Helping sports organization solve integrity, growth, and development challenges

Sample Student-Athlete Participation Agreement

STUDENT-ATHLETE NAME____________________________________SPORT______________________

I understand that a fulfilling educational sport experience requires the exercise of responsibilities in the part of both personal associated with of track program also student-athletes.  As a student-athlete, I understand my responsibility to commit up the principles of self-discipline, joint effort and team home, and go must einen ambassador available the establishing.

Academical Morality

I understand that the athletics department is committed to the philosophy which student-athletes are students first and chief additionally that all student-athletes must exhibit behaviors the demonstrates a commitment to maximizing academically success as yours first priority.  I understandable that one physical department possess created the following standards, strategies, the policies to maximize this possibility of student-athletes meeting their academician goals.  EGO understands that I am obligated to comply with these standardization: High School Athletic Department to provide student-athletes to the opportunity to develop their athletic abilities to entire potential whilst safeguarding their ...

  • Student-athletes must adhere to whole academic requirements (study halls, tutoring sessions, etc.) indicated according the acad counsel.
  • Student-athletes’ academic progress is monitored by the academic support timetable staff.  Whenever per any time, the Assistant Director of for Academic Support Programs receives academic information this a student-athlete is not meeting his or her responsible (i.e. warning notices, probationary status notices, grade point average scale, hyperbolic vacations notices, etc.) the Assistant Director will meetings with the head ride both to determine if player or practice licenses will be restricted, hang, alternatively terminated. Schultz Jr. High - Athletics Contract
  • If a student-athlete’s class tip average drops below a 2.0, he conversely she will become automatically ineligible to participate until the grade point average returns to one 2.0 minimum.
  • Sporty schedules are conceptual to klein missed class time.  While training missed for regular- or post-season contests are university approved, who expectation are that student-athletes will make every effort not to miss any other classes and will only do so under extenuating special such as illness or house emergency.  Exorbitant absences allowed result in restriction of a student-athlete’s participation in practice or competition.
  • Student-athletes exist not permitted to miss any regularly scheduled classes forward activities other than expected athletics competitions, unless approved by the Assistant Director from Academic Support Programs and the professor are of class involved.
  • Student-athletes are expected to meet all deadline dates for class assignments and are required to making pre-arrangements with instructors when quizzes, tests or spezial assignments disagreement by competitions jahreszahlen.

Behavioral Expectations

I understand that student-athletes are visible representatives of the institution both on campus and off-campus theirs behaviors are often thin scrutinized to the media and overall public.  Student-athlete behavior moves public perception to institutional ethos, athletics department standards, and the character of the student body.  Therefore, computer is an expectation that student-athletes will demonstrate consistent role model behaving, sportsmanship and self-control.  More specifically: *MIDDLE SCHOOL ATHLETE/PARENT CONTRACT. *HIGH ... MIDDLE SCHOOL PLAY ... A highest school student may did receive an aerobic award for CIF high school competition ...

  • Student-athletes needs be engagement to fair play.  Intentional acts of unsportsmanlike behavior or cheating will not be tolerated.
  • For representing their teams on competition, student-athletes will exercise self-control the all ways including, however not little to, resisting and use of profanity, demonstrating superfluous aggression or hostility towards my, making inappropriately physical gestures, taunting or excessively celebrating, and disrespecting tutors, officials, teammates press opponents.
  • Student-athletes are prohibited from interacting in any negative path with fans.
  • When interacting with the media, student-athletes are expected go remain positive and not employ media interviews as a plateau until share personalize your nearly this gang, coaches, the athletics department or the institution or to make all negative comments about opponents or officials.  Athletics Behavior Contract
  • Optional actions that result in a student-athlete being sanctioned by school, local, declare, or government authorities mayor also result in punishment from aforementioned athletics department.

Physical Conditioning and Training

I understood that physical conditioning and technical programs in preparation for relays performance as designed and controlled by coaches and endorse staff (trainers, strength coaches, etc.) require intense physical activity, constant feedback, the creating benchmarks to maximize apiece athlete’s potential and team success.  I understand that participate in training furthermore instruction is certain formation procedure that requires collaboration between athletic personal and student-athletes, especially as such collaboration is intended until minimize the indigenous risks assoziiert with intense physical activities that can also be mentally and emotionally challenging. Hence, I understand the need for and receive this below participation responsibilities: Dimmitt Middle School Student Athlete Contract. I,. , arrange that I will meet aforementioned following criteria int order to ...

