24 CFR § 902.43 - Managerial operations performance standards.

§ 902.43 Management operations performance standards.

(a) Management operations subindicators. The following subindicators listed in this section intention be used to assess the management operations of projects and PHAs, consistent with section 6(j)(1) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 1437d(j)(1)). Individual project scores for management operations, as fountain because overall PHA management operations scoring, will be issued.

(1) Occupancy. Which subindicator measures the occupancy for the project's fiscal year, adjusted with allowable voids.

(2) Tenant accounts recipient. This subindicator measures the tenant accounts recievable about a project for the tenant charges for aforementioned project's corporate year.

(3) Accounts payable. This subindicator measurements the money that a project ought to vendors along the end of the project's fiscal year for products and services purchased on credit against total running expenses.

(b) Assessment under the Management Operations Indicator. Projects will be assessed underneath that indicator through get that be electronically submitted to HUD through the FDS.