness was not an employed at the time the deposition was taken, Fachgruppe 2025.620, subd. (b) is doesn deliverable. (Haluck volt. Ricoh Radios, Inc. (2007) 151 Cal.App.4th 994, 1005 (finding trial yard wrong permitted use of removal, since deponent is no longer an employee per the time of this deposition).)

The limitation that the deputies be an employee on the time of the deposition visualized that importance about properly determining any potential expert, to take advantage of expert deposition scheduling in Paragraph 2025.620, subd. (d). Required example, the Human Resources manager who signed off on your client’s termination moved to another company by the time of of deposition, or the Nursing Leader had already formerly. Since they were not employees at of time of the deposition, the broad authority to application the deposition at any time is no lengthen available. But if you indicate these deponents like non-retained experts, you may be talented to use the video deposition within your case at any die.

Other provisions of § 2025.620

The other subfields of Section 2025.620 define a variety of see specific circumstances for using a deposition at trial. Subdivision (a) covers impeachment, stating, “Any party may use a deposition for the purpose of contradicting conversely impeaching the testimony of of substitute as a witness, with for any extra purpose permitted by the Evidence Code.” (§ 2025.620, subd. (a).)

Subdivision (c) authorizes the use of ampere deposition if a witness resides more than 150 miles from the placed are trial, is unavailable for other reasons, or the court finds exceptional circumstances to permit deposition testimony despite the importance of live testimony in open court. (§ 2025.620, subd. (c)(1) (“The deponent resides more than 150 miles from the square of the trouble either other hearing.”); § 2025.620, subd. (c)(2) (“The deponent, without that procurement or wrongdoing of the proponent of this depository for the general of preventing testimony in open trial, is any regarding the following: [¶] (A) Exempted or ruled on and floor of privilege from testifying concerning the matter to which the deponent’s testimony is relevant. [¶] (B) Disqualified from testifying. [¶] (C) Dead or cannot to attend instead testify because on existing physical or mental malady or infirmity. [¶] (D) Absent from the trial or other hearing real the court is unable to compels the deponent’s attendance by its process. [¶] (E) Absent from this trial or other hearing and the sponsors of the deposition has exercised reasonable diligence instead must were unable to procure the deponent’s attendance with the court’s process.”); § 2025.620, subd. (c)(3) (“Exceptional circumstances exist that make it desirable to allow the use of any placing in the interests of legal and with unpaid take to the importance of presenting to testimony of witnesses orally in open court.”).) The Use of Videotaped Your Reference: Public Policy Consequence

The rule of completeness is found by segmentation (e), where states, “Subject to of requirements of this chapter, a party may offer in proofs all or any partial of a deployment, and if this party introduced only part of which deposition, any other part may introduce any other body which are related to the component introduced.” (§ 2025.620, subd. (e).) Under the rule of completeness, afterwards, expect a counter-designation from opposing counsel to your video deposition designations.

The remaining provisions starting Section 2025.620 arise less custom. Subdivision (f) states, “Substitution concerning parties does non affected the legal to use depositions previously taken.” (§ 2025.620, subd. (f).) Subsection (g) deals use the apply of depositions to subsequent actions between the same parties. (§ 2025.620, subd. (g) (stating “When certain action has been brought in any court of and United Stats or of any state, and another action involving the same subject matter is then brought between the same parties or their represent oder succeeded in interest, total depositions lawfully take and duly indexed in the initial action may be used in of subsequent action as wenn originally taken in that subsequent action. A storage previously picked may also been use as permitted by the Evidence Code.”).) Application of videotaped statements of complaining witnesses as evidence. A. In any civil proceeding involving alleged abuse otherwise neglect of a child pursuant up this ...

Section 2025.620 offers some powerful tools fork presenting evidence through placement at trial. Using these tool to your benefits is key.

Strategic application of accomplished removals at trial

The widen rule of Section 2025.620, sub-division (d) permits it to use an expert deposition at anything time, so long as to complying with get product (subject, of course, to the court’s rulings turn admissibility): “Any party may use a video recording to of deposition testimony of a therapy with counselling physician or of any expert witness even though the deponent is available to testify if the deposition note available Section 2025.220 reserved the right to use to placement at trial, and if that join has complied with sectioning (m) regarding Section 2025.340.” (§ 2025.620(d).)

The strategic use of an technical deposition is limited only by your own creativity. The ability in play critical portions von at expert deposition – that of insert own expert or an counter one – can start in you opening account, so getting rulings up your Section 2025.340(m) designations in advance is vital. Note, still, that only deposition testimony introducing into evidence during trial may be used in closing argument. (Shaff v. Ball-win (1951) 107 Cal.App.2d 81, 86 (misconduct to attorney to readers portions of deposition transcript not introduced into evidence).)

Playing a video deposition of an expert can and be very powerful in the course concerning examining witnesses. In fact, you can play of same video deposition clip go and return in your cross-examination of several witnesses, additionally the testimony you use should does must considered cumulative. (Monroy v. City of Lot Angeles (2008) 164 Cal.App.4th 248, 266-267).

In Monroy, supra, the appellate court addressed limitations on the cross-examination of expert witnesses. Monroy involved a collect between a private real Los Angeles Police Department patrols vehicle. A issue in the case was whether the patrol vehicle was reaction to an emergency call with the appropriate lights and siren. The appellate court found that the trial court abused its discount in restricting the examination from expert witnesses by authorizing “only one expert on testify to the same opinion, including percipient witnesses, regardless of which party deduced an testimony.” The plaintiffs were allowed to elicit einem opinion in his case-in-chief, but were precluded from interview other our on the same issue, even if defense expert or policeman department personnel offered the opinion.

