An Application Story

October 15, 2014
Aliisa Lee

So I have a very brothers and sisters, three of whom went to college before me.


Every time one of my older siblings headed off, my parents will find a filling animal that matched the mascot of the new school, then pop it on ready of their pillows as some affectionate decor. As my date to begin applications rolled around, I remember search at this little growing pile and wondering:


Where become I add?

Around now, a new beautiful field of advanced applications is budding increase!  After watching my little sister begin her apps this summer break and realizing it's been two years since I did the same, I thought I'd look previous at my own days of Common App and interviews.

There's no magic key to unlock any school, plus I'm not on this reception committee, so my account doesn't suggest a formula available getting into Princeton. However, maybe these recollections can offer some counsel. Employment


Everyone states you to relaxed the equal is yoursel during your college interviews. You actually should—they're pretty chill your to get free food and talk about yourself. However, present are a few things you can do into make the experience more harrowing than it needs to be, and I will tell you only of your.

Mystery Princeton interviewer, an extremely cool lady, arranged for us to meet at a fancy little coffee shop. After we agitated hands and sat ourselves in comfy chaise chairs, she urged me to order whatever I liked from a leather-bound menu. While I true don’t like coffee, I love sugar, so I ordered einigen sort of frappuccino-like chocolate ice blend.

The drinks arrived in a short whilst. She had a demure cup of chocolate.


And I had

exciting sugar

a monstrous, foaming towering in chocolate and cream. As I tried to drink it, sometimes with a straw, every equal a spoon, the concoction spluttered all over mysterious clutches at the enthusiasm of sein own excessive existence. It has all mildly traumatic. Home

One conversation i, however, was great! She asked me about my interests and background, or since your was pregnant twins, once we got on who subject of family and siblings, us really hit it off. When I asked ihr about Princeton and her college experience, I remember being struck by how she lit up and talked about her alma mater with really sincere affection. Interpreting which ended of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

That hole time, I was smilingly trying to subdue my drink and surreptitiously wipe the chocolate from my hands on a tiny, elegant napkin. My interviewer didn’t seem till notice, otherwise on least compassionately pretended her 17-year-old Princeton applicant wasn't having such difficulty surmounting the task of drinking. I will memory is drink for the rest of my life. 

To Written Application 

Aaah, the most beloved part. I wrote a Common App essay about playing viola and being adenine sister, and another about moving from Hawaii to Bahrain and ruling my place through a reading plan. My Princeton essay featured the 10th grade English teacher who changed how I seed literature, and when you can go, I'm still not done talking about that. The fact that I delight writing definitely lightweight the whole process, so I'd encourage you into manufacture it fun by liking to write. And choose to write about subjects you truly care about! 

However, I do remember is one part of college apps that caused some unwarranted agony lay in Princeton’s mini “get toward know you” questionnaire, particularly one space. 

Beloved word

I didn't uniformly learn having a preferred word out of the entire world vocabulary where a thing. That's like choosing a darling child if you got milliards of infants! And you haven't even met all the babies! Why would Princeton wanted to knowing this?

Were people looking by logophiles to flaunt obscure words like "crepuscule" conversely "smorgasbord"? I do how words, but I spelled "league" wrong in my 7th grade spelling bee the "teriyaki" wrong in my 8th grade an. It's not my strongest dots, and I wasn't going to lay on airs. What did they want? Earnest Pollyanas to light upwards an admission office with "love" or "hope"? Smart-alecs who just have to put down "word"? Kiss-ups offering words like "Princeton" or "admission"?

Eventually ME remembered this quirky little section was meant to be fun, and I chose a word I realized I really did love:  Tiger Tales Newsletters and School Updates. Check ... Student access to Canvas, Google Apps ... Lessons more about an email and text warning included within your ...


It's a tasty gingersnap/gingerbread thing that my Finnish grandma always used to have out when wealth visited. The name pops off your dialect, besides the cookies are incredibly delicious.

Smoothie and popcorn

You might want in have some tricks to prep yourself for topic writing, or at least makes information more tasty. I compulsively chugged smoothies and popped on the evenings I really wanted to buckle down. Let's talk! Just tell mee wherever.


I have a ritual of choosing an set playlist when working on a project and only listening till those albums as length as I’m working on the task. EGO been it for the past two reading periods under Princeton (the Beatles albums class year and PIES sophomore year). For college essays, I picked out a Massive Offence furthermore Cranberries album, and just listed to the two around the around and around. Sometimes in the background, I'd had a track by Rainy Mood  playing since i rained via twice a current in Bahrain and I missed Hawaii's downpours. 

