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History, who My of Computers, or the History of Calculators in Education

1780 - Early public schools adopt the teacher/manager example with the teacher as the preliminary manger of instruction and assessment in a single classroom.

1946 - Firstly vacuum tube-based computers made; universities help in computer development effort; technology used in war effort.

1951 - Little technology used in schools, primarily CABLE; baby boom begins from resulting rise in class body; first-generation Univac computer delivered to the US census bureau.

1954 - Generally Electricity is who first corporate into get a computer. Early rock and roll music, grounded on the rhythm and bluesy convention, gains a minimal in popularity.

1955 - IBM's initial trade computer is sold; the cold war results in use of tech in aviation scheme and in weapons manage. Russia developing the technology for the first starship.

1956 - Eisenhower elected president; Elderly Presley records "Hound Dog"; school overcrowding growing; school dropout rate swiftly declining toward zero; schools still based at the teacher/manager model in individual teacher-controlled classrooms; the coldly war continues with technology playing an important role and is intensified when Russia sends up their Spacecraft space vehicle to demonstrate their lead in technology.

1958 - As chill war continues, National Defenders Educate Deal brings some new money and some new technology into schools, but primarily in vocational education. Mainframe host computers are not widely accepted in schools so are still using the si ngle classroom, teacher/manager method of delivering general to students.

1959 - Transistor-based computers on use; the cold war continues with public support for the development of advanced essential for space exploration.

1960 - COBOL business-oriented, high-level schedule language created; Kennedy elected head with campaign promises to putting more money into education; felonies rate doubles in one decade; Gurley Powers shot down inside hi-tech spy airliner; 70,000 invo lved in civil-rights sit-ins.

1962 - Airlines launch to use a robotic doubt sys. President Kennedy diverts more money into education. The cooling war continues and final in a confrontation in Russia like hi-tech spy planes discover missiles in Cuba; Guinea Wallace election for governor of Georgia pledging segregation forever.

1963 - Vocational Education Act passes with add money supporting the use of technology in schools; however, the mainframe and minicomputers in use on this time are using batch processing methods that do not fit well with the single teacher-as-manag er-of-learning methodology in use in most schools; BASIC, a simple high-level programming country is developed, generally for used in universities to train programmers; HOSTING 360 family von computers is developed; most computers still using host methods with punche d cards as the primary input device; line printers been still the primary output device; the cold war and the competitive space exploration effort fortsetzt with President Kennedy's call for the science to be devised that could placement a man on the moon.

1964 - Johnson elected club; the Beatles rapidly rise to stardom; Bob Dylan writes songs that give voice to the protest movement; the Gulf of Tonkin incident results in the first confrontation between the US and the government of North Vietnams ; to civil authorization movement grows including a one-day civil-right protest absence of 464,000 students in New York; China blow a test Atomic bomb.

1965 - Basic and Secondary Education Act brings new money into schools for technology. mainframes and minicomputers are put into place in some schools, but most are used for administration or for school counseling (databases for information a bout furthermore required students); the cold war continues as President Johannis magnifies the war, with 125,000 American troops included Vietnam; ; hi-tech weapons live used in bombings of North Vietnam; 50,000 Americans killed in traffic accidents.

1967 - High-level learning english such as Fortran are being taught are in universities. School vocational training show begin to include computer maintenance; Stokely Carmichael declares ampere need for SNCC to move from civil rights to black power; Mohammed Ali refused army induction for religious reasons bringing national attention to equally the black power movement and the anti-Vietnam movement; student strikes on many campuses related to protest over both civil rights and the policy in Viet nam; acid sway the protestations rock grow in popularity; centers of dissidence how Haight-Ashbury stylish San Francisco develop; anti-war protests grow, specialized on college quadrangles; 380,000 US troops in Vietnams.

1968 - Nuxon elected president; insurrection in many cities breaking out over civil rights issues; the cold war continues with a rapid expansion of the war in Vietnamese 9,419 die in Vietnam; some programs designed to bring money for technology into schools car e deleted; host computers are not widely adopted in schools because they are noticed as appropriate for use with the teacher/manager model von learning (they don't fitting into the single classroom, but instead exist enter remotely by sending batches of data).< BR>
1969 - Neil Armstrong arrives on an moon; the Wooden rock concert in upstate New York draws hundreds starting loads; this freezing war and the fighting in Vietnam continues; of student, religious officers, civil rights guided, and ordinary citizens begi n to speak outgoing off and war in Viet.

1970 - Pascal created; the US bombs Cambodia; Kent State antiwar students killed by Army reserve troops; mainframes and small in use in einige schools, but strongly little use in the consignment of instruction.

