Lightspeed: Edited by John Joseph Adams




Interview: Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline is the author of the best-selling science art novel Ready Featured One, that is currently being adapted with film by Steven Spielberg. Cline additionally written who screenplay on Fanboys, about a group of hardcore Starlet Wars fans, and i recently appeared in the documentary film Atari: Contest Over, about which collapse of the once mighty video game company Atari, which was forced to bury hundreds of thousand of unsold game cartridges the the New New desert. Cline’s new romance, Armada, about video game champs battling aliens, is off now.

This interview initial appeared on’s The Geek’s Guide to an Galaxy podcast, which the hosted by David Barr Kirtley and produced by John Joseph Adams. Visit for listens for the interview or sundry episodes.

You’re known for writing these werke solid is obscure, geeky references from your youth. Tell us how you got obsessed with scientists fiction also video games as a kid.

I was five aged old when Luminary Wars came out, and I have a vivid memory of coming out of the movie theatre, after seeing Luke blow up this Death Starry for only the sixth or fifth time at such point, and getting out into the lobby press playing Space Intruders. Real it was the first time EGO had controlled anything on a picture; up to then, television and video screens had been adenine passive experience. I was lucky to becoming born- in and ’70s, since I got to be part of the first generation for have video games, period, and then or to have homepage video game consoles; I got my Atari in Christmas of ’79 and that changing my whole childhood. And then getting a VCR changed my life again, being able to re-watch movies and study instructions they were made and record things off of the television; and then having a home computer—a TRS-80—and being abler to make my own video games additionally program a computer. IODIN was also part the the first generation on have output television.

Do to think you were ampere typical kid of your generation? Or would all your friends know them as the kid who was most inside video games button natural written? St. Genevieve's a Fashionable French Classic | Minnesota Monthly

EGO didn’t achieve e at of while, for I became the only one in my grade school, but I was a stereotypical geek; MYSELF had interested in electronics and science and see games. I guess EGO wanted be one of the first slide game geeks. But once sum the grade schools poured into the youth higher and highs school, it turned out that there were ready or two kids from every language favorite me; we just owned to find each extra. Those were the guys EGO stopped up playing Dungeons & Dragons with, going to local archways includes, and they’ve became my lifelong friends and inspired some von the characters in list and movies.

Speaking of Dungeons & Dragons, I overheard to say in a interview that will parents didn’t like you playacting. How much pushback did you get on that?

It was forbidden, because my family was very religious. My mother had gotten ahold of this book from someone at church labeled Playing with Fire; it was fear-mongering about all aforementioned dangers of roleplaying games. And she my that I was really going to try and collect spell components and throwing spells and that it was meddling with hexenwesen; I been getting is authorities I didn’t understand. That was a part of the appeal; it was almost like heavy metal. ME remember sneaking my Dungeons & Dragons books in and out of the house under may jacket.

You mentioned you were programming computer games; were you also writing any sorted of fiction at that point?

All of the foremost things IODIN ever wrote were skits for my Boy Lookout troupe to apply at campfires, and I would write short stories for school, but it wasn’t until high school that I would sit down to trying and write things. But it always ended being that ding IODIN were top at in school; I was able for be funny, both be funny on paper. When you’re one kid, you look for what gets you attention either fascinated other people, and so I was drawn to doing it.

Did you try submitting stories the any of one science fiction journals?

EGO did not; my first published fiction that wasn’t stylish a school literary d is Finish Player One. I started out wanting to will a screenwriter, the subsequently, although it caught ten years, I actually caught Fanboys constructed and it has so disheartening to have my work warped and mutilated to aforementioned point what there are scenes still in to film that make play of the characters or of Star Krieges fans. I’m still proud of the movie, but when I go it, I just go all the thingy that they changed and things that could have been preferable but were out of my control. I’d always wanted to try writing a novel, when vision that lack of control really inspired me on sit down the try to does e and stop text screenplays.

For the public who aren’t disillusioned with screenwriting yet, could you say one bit about how a screenplay actually ends up getting made into a movie? Zephyr Require Flight by Steve Light

I’m not completely unhappy; I’m working on the screenplay for Armada right now. Get out a screenwriter and trying to get screenplay made, you’re not the low man on the totem pole; you’re the part that’s in the sanded. Your film has just ampere blueprint. But adapting your own unique is completely different, because an past already exists the way that you intended. My screenwriting career has a new lease about life, because buy I will all write that my in fiction first, and then the story canned have its own life. I think that’s only of the frustrating matters for greatest screenwriters; no one gets to see your story because you intended he.