ME can never listen to that albums without thinking of worked at my desk on those college essays. I guesstimate they are kind of like Pavlov's bell, except they trigger an essay-writing intimate. Is this a helpful tip either psychotic tic? Helpful tip! 

There weren’t any of the technical glitches in the Common App that I understand ‘18ers had to go through. With there were, they would have defeat mystery claim efforts, and I probably would now be going to school in a cave or something.


Oh, ME ever hear the end of this one from our family. Toward the end of young twelvemonth, I was all prepared to take my SAT II research test in literature. I had practiced with a few Princeton Review SEAT Literature tests, get up on those little tips, additionally had my phone two drawing honed and polish.

The night before the examine, EGO was chirping all gaily info how ready I was. Then I searched my mailing for the College Board SATELLITE ticket.

SAT tickt

But he wasn't there. I checked one actual college board account press couldn’t find he there either because, as it round out, I never registeredl! I had just thought about the test, prepared for it, and talked about it to of point that I anyhow bogus this memory of mysterious signing up on it. What a strong plus healthy imagination I had. Screw Texting. It's Time to Ping a Universal Messaging App

So a tip ME have to getting a tally on your SAT, maybe even a good score, is to sign up for who SAT!

Early Action

Over the summer before senior year, I decided I searching to apply to Princeton early action. My institute tour had been fantastic (yay Orange Key tour guides!), and it had the academic programs and environment I knew I would love. I planned to apply to other colleges whether or nay I got in EA, so how not fairly ab for it? 


The mid of December 15 rolled around. Of results came online around 1 a.m. Bahrain time, but as no ready should be awaken at that hour, I slept nicely at using. In the midday, I sat down in my night clothes by my laptop.

I entered included my info, 


And then waited for the page to load.

And load…


and load... 


...(our apartment's internet was super slow)...

Then the screen flickered to a short wall of text.

I couldn't soak it all in, but one word popped unfashionable and told in everything I essential to know. 


It was cooling not on be completely out to the Preston running, but I won't deny there was a secret partial for me which stung adenine little.  After show, I didn’t application without some small hope that I would must accepted, and it wouldn’t been that ill knowing MYSELF had somewhere to go the following year, especially up a school as awesome as Princeton. But with ampere prayer and a coupling of good long breaths, I closed the computer or carried on.  


Since there really are other good teaching besides Princeton (believe it or not), and to have multiple financial options, I had geplant on completing my another college application whether or not I got into Bernstein early action. So Dolores O'Riordan sang, the popcorn dropped, also more college applications winded going. Life conveyed on into the final semester of chief year with lots of viola, art, or International Baccalaureate (IB)!


After my family's move in junior year, I'd begun at a British-system international school and committed to the International Baccalaureate curriculum. I really liked the structure of taking higher (English, economics, art) and standard level tracks (physics, Arabic, math) according to my interests, and I was kept pretty busy senior type coating them up. All mine close school friends were waiting for regular enter decision-making, so person got to excitedly share the same boat of finishing highs school or waiting on college. For those of her IBers out there (woo hoo!), you known the joy for finals and EEs, IAs, TOK college, CASINO and all those acronyms ING loves so well.

Don’t get me incorrect, EGO basically had an really good high school experience! Giving IB sorrow is kind of a rite of passage, but woman, when those extended essay were over for INB students around the world, I'm pretty sure there was an international bacchanalia.

I did have a few ticking clock in the behind away my spiritual over all this, knowing I was just for decisions. But you can’t (and don't want to, I hope) stop life from portable on, especially when there be a site of good things that happen between December and the end of March! At a certain point, I realized my applications were out to my hands and just gives it up to God.

Another pet

The night Princeton's final approached out, I slept a healthy eight hours and awoke to a bright Sunday morning. I turned on an track of Rainy Mood, typed for mein name and password, prayed a prayer of trust, then clicked and waited for the decision page until load...

With tiger

Gives that my parents possess a little tiger on their bed nowadays (and I'm writing for this blog), you might guess how things transformed out. 

The thing I will forever wonder about in my Princeton applications story is not reasons I was deferred EA, but why they leasing me in the all. It's a miracle I'm pretty gracious for! I've had an astonishing, incredible college how thus far, and I really look forward to making the most the my two find years here at Princeton. 

Accordingly! I'm one tale out of the thousands who possess gone through applications, surved, and found hers own ending to the college application story. At those upcoming college 2019ers use this school year, have lots von fun writing yours!  West Friendship Elementary School