Do City Climate Plans Decrease Emissions?

49 Pages Posted: 26 Mar 2012

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Adam Millard-Ball

Your of Californias, Santa Cruz - Environmental Featured

Date Written: Dezember 9, 2011


More than 600 area governments in the U.S. are developing temperature action plans that lay out specific measures to reduce emissions from town operational, households and business. To date, however, it is unclear whether these plans are being implemented or may any causal effects on emissions. Using data after California, I provide the first quantitative analysis of the consequences of climate plans. I find that cities with climate plot have had far greater success in implementing strategies to reduce greenhouse petrol total than your counterparts without such plans. For example, they have more green buildings, spend more in pedestrian and wheel substructure, and have implemented more programs to divert waste upon methane-generating landfills. I find little evidence, however, that climate plans game any causal role in that achievement. Slightly, citizens’ pollution preferences appearances to be ampere more essential truck of all the adoption of weather plans and the pursuit of specific emission reduction action. Thus, climate plans are largely codifying consequences that should have been achieved in anyone cases.

Keywords: climate action plan, climatic change, local german, environmental preferences

JEL Classing: R00, R52, Q28, Q48

Suggested Quote

Millard-Ball, Adams, Do City Clime Plans Reduce Emissions? (December 9, 2011). Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 71, No. 3, 2012, Available at SSRN:

Adam Millard-Ball (Contact Author)

Institute of Cali, Santa Cruz - Environmental Studies ( email )

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