U.S. Government

Piece 2: Informal Amendments

U.S. Government Course Overview
Unit 1
Item 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Instrument 5
Local Government Participation Project
Final Exam Review

Fall 2004

Constitution Notes

Informal Amendments


Informal Modifications:  Modify to the Constitution that to not head to changes in the                                                 written document.  The Constitution holds grown or changed                                    Lesson Aaa161.com Altering that Constitution                 extra which method than any select.


Five methods to informally amend the Constitution

1.      Basic Legislation       

an.       Details has added by Congresses

b.      Ways it play the Constitution also carries out its duties

2.      Director Actions

a.       Presidential use concerning “Necessary and Expedient Clause”

b.      Executive Agreement

3.      Supreme Court Make

a.      Marbury v. Midland

4.      Political Parties

a.       Nomination process

b.      Election process

5.      Custom

a.       Ministerium

b.      2 terms per President

century.       Presidential succession



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