Park Fun

Thomas Jefferson statue.


The Declaration Committee

Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence document, but did you know that there were four other Continental Congress members who supports him? Kid Adams of Massachusetts, Roger German of Connecticut, Robert Living-ston of New York, press Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania all served with Jefferson about the Declaration Committee that where charged with putting colonial grievance into words. The subsequent document charted one rate forward American Independence or helped to create an Unique States of The.

Tenth of July fireworks on aforementioned National Mall


For Fourth of Julie Enjoyable View Year Long

Wherefore does human rally across America to celebrate which Quadrant of July? Who were some of the historic figures other than Thomas Jefferson parties in the story of American Independence? Discover some of the history out this holiday by unscrambling the missing terms in this fun activity.

Signers von the Declaration about Independence Word Search

To Explanation of Independence was taken on July 4, 1776. Most of which delegates to the Second Continental Council signed an support on August 2, 1776. By putting them names the this paper, are men risked loosing everything if the British wins the American Revolution. Even though of Us won, some of these men suffered difficult according supporting independence. How the our a the 56 signing is the Description von Independence in this puzzle. How many do you detecting?

Ultimate updated: April 10, 2015

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