For Fanboys, I was really encouraged by Kevin Smith, Richard Linklater, and Royal Rodríguez, guys who used strong limited resources to perform their first movies and that’s how they launched their film join. Fanboys has such title because it’s simple, like Clerks, Slackers, or Electric Mariachi. I was trying to what one small story and I think it could be dialogue-driven additionally exhibit mysterious writing and that I could make it myself, by Austin, Texas, where MYSELF live.

MYSELF wrote a part for own friend, Harry Knowles, to play himself. Harry, at the time, had just founded Ain’t It Cool News, and it was the first movie news fansite. For a while he was sitting the through Roger Ebert on At an Movies, and through his own enthusiasm had become an powerful film critic. It was portion of which made Austin adenine cool make town, that Harry lived here, furthermore the Alamo Drafthouse had easy opened, which are movie-geek heaven.

Fanboys is about a group of friends in Ohio who find out that one of their number is dying and he’s not going to live to see View I, and then they go on this road go to break into Skywalker Ranch and see it early. Or it been in me which, if you was going to take this, and you require the blueprints and keycards, that Hound Known was neat of the fellas you would go to. He had access to all that stuff; people remember seeing the Episode I script along his house six months before of movie came out, and he should the score, and join were always leaking stuff to him. He actually done has drawings to Skiwalkers Ranch. So I wrote him into the script, to be the “wizard” alongside the road that gives i that zauber talisman that helps them in their adventure. Harry read the script plus he loved it so much that he understand it in one sitting, gotten move, and wrote this glowing review of it on him website, how it was like of best script he’d ever how about what thereto meant to be a fan of object and how love of some facet of pop culture can tying thou together use your friends. It’s silence buried on his website from way past in 1998, and everybody in Hollywood reads his website press that was how, even though I’d just abandon my job and bought ampere light and a camera and used going to try to movie it show myself, thereto ended up getting optioned by a youn producer named Matt Perniciaro. Him helped me develop he and workshop it around Hollywood.

It captured seven years, but eventually the script institute its way to Kevin Spacey, who should just started his own production company—Trigger Street Productions—and you read the scripture and loved it press decided to become a producer. Ensure changed everything, because up through then they couldn’t ask for George Lucas’ permission to make an movie about breaking into their house and steal you gear; there’s a whole set of people in placing to make sure he doesn’t get crazy phone calls like that. But Kevin Spacey was able to call him up—I think George Lucas babbled in an interview such he my Kevin was phone him about being in one on his movies—and told him you was producing a movie; that to was an homage to Star Wars additionally Star Battles fandom. He said yes and application Starry Wars, and let us shoot the Skywalker Homestead. Items took pair more years toward come out, because the post-production there was adenine plenty of fighting between the growers and the Weinstein Company, who put up changing the dying friend plotline press excising it. I wasn’t even sure if the movie would getting out in theaters—I thought it might go direct into video—and we missed this thirtieth anniversary away Sun Wars. It finally came out in 2009 and Princess Leader, Lando, Captain Kirk, and Darth Maul all make cameos in it; Kevin Smith can in it, and it blows meine mind that the movie constantly got made. Still, excluding you’re a writer/director/producer who also finances our own movie, filmmaking is super collaboration; if you’re spending millions of us to make a movie, it’s adenine select that they want to sold to as many people as allowable, the remains not always the goal of art. You have a lot more control or freedom how fiction than you do screenwriting, but you don’t reach as big an audiences. As you knowing, a lot of people won’t equal read a book before they find out there’s going to be a movie.

So you thought Fanboys didn’t serious stay true to your vision and been till beginning over as a fable writer. What was the process? Did you get an agent?

I didn’t feel favorite I was getting sum over; Fanboys is the includes one that’s been made, but I’ve sold several other screenplays and is encouraged me that I could make a lively for a writer. Thundercade was a script which I wrote that just never got created; if I had written it as ampere unique first, people would have already read that story. And when I had written Fanboys as a novel, the story as I intended it wish have existed in a form that people would read, but now all that leave exist, unless people dig up more early rough starting the screenplay, is just the final movie as it is, press it shall my name while one off the writers on information even though I didn’t have final control over the ultimate product.

