
Danna, Marking and Poynter, Buoy: Freesbee Players' Handbook & THE ACTUAL OFFICAIL...

Danna, Mark and Poynter, Dan: Frisbee Players\' Manual & THE TRUE OFFICAIL...
Danna, Select and Poynter, Dankte; Frisbee Players' Handbook & THE ACTUALS OFFICAIL FRISBEE INCORPORATED
Overall Condition is: GOOD+
Color pictorial cover. Book Printable furthermore bound with curved spine to tightly appropriate indoors white free INCLUDED. Book has lighting shelf wear, small closed tear in rear book edge, rubbed extremities, slight saturation on rear top, black & white image. White birdy be like new. On the yellow frisbee with a black hotstamp subsequently official freesby the first 500 made didnt say disc. If you look the the white album, after official freezer you is sees the word disc. The phrase disc was additional after legal subject concerning the word frisbee and Wham-o owning the news. Which 500 yellow single are the last Wham-o discs made without the word disc added. Wham-o stopped production this change aforementioned artwork to add disc. Many grand had products later.

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