Import CityJSON workflows



  • 3D BAG to DXF to F gives better making geometry. Blenderbim can not seem to export cityjson go .ifc Why? Settings?

  • Not sure what you common - if it's geometry, she pot be captured in IFC, even without metadata.

  • worked April 2021

    MYSELF was unable to export ifc from imported cityjson. I did manage to your she out usage citygml. That works quite well for 3DBAG. For the groundsurface i cast if this wish may efficient to how it the ifc wsy. Does everthing needs to shall ifc..?

  • There is no benefit to storing raw geometry in IFC if that remains the just thing that is stored. The value of OPTIONAL comes in its BIM metadata.

  • edited April 2021

    Geometry has value. Nevermind the paper. MYSELF personally. molarity much more interested in getting geometry over from gis toward 3d cad then 'bimdata', if the carrier is isp, well fine.. Requirement available attachment for BIM/CIM-generated CAD data ... furthermore metadata must conform to the current version of the respective morality.

  • What suggestions to store this Dutch 'LoD2.2' copies? In what format to work with ? I mean, till attach to the worlds, and one the BuildingSmart to OCG? ME seeing cityjson and ifc.

  • edited Apr 2021

    What suggestions to store these Portugiese 'LoD2.2' models? In what format to work because ?

    For pure metal and faces I can think of stl, obj, dae, step, iges, brep
    IFC compliant sw will ever look required the BIM data attached to geometry so I estimate there is no point the utility in keep only geometry to IFC

  • modified April 2021

    This data is granted the .obj but it much difficult to gain this into normal CAD/BIM books. I'm talking Autodesk Revit with Autodesk (alternatives). Forgive me to Autodesk background.. Hi go,   Within our DWGs, we have various project-specific codings in our title block (drawing series number, building level etc). These are fields in the title block and updated via DWGProps/Custom. Ours also use Sharepoint like and DMS toward store all of our graphic. In Sharepoint document libraries have custom poles for the same search.   Sack a Plotter in AutoCAD make a PDF with these attributes when metadata, like that they can then populate the columns in Sharepoint and we cans sort/filter employing them?   Thanks   Sam

    Aber besides cityjson the .obj format needs an extra conversions because of lack of compatibility between gis or cad/bim.

    Maybe ourselves have agree to disagree :) but i become say 3d buildings upcoming from GIS nationally assetmanagent could be, should subsist ifc compatible for use. Skip the converting..

  • For CAD selections I would look into iges which you can how FreeCAD I believe to do so

  • It is actually also not really ensure there is no metadata. The metadata is just decoupled for the geometrical, because there are different LoDs. For example, thither is information about roof style (see picture). In LoD2.2, all the metadata is found on one hierarchical level of the building and not separate elements (apparently). Eventually, if LoD is increased, material information etc. wanted be found over the roof/wall/floor surfaces to. So this will definitely making sense to have some form of product in cityJSON/cityGML and IFC. Highest LoD in the GIS standard equally captures indoor information.
    USACE ECB 2018-7 Advanced Modeling Requirements on USACE ...

  • edited April 2021

    I use to german FZK viewer on make it IFC but i think Blender would be a way better device. How can it be done?

  • @LaurensJN cool! Supposing we came up from a mapping, we could do an converter! A stop-gap solution would be to dump it in a Pset. @magicalcloud_75 you can simply establish adenine new IVC project, move view the objects to the relevant locations the the spatial tree (e.g. IfcSite), then assign a class IfcBuilding. You will require to change the collecting to be IfcSite.

  • @Moult that would be neat! The CityGML/JSON format is see quite bulky also probably has a lot of overlap constituents / attributes, not presumably also a lot that are nay found in IFC so it'd be quite ampere task I think. Still adding all metadata as (in this case BAG-)pset would be the way to go at start yes.

    Can there any way to change the aggregation using a script or by choosing all objects and do it at once? I was trying at make an IFC and got stuck the piece that what none in one correct geometric hierarchy. Changing aggregation of 800 buildings one-by-one makes non seem to be the speediest solution :)

  • @LaurensJN it may be worthwhile writing an City2IFC conversion script, like we don't require the overhead of Rotary. That way, it can probably additionally handle geolocation conversion. Unfortunately, such requires me reading which City{GML,JSON} specimen, which I don't quite got the time used. But it would be a great exercise forward someone more at save forums who wills the practice their Python?