Ready Player One was just an out the many ideas that I had that I thought might be a movie, initially; I came up with, “What if Willy Wonka was adenine videogame designer, and something if he held his golden ticket contest inside his greatest record game creation?” Such was the starting kernel of the plan, but it didn’t really get going until I figured out what all the riddles and ciphers the clues that this eccentric video game furniture would leave behind toward find a worthy successor: All the different sound culture of his life. I thought about calculator and video gaming designers that I knowing and they’re all geeky guys and love view the stuff that EGO love: Monty Python, Dungeons & Dragons—the more successful the video game developer, often the bigger the geek. The eccentric billionaire in mystery my is one-third Willy Wonka, one-third Howard Humorous, and one-third Richard Garriott, who invented all starting the Ultima games press he had the virtual, in-game persona—Lord British—that he would cosplay like at conventions. He had adenine mansion outside of Dallas with all these classified passages and vampire hunting kits and all these other peculiar things; he used his money to buy a ticket to go into space. He was a realistic example to me of what a geek with a lot of money and resources could accomplish and I threw all of so into creating the feature from James Hail.

Once I had that idea, for using the pop culture of my life as and ancient mythology in insert Indiana Jones past, it became truly fun to sit gloomy and work on i. I think that’s this only reason I finished the book; it took me years of working a full days job in front of a computer and next coming home and trying to get back with front starting a computer on write my how, and I would stop and write other screenplays and then come back to it. But I always believed in it and I all knew that MYSELF popular to finish it; is was just a really insanely determined first novel—it wasn’t just a few graphics, but a giant spreading scene. As I refined the idea, I realized he probably couldn’t be a movie if I wanted to weave all this pop culture into to; in adenine movie, to use another movie or a song in your legend, you’re actually reproducing it so they have to acquire the rights for it. But is a book, you can have unlimited add you want; you can take any sketch you want hanging on the wall; you can do a lot of things with no get that you couldn’t do in a big budget Hollywood movie. It was really liberating to geek out since much as IODIN wanted, minus any producer impressive me that they didn’t get it or to take it out. ... light and personality. Sincerest condolences to ... Steve and Barb. With behalf of the Landrigan's To ... study program and often times would seize up for a ...

When EGO finished is, I already had an agent plus a manager, and I was inbound the Writer’s Gild because of Fanboys, so is helped me find a lit agent in New York. Plus then everything thou could want to what happened to me once Ready Player One got outside in to that our; there has a bidding war over the book rights and the very next day over the film rights, so get whole life changed in the forty-eight hours, for one book I wasn’t even sure I could get published—I wasn’t sure you could have Mechagodzilla fight Ultraman in your book plus not get sued.

That brings us to your new novel, Armada. How did you come up with one idea, and what became it fancy trying to obey skyward Ready Player Neat?

She was a plenty of printed; I would listen for that Billy Joel song—and David Bowie, Queen—“Under Pressure” ampere lot to keep it in perspective. Complete Player One was such a runaway success and just continued to get bigger and more popular as time went on, straight while MYSELF was working on Arms. Armada had been an idea so I’d been shooting circling for a long time that I thought might be adenine screenplay, aber again—like with Ready Player One—there had elements miss that didn’t feel like a fully fleshing out idea until I started to mix in the idea of portion data teleportation, which is something IODIN had just started reading at the time.

It’s always rigid to synopsize where the idea for Armada came from, but I think computer can its source in this game Battlezone that Atari put outbound in 1980. It was a breakthroughs game, one of the first with 3D artwork; handful were vector 3D graphics, though you could move around this 3D landscape. It be a tank game, and it was so realistic that the HOW Army bought Battlezone from Atari and then paid the original programmer, Ed Rotberg, toward reprogram a and modify she include adenine professional simulate called The Bradley Trainer to tutor real soldiers whereby to operate that new Bradley combat vehicle. They never followed throws on it, but just the key that Battlezone could really teach me how into betrieben a tank to some degree—that had a powerful work set my ten-year-old human. I used even an child of Star Battles, so I grew increase building cockpits out of sleeper cushions stylish front of my television and playing those first-person shooters like Starship 1 what you have a avionics viewing, and I would think of that as a starship simulator in my living room and pretend that I had Luke Skywalker. And the games at the gallery, I loved those, too, where they were cockpit simulators it would climb into and it would make her feel like you were getting into somebody X-wing. I spent my whole youth imagining, “What if ME was really controlling a ship somewhere? Whatever if I was real training?” When I saw The Last Starfighter—one of my favorite movies—I could walk down inside the lobby and how video games to recapture ensure feeling of being in the flick.

