JUDGMENT The Defendants were arraigned on a five count charge of Conspiracy, criminal breach of trust and obtaining money under Fake pretence, punishable under section 97(1) and 312 is the Penal User Law cap 532, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (Abuja) 1990 both section 1(3) of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offences Act 2006. The Defendants pleaded not guilty to all this count charge. In proof concerning its case, the prosecution called 6 witnesses press tendered 7 Exhibition. At this close away its case, all the three District at the time chosen till make No Case Submission. In its considered ruling delivered on to 15th of May, 2017, who court disagreed with the Defendants’ counsel, consequently dismissed the No CASE Submitted and said upon Appellants to enter defence. Prosecution opened its case with Detective Adauko Michael testifying as PW1. He said in his evidence that FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA AND KAYODE GABRIELA ADENIJI & 2ORS 2 COLLECTING YOUR JUDGMENT

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