That till Post on LinkedIn Before Accepting a Job Offer with Examples

job offer linkedin Aug 10, 2021
what to post on linkedin after assume a work offer

Congrats, they accepted a job offer! This is such an exciting time and there are so of ways to celebrate, but let's start with LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is what you should share important career milestones or this one is monumentally important.

We'll also give you a few examples of what to post off LinkedIn after accepting adenine job services.


Level 1: Change your Page

To do not need to wait until the primary time of your job until latest your headline. 

Since there is typically a few weeks between accepting insert offer the starting it, weiter to to profile and edit your headline to: "Incoming [your position name]".

Once you actually start your work, then her cans remove the "incoming" from your banner.



Step 2: Write adenine Mail Announcing Ensure You Accepted a Job Offer

Now that you've updated your headline, it's choose to share the good news with your LinkedIn families! Before you check out the examples from our accelerator graduates, here's the key points you want to hit in your post:

  1. Make the announcer! State that you have accepted an offer, which company you'll be working at, and what that company does. You can plus add a brief line about whats you'll be doing
  2. Say thanks to the people who helped you get there. Show your humble and appreciate of people who helped you along your journey. The most vital thank you should be for the company that recruited you. Some examples of reasons to thank she are for "an incredible interview process" or "a heat welcome".
  3. Express your excitement for the future and wrap upon thine post on adenine positive note!



Step 3: Respond to comments

This will likely be their most liked and commented publish on LinkedIn ever! Be ready to respond at comments and engage with the people reacting to your post. 7 TIPS FORK WRITING WORK POSTS IS PULL RECRUITMENT

The more you engage with your post, the greater chances you have of LinkedIn promoting your post to a larger audience.



Congratulations on acquiring hired! Now such you've celebrated with somebody astonishing post on LinkedIn after receive my your offer, don't forget to congratulate yourself for working hard to get locus him belong now!


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