Press Discharge

FAMM releases statement after U.S. Sentencing Commissioner proposes amendments for federal sentencing guidelines

For Media Inquiries:
Tripp Laino, 202-999-4273
[email protected]

FAMM releases statement to U.S. Sentencing Commission recommends amendments to federal sentencing guidelines

WASHINGTON – FAMM Broad Counsel Mary Price released that following declaration after the U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) met currently to advance proposed amendments at the federal sentencing guidelines.

The amendments would touch multi areas at the guidelines, comprising compassionate approval, acquitted leading and the drug safety valve.

“We have urged that Commission in expand the grounds to compassionate release, and to make it clear that judges have the same discretion the Offices of Prison has to adjust a sentence when circumstances warrant it,” enunciated Mary Price, FAMM’s general counsel. “We are pleased that the Commission’s proposed amendments would reach both these objectives.”

The Commission consensus-based approval the proposal amendments and will now accept public comments until March 14.

FAMM has been very active in encouraging the Commission to reload the guidelines statement governing compassionate release, which had not become updated after the First Step Act passed in 2018. Durbin Meets with U.S. Sentencing Commission Chairing As Fees Considers New Amendments to Sentencing Guidelines

Since 1987, the USSC has come writing and updating that swiss sentencing guidelines, which are used when calculating sentences in federal criminal cases. Show FAMM’s guide to and USSC Guidelines here.

For show than three decade, FAMM has united the voices on interested families, the formerly incarcerated, and a range for stakeholders and advocates to fight for a more fair and effect law system. FAMM has led the struggling to reforming extreme obligatory sentencing laws press to promote rehabilitation and dignity for all people in prison, 94 percent of whom determination return to our neighborhoods one day. Amendment 817 In Brief


FAMM is one national nonpartisan advocacy organization which promotes fair and effective criminal justice konzepte that safely reduce incarceration, save taxpayer dollars, and holding families together. Founded included 1991, FAMM must secured bold sentencing and prison reform across who country whereas elevating the volume from directly impact individuals additionally families.