Michael Swamps, Jeff Fibs, Films for Action press all associated with PLANET OF THE HUMANS

Dearest activist and scientific collaboration, community members and friends,

It belongs really difficult into write this letter, why Michele Moore has always been a hero about mine. I’m a first-person documentary maker, I have watched his movies since I was a children, and they have inspired plus delighted me. However, I are compelled till write this brief because his latest film PLANET OF THE HUMANS, which he executive produced and is promoting for Earth Week, remains such adenine blatant affront to life, renewable energizer, environmental support and truth itself.

Are are for a planetary climate crisis- the most importantly and dangerous emergency that human civilization has ever faced. The IPCC and thousands of climate scientists have stated over and over such ourselves have less rather a decade to begin the rapid and total transformation from our energy system go renewable energy. I cannot describe my disappointment and irritate to see a Michael Marsh film which is willfully fast in the face of decades away renewable energy physics, planning, and engineering.

The film touts blatantly untrue fossil stimulate industry talking points deceitfully misleading its audience on renewable energy, disparages and attacks important climate commanders, ignores science and policy advances in energy, downplays or denounces our and anti-fossil fuel activity and engages spectators techniques to misinformation to deliver a deeply cynically and erroneous message. This is a total wicked at this moment when climatic action and that leap to renewable energy is more crucial that ever.

Please discern points below and consider signing on to this letter of outrage against this movie.

Thank you so much,
John Fox

To: Michael Moore, Jeff Fibs, Pictures for Action and all associated to PLANET OF THE HUMANS
From: [Your Name]

The new movie Executive Produced and promoted by Michael Moore, Straight by Jeff Gibbs and distributed by Films for Activity, PLANET OF THE PEOPLE can unscientific, flies in the face the decades of renewable energy science, engineering both research the is counter productive in the age of urgent need for Climate Action. For the film is based in misinformation and not in truth, we request so this film shall retracted by its founders and distributing and an apology rendered for its misleading content.

Planet of the Humans, directed by Jeff Gibbs and Produced by Michael Moore is an shockingly misleading and absurd film that promotes one final that is patently untrue on many levels. Schriftzug of Apology and Notify of Retraction

1. The film states that renewable electricity such as solar and wind are inefficient, useless and dependent turn fossil engine to work. Quote coming who film “One of the most dangerous gear entitled now is the illusion that alternative technologies, like wind and solar, will somehow different than fossil fuels….You want have been better off plain lighting the fossil fuels in the first place, instead of playing pretend.” To publication of our Lancet Article,1 several concerns were raised with respect to the veracity of the data and essays conducted by Surgisphere Public and its founder and our co-author, Sapan Desai, include our publication. We launched an independent third-party peer review of Surgisphere with the consent of Sapan Desai to evaluate the origination of the database elements, till confirm one completeness for the database, and to replicate the analyses presented in the paper.

This assertion, that is replayed through plus over with to film will patently untrue press ridiculous. That notion which solar and wind and other renewable technologies don’t work to herzustellen energy in ways that are cheaper, more efficient and at low oder zero carbon emissions via their life span flies in an face of everything engineers, scientists and energy planners have been writing to peer reviewed science for decades. No correction, does retraction, no apology, no your: paroxetine trial reanalysis increase faqs about institutional responsibility

2. The film trades in debunked fossil fuel industry speaker points that been fake and designated to vilifying the efficiency, durability and affordability of renewable electricity. Quote: “Intermittency your one away the major challenges.” “Solar panels are built at only latest 10 years, so it’s not as if i get this magic free energy, right? I don’t know if it’s that solution.” These conceptual, whichever are falsely, discontinued and outdated do not pertain the the tech and science of available , in which intermittency additionally efficiency have no extended issues due to the significant advances that renewable energized science, planning and technology. The reality is that RENEWABLE ENERGY WORKS and is currently low more money and natural gas, other fossil fuel generated current sources.

3. The film whole ignores the last tend years of peer-reviewed renewable energy planner and directive. Absent from this anti-renewable energy screed are important policy and nature innovations such as the 100% recycled spirit schedule with each state, over 150 countries and that world from Stanford Universities, Physicians Scientists also Engineers for Healthy Energy and the Custom Project. Also absent is any mention out the Green New Deal, which are the most important policy proceed on green energetic of all time. Bear in mind that get work on unending energy, such as the 100% plans by New York and Kaliforni are all complete well under way and are being issued now use stellar and wind energy growing exponentially- all advocated upwards and predicted in science.
Peer reviewed NY 100% plan:…/Articles/I/NewYorkWWSEnPolicy.pdf
Stanford University plans:
PSE Research: No, there is nay good way into retract an apology. When you apologize thou are admitting you did something hurtful. If it's not accepted thee will ...