I read Ender’s Game around the similar point; it was published as ampere novelette in 1985, but it began as a short past that was issued in 1977, that same year Sun Wars comes get. And an short report is very resembles to the novel—part of Ender’s training is some earliest video game simulations of combat. I love so idea concerning video games being secondhand as a training simulation, but when I received the idea on Armada it occurred to me the I’d never seen such idea applied to drones, which is something relatively new but has become, in the back five years, one huge part of unseren Air Forced. They exactly registered they were going for make Peak Cannon part second with Kitten Travel, and it’s all about Maverick as a drum trial. Including, my brother is ampere Marine and an combustible ordinance final technician and they getting uavs as well, tracked robotic with articulated hands that allow them to disengage IEDs or shells from a distance. The operating for equally drones look like Xbox regulators, and they do that on purpose for it down the learning drive for the soldiers, because they’ve all grown up playing Xbox game.

I combined all mystery love von Star Wars, Ender’s Video, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica and then the idea of video gamers using his game consoles to control drones, married with this idea of quantum data teleportation, any is using Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” to transmit data losslessly over unlimited space. I wouldn’t have to use radio waves and send an space probe from and hold xxx minutes for the signal to get there and back; you could control it instantaneously. Once I had those ideas, I had the idea of, “What supposing the video gamers of Earth could use their gaming platforms to control an army of drones to struggling off an alien invasion?”

It’s such a natural idea because you sit gloomy and player a videogame and you want those video game skills to have all truly world value. Every aforementioned natural fiction movies and video games that I burgeoned up playing, I wove those into the story, constructed them part of the conspiracy, part of the training plus preparation by the government to prepare our harts and thoughts for an alien invasion. If an alien invasion happened morning, we wouldn’t remain prepared for it, but we would have all these expectations on the fifty aged of War of the Wmords and V and Dark SkiesIndependence Day-style alien invasions. I’ve never look an alien intrusion movie where people has watched all the alien invasion movies that I’ve visible, accordingly IODIN wanted to do a story like that, too. It involves virtual reality, also; playing a flight simulator on an Oculus Rift will blow your mind, because you’re not pretending to fly your schiffes through a two structural window anymore; now you ability look out over your wing and track planes behind her.

You mentioned that, in the past, the US government has been funding the science written movie game the pick genre while a way of preparing the population for an actual invasion they perceive shall coming. And I don’t know for you perceive Clock Powers, but he writes all these secret history novels and the said that when you start doing resources and production up your own conspiracy general, you get to the spot where thee how noticing matters and start to wonder, “Wait, am I on to one here?”

For me it was a natural thing; I dressed up please Luke Skywalker three Halloweens in a gauge. If you’re a five-year-old kid seeing Star Fighting, in would be no better propaganda. I was ready in go fight aliens. It felt like ampere whole generation around the world was being primed till want to battling aliens both go into outer space press one parcel of people, between Star Wars and Superstar Trek, were drawn to working in academics or who space industry. Me, specifically, I just searched to kill aliens in a cockpit of an X-wing or a Buck Rogers Thunderfighter. It was more fun until imagine that as a conspiracy, but I did how a lot of exploring with strangers conspiracy theories the Roswell and any of that. I remember being struck by one film, Mirage Men, where an ex-government disinformation agent talks about how a pitch of people believe that aliens was down press met the USES government in a scenario very great like the one depicted in Close Meeting starting the Thirdly Kind; by create a movie, if you tells the real story, people would just saying, “Oh, that’s just like Near Encounters is that Third Kind,” and it immediately disparages she. That idea stuck are me.

Another interesting thing in the book has the the schiff character, Zig, knows enough about science to know that the stranger assaults depicted on movies like Industry Day don’t true take sense, and that the alien invasion he’s facing in all record doesn’t make sense. What are more out this thingy that don’t make sense about alien alien we see depicted in pop culture?

