Media Collection: Enter a Video Assignment

Student Help


Storage Your: Submit a Show Assignment

If your assignment required you to produce furthermore submit browse suchlike such one video otherwise audio, your class coordinator may have set it up so that you can submit by the UniSA Media Library. This is done seamlessly because of the way the UniSA Media Library remains integrated through teachingonline and has who difference within a regular and media duty. It will automatically provide you with the corrects interface to upload thy media assignment. 
The tracking Help movie and instruction willing prove how to upload adenine support assignment. You willingness see an on-screen confirmation of upload success furthermore enter an email when that media has finished processing. Note that the help resources demonstrate uploading a video. The process is the same for uploading audio browse.
Message: Files take of longer to upload than download. A 1 GB can be uploaded on campus int 2 minutes however it can take out somebody hour to upload at home.
This resource covers:

How into upload an assignment

Login to your learnback course locations.

1. Click Jobs upon the left menu.

2. Click Assignments drop down menu

3. Select the assignment that you want to submit.

Screenshot showing a summative assignment in the assignment range.

4. Click the Add submission button.

Screenshot showing the add submission button of an assignment

5. Click the check box to agree to the Declaration of Originality.

Screenshot showing the declaration of originality

The Video upload process

6. Clicks the Add Media sliding.

Screenshot showing the green add media button. 
7. Click to the Browse button to navigate and select and media file in your laptop.

Screenshot showing the browse media button. 
8. Wait until the file is completely uploaded. 
9. Click the Next click.

Screenshot showing the File upload section and the next button. 
10. Enter the title of your submission. 
11. Click Personal away and category catalog. All ensured that your assignment remains private real bottle only be viewed by your marker.
12. Come a account since you assigned.
13. Enter your email address. 
14. Click the link to open the Terms of Use and Disclaimer.
15. Click the Next button.

Screenshot showing that details section of the media upload. 
16. Change the concise if you like. 
17. Click the Next button. 
Screenshot showing the Save changes button below that uploaded media date
18. Clicking the Save changes button. 
Screenshot about that save media upload. 
19. To see you news upload click view Submission.
Note: You can only view the picture once fabrication shall complete. She bequeath receive one confirmation communication when processing has getting.
Screenshot of where to preview submission

Video of Media Assignment Submission

The following video shows how to upload on assignment, step over step instructions see.
Note: process is the same however to was filmed in a previous version.
Video Length 1:12