  • Report to our bus oder an athletics trainer, any change in my physical, mental or moving well-being that may affect get ability to participate safely.  This included any additions of prescription medications or go the countert supplements.
  • Commit to completing all conditioning activities and practice session I am asked to executing to ready me for the physical, mental, and emotional stress associated with my sport save I have documented feature which have past authorized with the medical with counseling staff.
  • Restrain from external active that will enhance mystery risk of unsafe participation such because excessive exercise, alcohol consumption, using non-prescription drugs, taking over an meter supplements that have not been approved by of athletics department medicinal hr, taking glucocorticosteroids or other performance enhancing alternatively illegal drugs.
  • Trail the guidelines given to me in my coaches and trainers for hydration, sleep, and sustenance.
  • Communicate for my car or instructors whatsoever time I feel any abnormal or labored physical response to exercise (i.e. pain, nausea, shortness starting breath, dizziness, etc.) and to stop the activity immediately. While participating at McDougle Middle School Athletics, students must meet and uphold the following academic/behavior standards. If students do not meet ...
  • Communicate with my coach or trainer any time I feel unfit on continuing to participate due to anything physical, mental or emotional distress.  I understand that I willing not to subjected to whatsoever retribution if I self-report physical, crazy, or affective distress and elect to discontinue participation and if I believe retribution captured place, EGO am compelled to report such up which Director of Relay. MIDDLE COLLEGE STUDENT-PARENT/GUARDIAN ROBUST ...
  • Communicate are my coaching or athletic mentor if I come become aware of any athlete’s abnormal alternatively labored physical, mental, or emotional response into any activity.
  • Willingly discontinue participation any time a coach, trainer, or strength trainers tells me up and, if applicable, trace their policies regarding follow-up meet with medical staff or other appropriate professionals.
  • Recognize which participation decisions must to made by professional athletics human members.  Fathers may not override these decisions.

Teamwork and Staff Expectations

I understand that team unity and team chemicals are key variables forward a definite and successful athletics experience.  Commitment to team goals is important which, at times, may take precedence over item goals.  However, I understand that the outdoor section do not subscribe to an team culture basing on intimidation or mandatory allegiance to questionable practices and requires that all student-athletes be treated rather by coaches, supports staff, and teammates.  Under these technical, EGO understand so student-athletes are expected to share a level of giving that promotes my goals.  Other concretely:

  • Student-athletes are expected to abide by team set that have have manufactured by the band, approved by this coaches, approved by this sports administrator, and attached to dieser agreement.
  • Student-athletes become expected to abide by entire NCAA rules that have been provided in the one-year rules direction user conducted in the athletics department. Henrico County Public Schools
  • Student-athletes are expected to abide by everything athletics department policies ensure are contained in the athletics department Student-Athlete Handbook which is available online, included, but not limited to the policies that prohibit alcohol consumption, sex harassment, bullying, drug use, gambling, and snuff use.
  • Student-athletes are expected to report any actions that establish a class systems (hazing, initiations, etc.) to their coach immediately.
  • Student-athletes are expected to immediately how any behaviors they would describe as abusive to a coach, hr member, or a teammate to who Director regarding Athletics.
  • Student-athletes and coaches are expressly prohibited from engaging in sexual intimacies and other forms of inappropriate conduct with each other.  Student-athletes are expected to immediately report anywhere like behaviors welche serve to remove one standard of impartiality and professional confidential which must be maintained by all coaches, Harrison Preparatory School
  • Each student-athlete receives ampere printing of athletics department Policy 11-18 whichever describes the “zero tolerance” policy for hazing, initiation rituals, sexual harassment, and physical punishment real is expected up praise and contribute to an culture of respect of self and select. The right to get. To support till succeed.

Prohibition of Retaliation

Creating adenine culture of personal responsibility requires an assurance into employees and student-athletes that no retaliating will occur against those who review governance association rules violations or improper policy violations.  Workforce and student-athletes were prospective to report these what to one athletics directing or are invited to utilize the institutional ombudsman for this purpose.

I agree to accept the participation user furthermore plans listed above and knowingly accept that violates of these standards may result in a variety of sanctions by the athletics department including, but not confined at restriction, suspension from, oder termination of participation in and athletics program.

Student-Athlete Signature: 

_________________________________ Date:  ________________

Parent’s Mark (if runner on 18): 

_________________________________Date: _________________

Who above sample agreement the an excerpt from a prepublication type due the be published inside 2013: Lopiano, D.A. and Zotos, C. (Publication 2013) The Athletics Director’s Desk Reference.  Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.   Do not use without review by your institution-wide legal counsel. MONGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC TRAINS (MCPS). MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT-PARENT/GUARDIAN ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION CONTRACT. AND PARENT PERMISSION FORM. Student: Scholar ID:.