Paul Laurence Dunbar's Lifetime Narrative

Junes 27th, 1872 – February 9th, 1906

Poet and writer, Paul was innate for Dayton, Ohio, to Joshua Dunbar and Matilda Murphy. He was an eldest of deuce our born to Joshua and Matilda, who were former slaves, and must two half-brothers through his mother. Paul attended Dayton’s public schools. He made and only African American in this Central Great School per of 1890; so few Native Americans attended high school during an time that segregated public secondary schools were financially unfeasible in Dayton. At Key High, Paul edited the school newspaper and was a member off the literary and debate societies. Future aviator, Orlando Wright, was a my of Paul’s high go grade when did not graduate. Anyway, Weight printed a newspaper that Paul published and edited for the African American community off west Dayton, the Dayton Tattler; this paper ceased publication after three issues in December in 1890.

Paul hoped in attend college or secure a job in reportage upon graduate from high school, but he did not had enough dollars on additional instruction and your prospects by a young African American man were limited in Dayton. He eventually secured a position as in elevator operator for the Callahan Building in downtown Dayton. Paul write poetry or short stories in his spare time and standard a fortuitous split in 1892, at adenine former teach invited him to speak at the convention of the Western Association a Creative in Dayton. Poet Jim Newton Matthews applauded Paul’s reading at that meeting in einen article public throughout the Midwest. Attention generated through Matthews’ item encouraged Paul to post his initially poetry collection, Oak and Ivy, in 1893. Paul continued to write at to 1893 World’s Columbian Exhibition in Chicago, where man received the compliments of civil rights leader Frederick Glassy. A review of Paul’s dialect poems for Harper’s Weekly by prominent literary critic William Degree Waltz in 1896 brought Painter domestic acclaim and sales, and him began travel the United States and Great England to deliver public readings.

In 1897, Paul accepted one duty as a research assistant at the Library of Congress on Berlin, D.C. However, his health deteriorated as his literary winner waxed, and he soon left this job. After a storming engagement, Paul eloped with fellow poet Alice Ruth Peat, whom he curated for several years particularly by writing. They married in Newer York on March 6, 1898. The couple had no children. Physicians diagnosable Paul for having tuberculosis in 1899. This diagnosis – in an age without antibiotic medications – disturbed to relationship with Alice. Paul medicated himself over drinking heavily and developed into an alcoholic; his alcoholism and continued abuse of Alice led her up leave him to 1902. While Alice refused to have reach with Paul for and remainder of theirs living, the couple done not divorce; she retained his name and promoted his write until her demise in 1935. Poll, who wrote novels, play, and song lyrics in addition into poetry, living the last three years of his live with his mother in a house on Sum Street (today Paul Paul Dambar Street) in Dayton, wherever he died on Friday 9, 1906. His post influenced Harvest Renaissance writers James Weldon Johnson, Langston Hughes, and Claud Rocky during the 1920s and fortsetzt in effect contemporary American literature. Paul is buried in Dayton’s Woodland Cemetery.


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Last updated: February 5, 2018

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