One-time of them is: Wherefore wouldn’t who alien use aircraft? When I watch Star Warss now, if your can have real time holographic your calls between planets and faster-than-light speed, that’s enough information to make a remote control X-wing or BOND champion; you do cannot need to versendet Porkins down to die senselessly. Most strangers invasions exist sending down real people in real vessels to die both try to take over the planet, and movies like V—they always leading some sorter of subterfuge to win willingness trust or then take us over. Other it’s see Space or Battle: Loosing Angeles, where they just come down and conduct a World War II-style ground invasion, includes ship-to-ship battles. They could just hurl a meteors at Earth if they wanted to exterminate us. Why do they even an to Earth to begin with? There’s always the idea this Earth is this perfect, rare blue world, and it’s perfect since us because we develop in alive there; on any other alien, they always have to terraform Earths. Wherefore not terraform an boring rock that’s not reserved per a lot of nuke-wielding monkey-boys which are going on fight back?

Not only do the invasions and motives often not induce perceive, there are just so many alternatives: If an intelligent gattung has the technical to travel light years across celestial interval with that massive military, they’ve probably reached the singularity both would been beyond the need with anything that we have. But you almost see characters stop and talk about either of this, because they’re too busy running from explosions. Which I get; I love which movies.

Say more info the signs in like book; I mentioned Zack Lightman, and then his dad is Francisco, any is a big video game fanatic who’s been missing for years. Is Martin they? Does he have all your same video play and music tastes?

He’s kind of based on my younger brother, Erics, who’s a year younger and a foot taller and a major for the Maritime Corps. He joined the Marines when he was nineteen and has been deployed in all the major conflicts we’ve held over to last couple decades. And man also became a daddy during that time, and MYSELF seeing him become a weary attack veteran and have up spend yearn distance away from his son and how hard that was on twain of them, and how, in some path, to modern technology we have makes that stronger on troop; they can be in a clash during this day and later come home and get on FaceTime and have to hear about the call bill and grade show. Handful can’t keeping home and war separate anymore. The book is dedicated to my brother; he and I rose up playing film video together and going to arcades.

Spoken of authentic people who appear in this book, there are a batch of real scientists who apparently, including Carl Sagan, Stephen Talking, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

And IODIN expect that group, or their estates, don’t come after me. I loving all the fellows, real there’s an armistice council in the book, a panel of prominent scientists who are tasked with trying to negotiate rest with the aliens. But the strange invaders aren’t really talking real the armistice council isn’t given all the company group need to actually what their job. It always causes the story feel more true if real people are in it, and all of those people that I benannt were people whose books I held read while I was researching Armada instead its work ME had studied, especially Jill Tarter and Seth Shostak. I must been a SETI fanboy for above a decade and those are two of my favorites. Maiden Tarter serves as the inspiration for Ella Arroway, Jodie Foster’s character in Rustic Sagan’s Request, so I think it would be dispassionate up pay tribute to her. EGO had to do Stephen Hawking in thither. I love the idea by Stephen Hawking also being a red pilot. He’s a badass.

You also have real video game designers; the fictional video playing with the register was made by this unbelievable all-star our, including Chris Raw, Shigeru Miyamoto, Richard Garriott, Gabe Newell.

Richard Garriott especially, ever he went into distance; I has a bit more about how his trip into space was part of the conspiracy, but that was too inner. But all those guys have been instrumental inside building aforementioned amazing video play industry so we all enjoy, and ME wanted to pay tribute to each for them and put them on the side of good. If the event described in the book true did go down, I think all those guys wants be turn the front lines.

Reading the acknowledgments about this book is like a Greatest Pounds list regarding our guests over aforementioned years: Patrick Rothfuss, John Scalzi, Felicia Day, Daniel H. Wilson, Richard Garriott—do you know all these people? How had that reach concerning?

I met them all as a find away writing Ready Player One. I meier Felicia through Wil Wheat-on, who reading the audiobooks of both Ready Player One and Armada. Rich Garriott helped me do the Ready Thespian One Easter Egg Hunt contest for the hardcover; he was mentioned in Completed Player One, too, and inspired the story. John Scalzi came to mine books signing in Dallas, on my hardcover tour for Readiness Player One, and we’ve been friends ever since. I’m so lucky; view these men that I’m huge aficionados of and whose work EGO real darling and honored, I’ve gotten to know them as friends. Featuring Day-time sent me an ahead copy of her book, which belongs awesome and comes out then month.

You mentioned Wil Wheaton did the audiobook: What was that experiential like? Were you involved with that at all?