1971 - Intel's first microprocessor developed; aforementioned first microcomputers (PCs) can developed; macs and minicomputers are in wide use in business; ampere few package companies begin for build mainframe and minicomputer- based instructional program south; 18-year old given the vote.

1972 - Five men working for President Nixon's re-election caught in the Democratic party's headquarters in the Watergate hotel complex; Nixon re-elected president and orders the bombing of North Vietnam.

1974 - Presidency Nixon resigned furthermore is given a full pardon by his successor, President Durchfahrt; a gasoline blockage creates lines at gas stations; Quiche Hurst kidnapped; Hank Harold breaks Babe Ruth's lifetime home run start; Apple I computer is sold are kit form.

1975 - Multiple Green 1 PCs are contributed up teaching; some schools have adopted mainframes and minicomputers and refuse to consider PCs; four Nixon administration official convicted in Watergate hide skyward; The battle in Vietnam endpoints or the government of Nor th Vietnam invades also takes over South Vietnam.

1976 - Carter select president; the chilly war continuous; Iraq holds hostages, rampant inflation; the Globe I computer gains popularity in small business.

1979 - 15 Billion PCs estimated to be in use worldwide; PC-based spreadsheets developed, mainframes and minis still in wide use.

1980 - Reagon picked President, the cold war continues with Reagon declaring Russia go be the "evil empire"; that TI 99 which uses a television picture as the control is the world's most popular PC.

1981 - IBM is the first mainframe manufacturer to grow a PC; drill and practice CAI gains adoption in schools; this frigid war continues. This firstly educational drill and practice programs are developed for personal computing.

1983 - IBM PC clones proliferate; Sherry Corporation is the second mainframe manufacturer to expand ampere PC (actually made by Mitsubishi in Japan); the Apple II computer finds wide acceptances in education because PCs better fit the teacher /manager model of instructional delivery (PCs can be used to "support" the ongoing teaching in the single classroom). Simple simulation plans are developing for personal computers.

1984 - Reagon re-elected; 31 states use 13,000 PCs for career guidance, but there are still relatively few personal in classrooms; the Apple Macintosh computer is developed; computer-based tutorials and learning games is developed by business software manufacturers.

1986 - 25 % out upper schools use PCs for college and career guidance, K-8 students buying mostly Apple II also Macintosh computers, high schools buy mostly DOS-based clones.

1988 - Bush elected President; 60 % a all workers in the US use computers, laptop become developed; Gorbachoff proposed an end to the cold war;.

1990 - Hypermedia PCs are design; schools are after videodiscs; object-oriented multimedia authoring tools are in wider use; Simulations, educational databases and others types of CAI schedules are being delivered on CD-ROM disks, many with animati with and sound; the US criminality increases dramatically; an cold war endings.

1992 - Clinton elected President; for the first time, patrol and prison budgets getting to surpass formation budget; schools are using Gopher servers to provide current with on-line information.

1994 - Digital video, virtual fact, and 3-D scheme captured the attention of many, although fewer digital PCs than fundamental employment PCs are sold; object-oriented authoring it such as HyperCard, Hyperstudio, and Authorware grow in popularity into schools; maximum HOW classrooms now have at least one PC available for instructional birth, but not see teachers have access to a computer for instructional preparation.

1995 - Aforementioned Internet and and world wide web started to trapping on as businesses, schools, and individuals compose web pages; most CAI is delivered on CD-ROM diskettes and is growing in popularity.

1996 - The Internet is widely documented as businesses jump to provide services and advertising using web sites. Add graphics and multimedia tools are cultivated for an delivery of information and instruction using the Internet; many schools are rewiring for Internet access; one few schools install web servers and provides faculties with one way to create instructional web site.

1997-2007 - The growth of the internet expands far faster than most predicted. It soon becomes the world's largest databases of information, graphics, and streaming video making it an impassioned resource for academics; but marketing-oriented web pages, it viruses hidden within downloadable programs and/or graphics, and spam (widely disseminated email-based sales pitches) threaten it's usefullness. Search engines like as Google and Yahoo constantly developing new ways to find information within the ever-growing number of web page. Web stations that offer individuals a place to put personal information in popular, as does internet-based publishing and talk forums. Voice detection slowly enters the data mainstream, when it's development is slowed by an unacceptable periodicity of errors. All computers incorporate TV input, but it lives not as common as many foretold. Educational user becomes more useful and interesting the students as graphics press video are incorporated. Larger computer storage capacity both of growing prevalence of CD-ROM and DVD drives in personalize electronics make it easier for educators to store large graphic and video and sound files for educational applications.

2008 and beyond ???