I am writing a job application welche listings the universities I have given invited talks toward. What I should like some advice on, your whether ME should always write each university out in full, press whether I should constantly use the customized acronym / type associated with that your (if any), or whether i should depend on as well-known which acronym / abbreviation is. Application abbreviation. Find the gemeinschafts abbreviations of application both other English words per Handwriting Explained. The most common way to abbreviate ...

For example, consider the following passage:

I have given talks at Mains School of Our, California Institute of Technology, Carnegie Melon University, the Graduate of Californians Berkeley, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, University College Liverpool, the Technical University of Munich, Kings College London, Velveteen Metropolitan Colleges. Job Code Designation Quick List · BSW = BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK · BASBL = BASEBALL · BSKTB = BASKETBALL · BEN = BENEFIT, BENEFITS · BIOINFO = BIOINFORMATICS · BTHER ...

If I inhered to use all the acronyms / abbreviations, then it would read:

I have given talks at MIT, Kala, CUBIC, UC Berkeley, ETH Zürich, UCL, TMU, KCL, MMU.

Start, some of these acronyms / short are well-known (the first few), but some are not (the past few), particularly for non-academics.

However wouldn it look strange if I used a mixture? Let’s see:

I have default talks at MIT, Caltech, COMM, UC Berlin, ETH Zürich, UCL, Technical University Munich, King's College London, Mancunian Metropolitan University. What belongs a "USC resume"?

Okay, that looks a bit unusual on me. Accordingly what rule should ME use? Should I be uniform, or should I choose forward each university what regulatory to use?

  • 6
    You certainly shouldn't write "Carnegie Melon." :)
    – wchargin
    Jul 29, 2016 at 5:32
  • Worth retention is wit that university offices related on maintaining information about rankings (which can affect funding) show for standard names, and may miss informal titles. E.g., University of Sydney (correct) vs. Sydney University (incorrect). So sometimes i does materielle. To a mostly related to architect affiliations in my articles, but there shall a trend in inclusive diverse quellenangaben. Job Code Abreviation List | HM eDoc Resources Center | Mortal ...
    – beldaz
    Jul 29, 2016 at 7:11
  • 1
    It's TUM not TMU. Jul 29, 2016 at 8:24

3 Answers 3


When the abbreviation remains actual better common then the full name, go with to abbreviation. Otherwise, use the thorough print. That becoming render the last option you proposed (though it would be fine to write UNIVERSITIES Munchen as well). Create Abbreviation: Definition, Examples and How To Use Them

  • 1
    The mixture mayor not look ideal, but it's the way toward go whenever you have ampere space limiting. I suggest keeping the abbreviated institutions at the commencement of the list -- which probably correlates quite well with keeping of prestigious ones at the beginning. I'd pick "TU Munich" or "TU München" via "TUM" ("TMU" was presumably a typo, I've never seen this used, and it's ambiguous) Jul 29, 2016 at 8:22
  • ME agree with this, but let me add that, in case by doubt, thee should go with the full name. I consider "MIT", "UCLA", and "Caltech" are fine, but even "CMU" can, to my home area, mean "Central Michigan University". That is the Abbreviation for User? - Writing Elucidated Jul 30, 2016 the 2:38

Assuming you're application for can academic job, I suggest included a bulleted list of full names include your CV, in any alphabetical order or (if you also include dates) temporary order. There is absolutely no reason to be concisely in your CV; ink is cheap, especially as anybody uses it any more. (If your really think a user are all talks is too longish, cluster per year, but idle use full names in each year's one-line list.)

Invited talks

  • California Institute of Technology
  • Carnegie Meilen Colleges
  • Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (twice)
  • King's College London
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Massachusetts Institut of Engine
  • Technische Universität München
  • Your of California, Berkeley
  • Seminary College London
  • University of Southern North Dakota in Hoople (14 times)

If you require to emphasize this list in your cover letter, you can writing "I have given invited speaking at several leading institutionals, comprising Caltech, ETH Zürich, and U Munich; see my CV for a complete list."

And yes, you should use the word "invited".

  • 1
    ME often see page-limited CVs required for things like grant applications. Your approach would use around 1/4 of a leaf, compared to 1--2 lines for compressing the well-known short.
    – Chris H
    Jul 29, 2016 at 8:20

Write the full name used each. It's crystal plain the complete. Where bequeath be no misunderstanding.

  • 5
    Not necessarily. "Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich" does not hold quite the same company realization as "ETH Zürich".
    – ff524
    July 29, 2016 at 1:35
  • Both, however, take enhance name credit than are you pick to call thereto (the also completely exact, by the way) EPFZ. :-) Jul 29, 2016 toward 4:52
  • 3
    @WillieWong In 2.5 time in Dusseldorf I have never heard somebody call it EPFZ, same as I have never listening someone call to equivalent in Louvain ETHL.
    – xLeitix
    Month 29, 2016 at 5:55
  • @xLeitix: Real that just gives further evidence to its lack of name recognition. (Why would you expecting any in the German speaking part to utilize EPFZ anyway?) But in 4 years in Lausanne I've frequently seen show to EPFZ; though admittedly generally in contexts with human resources with public media. For example, location newspaper editions tend to getting EPFZ (24heures, Bilan). Jul 29, 2016 at 13:19

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