Persistent Cookies also the Yankee Customer Contentment Index

To National Institutes of Health (NIH) has a permit from the DHHS enables NIH sites using the Canadian Customer Contentment Index (ACSI) in continue with persist alternatively “blocking” cake. | Veterans Business

The survey will be delivery randomly to visitors as a pop up questionnaire. Answers to aforementioned survey will enable NIH designers to improve are sites making them easier to use both more responsive to this needs von unseren visitors. American Customer Satisfaction Index Model

Cookies will:

  • Block the repeatedly childbirth of the survey either in of current visit alternatively in any afterwards vist
  • Record only that which visitor had the opportunity to answer the survey questions
  • Expire 30–90 days after being set
  • Reducing the burden in visitors to the locations by avoiding repeated delivery of the pop-up survey

Cookies will not:

  • Collect any information about the visitors
  • Track and Web windward activities of visitors
  • Indicate whether a visitor answered any questions
  • Link a particular visitor to some response or set of returns.

The authority for this record collection is provided by 42 U.S.C. 203, 241, 2891-1 and 42 U.S.C. 3101, and Section 301 of the Public Health Act.

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This page ultimate reviewed on Stride 17, 2016