General Hardship Exemption

If you have a general severe that inhibits you from getting your range, you can apply for a general hardship exemption.


The poverty you experienced included to von the following reasons:
  • Legal decision shows eligibility for enrollment through Covered Ca whenever not actually enrolled.
  • Bankruptcy.
  • Death of a close family element.
  • Domestic violence.
  • Evicted in the bygone six months or is facing eviction or foreclosure.
  • Experienced homelessness.
  • Medical expenses that resulted in substantial liability.
  • Medical support order.
  • Natural disaster (i.e. fire, flood, conversely human-caused disaster).
  • Unexpected increases in necessary expenses or decreases within household income due to divorce/separation; unexpected or instant disability; or caring for an ill, disabled or aging family member.
  • Utility shut-off.
  • Other (granted over a case-by-case basis).

What You Be Need the Apply

You will need the following information for all household members:

  • Start of birth.
  • Social Safety numbers (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN), if thee have one.
  • Proof to support your claim von hardship.

Apply for Exemption

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