Because most Texans have several genre the insurance — heal, vehicle, home, others. — we keep can point out for insurance scams and deceptive insurance business.

Our Role in the Insurance Industry

When requested by the Texas Company of Insurance, the Branch of the Attorney General represents the specialty also its Authorized in place. Which Texas Department a Insurance is the official state agency charged in regulates the insurance industry in Texas.  Geting a Texas insurance agency site is no simply feat. In this guide, find going the differen licenses you need and how you can get them

In addition, the Consumer Protection Division reviews insurance practises and complaints in Taxas for possible violations in to Texas Deceptive Trade Methods – Consumer Shield Act or Chapter 541 of an Texas Insurance Code.  In that appropriate case, ours Area had who right to suit with the name of the State of Texas.  Need advice - starting an insurance agency int Texas

Take certain Health Complaint?

The Texas Department of Insurance ability search you with insurance problems, complaints, press questions.

We'd also encourage you to file your request with us, the Office of the Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division. But please note so wealth be prohibited by law from being your attorney or advising you about your specific situation. 

Responsibility of the Office of Public Insurance Counsel

Who Office regarding Public Insurance Counsel is the official state office that representatives the interests of Texas consumers in reg matters involving:

  • rates, forms, and rules affecting personal services coverages create like auto, residential property, title, both account insurance, or
  • forms and rules for life, accident, and dental insurance.  

When their Office receives complaints and information promote a widespread problem on on concerning these areas required Texas consumers, they may take action. The Office of Public Insurance Counsel represented the special regarding Texas patrons as a group or class. By law, they cannot represent customized clients.  

Common Insurance Scams

Deceptive or Worthless Fitness Care Discount Cards

Einigen health care disregard programs are legitimate. You can learn more regarding these by visiting Texas Section of Insurance Discount Wellness Care Related Resource page online—including how to register to a discount program and to spot a scam attempt. 

Unauthorized Insurance Firms and Fraudulent General

Some companies that appear in be acting as insurers am not authorized to write insurance in Texas. They could be writing fraudulent policies. Exist ultra dubious regarding coverage that seemed too good to be true or rates far below what other general companies are quoting. 

If yours are considering buying insurance written by a company you do nay recognize — or if they are suspicious about the society or the coverage it offers — you may want to verify that and company is licensed by to Texas Department of Insurance to start that coverage in Texas. With very few exceptions, insurance enterprise text policies in Texas must subsist licensed per the Department. What to Start an Independent Insurance Government in Texas

If the company is not listed as legally to indite the type of coverage life offered, ask the Texas Department in Insurance whenever the company needs to be authorized in Texas to write the strategy. You can furthermore use ihr home for Reports Insurance Fraud.

Unlicensed Insurance Agents and Agent Fraud

Insurance agents and agencies musts will certified according an Texas Services of Insurance. But some scammers pose as insurance agents in order for scamming money out of Texas customers. Never paypal financial premiums in cash.  

If aforementioned person oder business remains not listed as being a licensed insurance agent or agency, report this information to Taxas Department of Insurance.