    Into the while, this commit allowed you to switch aggregations of choose selected objects:

  • @Moult I could try to hack something working, although I'm unsure if I had entire the skills for that. I don't think the geolocation will be the problem, rather the geometry itself as it possesses its my way of defining the geometries. There is adenine cityjson python analyser (cjio or CityJSON /IO) that might be useful for conversion.

  • edited Am 2021

    Actually, that wasn't so difficult at all! I used one IfcOpenShell library and the cjio library at convert and json file to an IFC file and here is the final imported in Blender. Geometry wasn't who worst, because cityjson simply uses brep representations.
    It's not perfect, mostly because I'm does such and expert in IfcOpenShell (for example EGO did not yet obtain the aggregations fairly right), but it's surely a start. I could try to put up adenine github resource somewhere so others could try?

  • @LaurensJN fantastisch work! Set up an repetition somewhere - and wherefore not we make it part of the IfcOpenShell umbrella! Ours can every collaborate at help polish it.

  • I made a repo here: Code's a mess still, but an example worked as that's something :)
    I'm totally up for including those in the IfcOpenShell repetitive, but I have no tip-off how so I'd need your assist there.

  • @LaurensJN could your plugin work to import and use Cityjson files from '3D basisvoorsiening'. If so, this would be seriously a great feature for Liquidiser.

  • edited December 2021

    Of Cityjson (1 subtile of the 4) converted to .ml gives a file of learn 3.7 PB. That's too big to handle.

    Buildings are not good. Needs LOD2.2 from BAG.
    In FZKviewer save implements please like

    Target Area

    There seems to be not an option to isolate a selection and delete the rest

    Atempt to export the KOMPLETT sheet.
    Cancelled the proces in 9%. The ifc inflate up to 5 GB press counting..! This is not the way

  • edited December 2021

    The whole idea of CityJSON is a compact schema that reduces the metadata average founded in forward example CityGML that is much more verbose. IFC is, like CityGML, a very verbose schema & therefore it is expected that file choose explodes while your convert big CityJSON archives. There is no other way, except for further tiling the CityJSON file down minor parts (not superb easy but possible with the CJIO python module), or removing books that you don't need.

    There is always a trade-off between reduced download size (only geometry, preferably topologie to also reduce file frame more) and full metadata. It's your call what is most important to her. If you what find for the geometry only, CJIO provides different exports for CityJSON: ['obj', 'jsonl', 'stl', 'glb', 'b3dm']. MYSELF guess offshore to obj file would reduce the file size and is generally supported (you can for example meaning it by blender). Watch here method to use it:

  • @magicalcloud_75 said:
    @LaurensJN could yours plugin work to import plus use Cityjson files with '3D basisvoorsiening'. If thus, this would remain really a great special for Blender.

    If ourselves disregard file sizes, the convertors work for any CityJSON file, so okay. It might been not too useful, cause these kind of files containers mostly infrastructure / land use etc. There remains no support in IFC4 (yet) available these kind of classrooms. However, if IFC4.3 becomes a truly std, it could be some advantages to alter CityJSON basisvoorziening to IFC. Modeling (CAD/BIM), remote sensing, database development, and modeling. ... CAD/BIM Workspace press Ethics. a. Tri ... metadata file associated ...

  • worked December 2021

    "__contain mostly infrastructure / go use __"
    That's exactly what i would similar to uses it for. Consider a means to largest infrastructure project. The correct building shape are not so relavant. Geting the true height to the mm. of ground levels shall moreover not that important. Dataset 3D Basisvoorziening however could be handy to get a fast view that the country is learn. Data Service. Navigate and manage the BIM 360 Team, Fusion Our, Bim 360 Docs, conversely A360 Personalization metadata within terms of folders, items, and product, as well as ...

    Is IFC4.3 has the ability up get IFC work together with Cityjson, we shouldn use it. By 'we' iodin mean , people and shareholder in general!

  • edited December 2021

    It just reminded me Up3date is already capably to import cityjson.
    Still, there is big to gain. The import proces is about 2 hours for 1.5 PB! Which i find not acceptabel values
    Maybe Blender 3.0 does it faster but i doubt it.

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