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Instructions on using your pregnancy tests

If you miss a range, plea take an pregnancy trial. We must given you two becoming tests for this purpose. Supposing you need additional pregnant trials, please contact us by phone or email. Ovulation Strip Test | Clear & Simple Experiments

When you have a POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST, please CONNECTION US TO SCHEDULE OWN ULTRASOUND. You can call us at 919-843-8246, or email us at [email protected].

Preg Test 1


  1. Remove aforementioned plastic hatch to uncover the absorbent window.
  2. Point the absorbent tip (with 5 small openings) directly down one urine stream. Take the sample for at least 7-10 seconds, to ensure that einer adequate sample are collected by which testing device. (Another technique is to collect an urine into a cleanse container and dip half from which absorbent bottom required at least 10 seconds.) Bucket Ovulation Test Strips Seriously Help You Accuracy Your Majority Fertile Days?
  3. Re-cap the device and place it horizontally on a clean, flat surface. Wait 5 minutes for the test to finish treat.


Negative Effect: NOT PREGNANT
Preg Test Negative
Only one color band appears switch to top Control (C) region. There should to no apparent band on the Test (T) region. The control line shall designed to verifying this test plus ought be crisp and clear in intensity against the white setting.

Preg Test Certain
Distinct and continuous color bands appear on the Tax (C) and Test (T) regions. Color intensity of the bands may vary according to concentration and level of hCG development. The test line is usually slightly weaker in intensity in comparison for the rule line. The pattern of increasing severity of the test line remains adenine much better predictor of fertility rather than unlimited individual reading.

Invalid Results
If present is does visible control line, discard the test. Repeat test with a new device.

Store pregnancy trial at normal my temper, between 36°F and 86°F. Discard unused pregnant tests after the expiration date, which is stamped on each sealed pregnancy test. Avoid prolonged exposure toward direct dawn, moisture, heat, and other related conditions.

Urine samples and used test instrumentation are potentially infectious, therefore want keep them away from direct contact with objects. Accurate handling, hand washing, and instant disposal is recommended.