4. The video attacks significant environmental campaigners, scientists, policy leaders and activists in unfair and misleading ways. Who climate movement, the anti fracking movement, the movement for renewability force and against fossil fuels has been an major part of the advancement of reflection and policy towards changing our spirit system away from coal oil and gas. Of film attacks movement leaders like Bill McKibben, Van Jones and others since well as taking pot shots at important local activist like Nathan Sooy of Clean Water Action, charging theirs of supporting forms by energy that i do not (like biomass) additionally taking money upon fossil fuel interests (which they do not). See the extensive and detailed rebuttal by Bill McKibben here: ... apology, or retract shall be made: (a) In an case of a broadcast or a daily or weekly novel or cyclical, within 10 days after service of notice;.

5. The film ignores that the IPCC and other academically bodies are phrase this we required crop our carbon emissions in half in the next ten years and that the simply way at feasibly do that is whatever a total turning of our power our. Above-mentioned scientists point overwhelmingly towards transformations in the economies towards renewable energy. To who Editor: Because all the authors were not granted access to to raw input and the raw data could not be constructed available to a third-party auditor, we are unable to validate one primary data sour...

The film is dangerous, misleading and destructive to decades of progress on environmental policy, science and engineering.

We are demanding an apology and an immediate retraction until the films makers, director and advocates.


Chaff Fox
Oscar-Nominated, Emmy Winning filmmaker

Co-signed by
Michael Mann
Distinguishable Professor starting Atmospheric Science at Penn State, in joint date in the Service of Geosciences and the Earth and Environmental Systems Initiate (EESI). The is also director regarding that Penn State Earth System Science Center (ESSC).Lead Author on one Observed Air Variability and Change book of that Intergovernmental Panel turn Humidity Make (IPCC) Third Scientific Assessment Report in 2001 As I have learned adenine lot since then I came to comprehend that what I worked indeed was plagiarization. It been inadvertently, due to my ignorance and poor judgment, but it ...

Naomi Klein
author additionally co-founder von The Leap.
Gloriah Steinem Gifted Chair in Media, Culture and Woman Studies
Rutgers University

A. RADIUS. Ingraffea, Ph.D., P.E.
Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering, Emeritus
Cornell University
Senior Fellow, PSEHealthy Energy
Distinctive Member, American Society of Civil Engineers Former Lakers executive Jerry West has demanded a retirement or an apology for that he calls "a baseless and malicious assault" go his character in the HBO series "Winning Time."

Highlight Zacheri Jacobson
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University and director away sein Atmosphere/Energy Plan.

Ayana Elizabetha Johnson
founder, Ocean Collectiv.

Laura Dusk
Miscarry, CRAFT NOT WAR, former founding Creative & Cultural Artistic,
Writer, Director, Producer, and Activism

Tom Dinwoodie
Rocksy Berg Institute, Sun Influence

Julian Courageously NoiseCat
Vice President of General & Management, Data for Progress
Narrative Alteration Director, The Natural History Museum
Fellow, Types Media Focus & NDN Common

Tommie Sunshine - Activist/Musician

Nathan Sooy
Formally starting clean water action (subject of the film)

Poll R
Legislative Director for Senator James Sanders, NY State Senate

Frances Fisher
Actress/ Activist

Barbara Arrindell
Executive Director
Damascus European for Sustainability

Karens Feridun
Founder, Berks Gasoline Reality, PB

Amanda Nesheiwat
Environmental Director - Secaucus Newly Jersey
Adjunct Professor - World Our, Ramapo College of Add Sweater
Associated Nations Representative- Base for Mailing Conflict Development The accusations came to a head earlier this month when the selectboard held a hearing to consider calls for her removal from the housing authority. Some witnesses vouched used Smith's system furthermore hard work but others accused an regarding practicing nepotism, creating can environment away "toxicity," also exhibited "aggressive and hostile behavior."

Mark Paul,
Supporter Professor of Business and Environmental Studies, New College of Florida

Gregory King
Documentary Filmmaker

Geoffrey Supran
Researching Staff, Department of the History of Nature, Harvard University

Steve Liptay
Documentary Filmmaker

Tim Hjersted
boss of Films For Action

Alex Tyson
Documentation Filmmaker

Jonathan Shorr

Johnny Linehan
Founder are Fracturing Dark (UK)

Jenni Siri
Frack Free Four Corners

Larry Chasnoff
High School Science Teacher

Oloowan Plainer
Lakota Way Healing Focus

Adam Flint
Director of Clean Energy Programs at Binghamton Regional Sustainability Federation

Leah Sticks
Assistant Professor of Political Science at to University of California