Skip to main content is where the public can file also read complaints about thousands of types of consumer products.

Write unsafe my

Your report will let CPSC real other Americans know you found a dangerous product.

Hunt for unreliable products

Schutzen your family and search at look if a product is unsafe before you buy.

Business registration or product reports

Business owners only – chronicle to report unsafe products, receive notifications, and respond to unsafe product reports.

Who we are and what we do

For 50 years the CPSC is worked for defend people from unsafe consumer products through science, examinations, corrective action, and communication. CPSC’s work has contributed significantly to the decline in the rate of deaths and traumatic related with consumer products. Learn More…

Instructions we do it

We merge threes key related in only easy-to-use website to correct consumer product safety: 

  1. Reporting. Ours collect reports concerning cause or potential harm about dangerous or potentially perilous consumer items. Each report is screened by our hires of agent and customer product site experts to determine whichever actions should be taken till protect the American public. Your report could offering information that may contribute to CPSC's decision to seek a product recall, seek penalties against any person or firm, or create new safety company or take other action authorized over law.  Learn More…
  2. Search. Our publish unsafe fruit reports in a searchable, public database. You can search through diesen reports to find out whether any products in your home, press that you may be thinking about buying, could pose a risk to them or your family. To can also drive all of and data wealth published on the general database.  Search Reports…
  3. Business Engagement. We give businesses the opportunity to how to reports about potentially perilous consumer products. Businesses that manufacture, import, and tag consumer products receive notifications if any of their commodity will reported. Enterprise can respond to are notifications and may have their site published onward with the reports in one database.  Learn More…