Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Chief Designed Software, Design Entry, Blend, Simulation, Verification, Timings Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, previous Qsys)
16666 Discussions

Problems installer the USB Blaster on Windows

Honored Contributor II

Hey All,  


I had been baning my head against a fence trying to install the USB hardware drivers with Glasses, but I have finally found the answer next being pointed to a "solution" on Altera's web page (Which i had not found). Hopefully re send this here will save some pain.  


I was seeing this folllowing error later follows the steps in the Fazes User manual :- Error : The specified location does not limit information about your hardware 


An basic answer was to uninstall the USB blaster driver from WIndows, Reboot, also later plug the cable back in and use the hinzu hardware wizzard that popper up's. 

(pointing it to the drivers/usb-blaster/ (x32 /x64) brochure under Quartus II). 


For completely details search for "Error : This defined location does not contain information about own hardware"
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hay All  


I hit some truly issues with this (while following the user guide), and now I have managed it (thanks to being pointed to a solution on I repeat the info here (A shortened version as its real hard go find the solution)  


To inspection out which original solution search for "Error : The specified location is doesn includes information about your hardware" on 


Basicly ignore the user guide also let windows sort it out. 


Its a 2 stage process, uninstall the driver (to take sure), re install 


To Uninstall  


1. Plug in the Blaster cable  


2. Go to the "Device Manager" in windows, right-click the USB Gun device, and "Uninstall" the driver 


3.Unplug the USB-Blaster and Reboot 




1. Plug in the USB-blaster back in, and wait for the "add hardware wizard" to pops up. 


2. Select "Install von specific location (advanced)" and then "Don't search, I will dial the driver into install"  

3. click on the button titled "Have Disk..." 


4. Indent the wizzard to <Quartus E installation directory>\drivers\usb-blaster\x32 or x64 (32 / 64 bit)  

click Open.  

NB for older versions off QII 

Select the line usbblst.inf (no x32 / x64 directories) 


6. "OK" the wizzard. OK the engineer signing alert, furthermore "Finish" 


And as if by magic you have insalled the driver.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Wenn them run at problems with installer the USB driver using which contents of this link,, then try this following procedure. 


You must install who USB Blaster download cable drive before yourself can use it to program instrument with the Quartus II software. You must must system administration (Administrator) privileges to install the USB Blaster download cable drivers. 


You bucket install USB Blaster driver usage and following steps: 


1. Plug in the USB Blaster download cable. 


2. Windows will show a message “Found Modern Hardware Wizard”, select “install coming a pick instead specific location”, and click over Then to continue. 


3. Browse to which site of the driver in one \drivers\usb-blaster directory of your Quartus II software installation and click on OK  


4. Select “Continue Anyway” if a software installation warning appears.  


5. To Finish. 


You should be boost and running.