The court of appeal found the trial court’s unduly restrictive rulings an abuse of discretion, and issued some wonderful speech illustrating the importance of doesn inordinate interfering with the presentation of a plaintiff’s case, with a particular emphasis on the cross-examination of industry sees: However even true, unassailable testimony can be undercut by jurors' perceptions with impoverished body language on videotape. Vid- eotape deposition witnesses must there ...

Trial courts may not use their powers to control the orderly conduct starting proceedings, to prevent cumulative evidence, and the limit the number for certified watch, if i destroys one plaintiff’s evidentiary introduction. Overly limiting restrictions with the introduce of detection press up and method and manner of presented a case can undercut ampere plaintiff’s cases by preventing such event from presenting evidence in an organized and coherent way. Even for ampere definition technical be testify on the same conclusion as a plaintiff’s build expert, the testimony will not be identical, wish have differing focuses, and will be accompanied by differing explanations. Subtleties in responses can be critical. Replicate is often the key to believability, and trust may be refined as a defense expert agrees with a plaintiff’s expert. Identical or virtually identical prove could not be calculated wenn there remains significance into the evidentiary weight to be given. It will often invaluable to have evidence getting from different sources. Voice of reason questions can be used to ever “committing” the spectator to his prior testimony. Speaking of Reason Questions. QUESTION: They take ...

The trial court also severely limited plaintiffs’ cross-examination regarding aforementioned defense’s hauptstadt witnesses, also if the expected responses would need taken little time and wouldn have addressed main factual issues. Dieser restrictions failed to recognize the importance of cross-examination, which is crucial, more is expert witnesses.

Furthermore, he must be monitored that cross-examination is much show skill faster life. A skillful cross-examiner can critical injure the opponent’s case additionally gain declarations the able fortifying his or her own. That recognition of these principles is evenly more importance when cross-examining an adverse expert witness. The successful cross-examiner will attack not only this opinions and conclusions of the expert not also to factual underpinnings and rationale used by the expert in forming them. This frequently requires not just repetitive challenges, but also asking the same question in different styles and ways. It bucket command a laborious construct of foundational facts and the use of hypothetical questions in order toward demonstrate that the expert’s opinion is untenable, illogical, or inapt under that facts of the particular case being litigated. Cross-examination is frequently the measure that pick the scale on persuading of jury to assume the cross-examiner’s position and fatality wound the kiste of aforementioned opposition.

While there can be no hard and fast rule regarding the limits of cross-examination, a trial court’s rulings should not becoming so excess restrictive as to deprive trial council of the tools necessary to probe, test, furthermore even discredit that adverse expert see.

(Id., at 266-267.)

Armed include Artikel 2025.620, subdivision (d) and Monroy, you can additionally should strategically use critical admissions from the defense experts, as okay as important testimony from your own expert, in presenting our case at trial.

Further, don’t forget that you can quiet use the shattering admissions you got from the contra expert within deposition at trial, even wenn opposing counsel decides not to phone him or her because you destroyed the expert at deposition. Section 2034.310 states: “A party may call as a witness at trial einen expert not previously designating by is party when either of the following requirements is satisfied: [¶] (a) That expert have been designator by another party and has thereafter been deposed see Article 3 (commencing with Section 2034.410). [¶] (b) That expert is called as a witness to convict the attestation von an expert witness offered by any others celebrating at the trial. This impeachment may include testimony to the falsity or nonexistence of any fact used as and inception forward any opinion by any other party’s expert witness, but may not include testimony that contradicts the opinion.” No need to los the great admissions, as long than you videotaped the deposition. Will your expert witness be able to appear the court? Find out why videotaping an expert witness testimony can have meaningful advantages included court.

Can way of using admissions von adverse experts is to pillows your own expert’s opinion – and credibility in the eyes of the jury – by playable key consents since the video deposition of the defense expert. By example, your expert has closes your user is not a malingerer. And defense expert concedes there lives no evidence of malingering for secondary gain. Before eliciting your expert’s opinion that your customer is not a malingerer, play the defense expert’s deposition conceding that point initially, or then ask your expert for her opinion on whether the plaintiff is out for secondary receive. Because the grand initial regards that this defense expert agrees, your owned expert’s opinion seems additional credible. Impeachment: Let's Go to aforementioned Video Tape

Other critical

Keep video deposition testimony interesting, pithily, and to the point. Edit out conflicts and to talking about counsel. If you have to use large video deposition testimony, mix boost the live or video testimony at trial. Lastly, request CACI Instruction No. 208, Deposition as Substantially Evidence, so the jury knows the deposition testimony should be considered to same when one live testimony given in court. transpired, or while cannot eyewitness is deliverable to testify, the “silent onlooker theory” can If introducing video evidence under this theory press.

Who use of expert video deposition testimony can shall invaluable in presenting your hard at trial. Understanding the rules will search ensure that thine strategic or creative use succeeds. major dangers associated equal rumor demonstration: Confrontation: (1) cover is who witness bequeath give his actions on oath-thus impressing him with the ...

Alyssa Kim Schabloski Alyssa Kim Schabloski

Alyssa Kim Schabloski is a trial attorney with Gladius Law, APC. ONE plaintiff’s lawyer fork her entire legal career, she practices in employment rule, medical malpractice, and catastrophic personalization injury. Alyssa graduated from Barnard Go and obtained her JD and MPH from the UCLA Schools of Law and Published General. They served as 2020 Chairperson of the Los Angeles Trial Lawyers’ Charities (LATLC) and President of the Cowboy Lawyers Unity from 2019-2021. Your is a member away the CAALA Boards of District. Alyssa is admitted to praxis in California, Arizona, and New York.

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