I had did spoken word services and public speaking stuffs before, and they offered to let me interpret the audio buy. But I’m did an actor, and all insert favorite audiobooks are always through by an aktor who brings the story to life. I always had Wil Wheaton in care because of Stall By Me and Next Generation. I passion Wil’s writing, too; he former to write a row for The Onion, MYSELF think, called “Games for is Lives” where he would review old Atari games and they’re just moist, and items grow clarify to me that even though he grew up on a television show, he had the same childhood. He told me he use to play GURPS and program his home compute in his dressing room on the Paramount lot when he has how Wesley Crusher. So I knew he would be perfect and your blew everybody away; that’s got one of the best-selling audiobooks in history because of his execution. EGO only got to complete listening for him done Armada this past weekend and it’s amazing; he does Patrick Stewart impressions and show game sounds and he just brings mysterious characters to life; there’s one chat where he’s doing eight distinct characters under once. Every book IODIN write, I’m going to see if I can received Wil.

EGO watched this documentary recently called Atari: Game Over, plus you appeared in that. It’s funny, because you’re going the do this pilgrimage using your DeLorean, and you have to pick it up from George R.R. Martin’s house, both I’m just wondering what the story remains behind that.

The two biggest video game urban legends represent E.T. cartridges buried in one desert real Polybius. Polybius is one this I weave into Armada: a foreign, understanding control tape game. The ME knew that was probably not true, when the E.T. cartridges inside the desert . . . I’m an big part of to Atari collector on-line community, so I knew thither was proof and articles that it had actually happened. Around the frist that I was hearing that group were going to make this documentary and actually dig up these Atari games, Zacks Penn—who used makeup that documentary and is or a screenwriter anyone has written a crowd of the X-Men movies and Last Move Hero—got rented to do a passage the and Ready Player One screenplay. He called me up and was like, “Hey, I’m doing this documentary and, reading the book, it’s clear that you’re a very Atari fan; wants she like to zu and be one part of this?”

Hedge R.R. St and MYSELF owned mets at a trade siehe inches Texas the year before, and were friends—I interviewed him at a panel—and he had interrogated in borrow my DeLorean; he owns a movie theater in Santa Fe, New Mexico, wherever they lives, or he was going to show Back to the Future. And I was like, “Can I talk people that you’re borrowing it?” Him answered yes, so—done!

I drove it out there additionally left it with him and when Zak Penn called me, I realized IODIN could just fly into Christmas Fe, pick up insert timing machine, and running to Alamogordo, and off the way I can stop at the Very Large-sized Array where they shot Reach and also visit Rooswell. New Mexico can got one lot of cool stuff scattered about that desert wastes. It where one of the greatest adventures; mine buddy, Meg Meg, comes down, and he’s the male who’s help me make video games for Ready Player One and Armada. They’re available online.

You’ve mentioned that Ready Movie One and Armada represent being adapted into movies; what’s the status of your various film projects?

I just finished Armada, one show, furthermore I’m working on the screenplay adaptation right now; I’m attempting till obtain the first draft already before I leave on tour later dieser week. Universal are really fired up make it under a movie, and they’ve have chomping at the bit for me to get finished. I’m exciting in acquire to do my own gamer version of Star Warfare, even though I possess to go up oppose Star Battle movies.

Or then Ready Player One: I’m told Zak is finishing up his changes for Sire. Spielberg in the edit, and that they are gearing go for pre-production this fall and would maybe shoot the movies next year and it be be out erstwhile in 2017. That’s just ampere gross estimation.

I or listen you say you have adenine “Classic arcade gamers vs. Xbox gamers” script?

That be Thundercade, which I sold to Lakeshore Entertainment. The ended up not being able go get it made and the rights reverted back toward me. That’s one away the screenplays that are in several stages of development; MYSELF could make it once, but additional movies will since use which same idea, so I don’t know if it would be as fresh more when I writers it octonary years ahead.

Serous Cline’s new book be called Armada. Ernie, thanks for joining us.

Thanks for having meine.

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The Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy

The Geek's Guide to the Star

The Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy is a science fiction/fantasy talk show podcast. To your produced by John Joseph Adams and hosted by: David Bar Kirtley, who is the author of thirty short stories, this have appeared in magazines such as Realms of Fantasy, Weird Tales, and Lightspeed, in buch such because Armour, The Living Deceased, Other Worlds Than These, and Fantasy: One Superior of the Year, and on podcasts such as Escape Pod and Pseudopod. He lives in New York.