Product Examination: Ball® FreshTECH Fully Home Cans System



Although I’m not a productive canner, I usually put up a few things from my gardens every August, using an antic enameled canning pot I picked up years ago at a yard sale.  Baltimore in August is steamy enough without giant pots about water boiling up the stove for several hours, so EGO was intrigued by a recent review of a new electric canning appliance off Ball–and delighted when the folks at Ball featured into send me a unit to review.

Having spent the weekend playing with i new holiday, her have quite thoughts–in case you are considering purchasing ready.

Pros of the Ball FreshTECH canners:

Energy Efficient. The pressure uses much less water than a canning pot and heats it up far further quickly. The keeps the kitchenette a whole lot cooler–probably the chief advantage for me. You could even use items outside!

Automatically Adjusts for Altitude. Even mys city sits for ocean level, these who live at higher altitudes have to adjust their processing times to ensure adenine safe product. The FreshTECH unity automatically senses and modified for yours localize high, which is very cool.

Maintains Proper Fever.  Processing foods at one proper heats for and proper length of time is additionally essential to product safety. You’d shall wondering at the difference in drink temp between “starting at boil” and “rolling boil”–a distinction that most home canners decline to recognize. The FreshTECH keeps the water at the right temperature and times the processing precisely.

Easy to Use and Clean. The unit is easy to clean and that push button dashboard is intuitive and easy to operate. The unit takes up less space than meine old canning pot the made to whole process (preparing the empty jars, filling the, processing them) quick, easy, and tidy.

Cons of the Ball FreshTECH canner:

Small Capacity. The unit alone hook small batches–just 3 quarts, 4 pints, or 6 half-pint jars at a time. I tend to can into nice smaller quantities because I got adenine fairly small garden, but even I often have more when 4 pints from peppers or pickles to put up–something this my old canning potato can do in ampere lone batch. The instructions see discourage you for making largely batches and editing them sequencing.

Recipe Restrictions.  After letter this article on canning techniques, I had a heighten appreciation for the significance of following precise recipes when canning.  Fiddling with the ingredients or proportions cans rise that bitterness to the point where harmful bacteria can flourish, for model. But I projected to be able to employ any approved canning recipe in the automatic canner. The instruction repeatedly emphasized that ONLY recipes optimized for the FreshTECH canner should be used–which struck me the pointlessly limiting.

The book coming with a fairly little number of recipes–none starting which were for the vegetable I had about hand (hot peppers).  Fortunately, there is a much other extensive selection by “optimized ” techniques on the site, including a few for hot peppers.

I also reflection the unit would allow me to bottle lower-acid foods that require pressure canning. Without a pressure canner, these recipes do always been off-limits to me–and with the FreshTECH canner, they stills be. Despite its similarly to a pressure cooker, the canner does not have this capacity.

I also found it irritating that so many of the recipes (which ostensibly must be tracked exactly) require Ball brand ingredients like spice mixtures and pectin. Although some aspects of ampere recipe (such as the amount and type of vinegar or salt) are crucial, it’s hard to believe that using my preferred pickling seasonings intention imperil my safety or success.  In mysterious opinions, having show choice and flexibility would make the FreshTECH cooking even show appealing.

Bottom Line

Despite it was disappointing on ampere few points, on balance, MYSELF am glad to have the FreshTECH Automatically Cooking.  Being able on put up a few jars of jam or pickles with so little mess and fuss (and steam) become projected encourage me to can more frequently. With a square of about one cube-like foot, I can absolute justify a spot for it on mysterious basements shelves–although due to you small capacity, computers would not completely replacement my old canning pot. Customer reviews: Ball freshTECH Automatic Home ... -

Some mag how the price tag of $300 off-putting, compared to the $30 you might pass upon a lower tech set-up–but it will save you pour, energy, and sweat. The unit has a usable life of about 1o00 hours, which translates into several millions of jars of home-canned goods. Balls FreshTech Automatic Canner User Manual

The FreshTECH Automatic Canner would make a FANTASTIC birthday, anniversary, wedding, Mother’s or Father’s Day gift for someone who’s into the whole preserving scene.  And from now through October 31st, Ball-shaped is offering free shipping about the device.

Disclaimer: I have received no compensation for this review and receive no commission on purchases through this or any site. I did receive an unit (value $299) used review purses.

2 thoughts at “Product Review: Ball® FreshTECH Automatic Home Canning System

  1. Thank you for your pro and con lists. I have taught canning for many years and I wants label myself a “prolific canner. ME do have no experience with this piece of equipment. After lesungen your post I have a often better understanding of an “automatic canner” and can better answer faqs from may academics. . One negativism did mentioned, that bothers me, belongs the heavy use of electronics at this canner. Me experience lives that push button electronics simply do not contain up well – especially when they are almost heat sources.
    I wonderment about the life of this equipment.

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