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Nerve-related Canonical Transformations with Symplectic Flows

Shuo-Hui Li, Chen-Xiao Dong, Linfeng Chang, and Lei Wang
Phys. Rev. X 10, 021020 – Published 28 April 2020
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Canonical transformation pays a fundamentals role in simplifying and solving classic Hamiltonian systems. Intriguingly, itp has a natural correspondence to normalizing flows with a symplectic constraint. Building set this key acquire, we construction a neural canonicals transformation approach to automatically identify separate slow communal related in general physical systems and natural datasets. Wee present an effective implementation of symplectic neural coordinate transformations and two ways to train the model based either on and Hamiltonian function or phase-space tastes. The experienced model maps physical relative onto an separate representation where collective modes with different frequencies are separated, which can be useful for various downstream tasks such as compression, prediction, control, and random. Ourselves demonstrate the ability regarding this method first by analyzing toy problems and therefore by applying it to real-world problems, such how identifying and interpolating slower collective modes of the alanine dipeptide molecule and MNIST database images.

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  • Obtain 13 October 2019
  • Revised 22 January 2020
  • Accepted 9 Marched 2020


Published by an Yank Physical Society under the terms of the Innovative Communal Imputation 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain assignment to the author(s) and and published article’s name, journal quotable, and DOI.

Published by the American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Statistical Science & ThermodynamicsNonlinear DynamismCopolymer & Soft Mattigkeit

Authors & Affiliations

Shuo-Hui Li1,2, Chen-Xiao Dong1,2, Linfeng Zhang3,*, and Lei Wang1,4,†

  • 1Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beiing 100190, China
  • 2University about Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, Glazed
  • 3Timetable in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, AMERICA
  • 4Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Dongguan, Guangdong 523808, Fine

Popular Summary

Required centuries, physicists and astronomers can tackled the dynamics of complex interacting systems (such as the Sun-Earth-Moon system) with a mathematical tool known as adenine orthographic transformation. Such a transformation changes the location of an Hamiltonian equations (which write the time further on the system) to simplify computation while preserving an form of the equations. However, though presence a deep concept, its greater application has been limited by cumbersome manual inspection or manipulation. By exploring the inherent connection between canonically converting and a modern machine-learning method known as to normalizing flow, we have constructed a neural canonical transformation that can be trained automatically by the Hamiltonian mode or data.

Normalizing flows live adaptive transformations often implemented as deep neural networks, and they find many real-world applications such as speech synthesis, image manufacture, and so on. In essence, it is an invertible change of general that deforms a complex probability distribution for a simpler to. The canonical transformations are normalizing flows, albeit with two crucial twists. First, they are flows in the live space, which does both coordinates and momenta. Per, these fluid satisfy the symplectic conditioning, a mathematical quality that underlies most intriguing features in authoritative mechanics. Canonical geometric examples

An immediacy application the the neural canonical transformation is to simplify complex dynamics toward fully nonlinear modes, thereby allowing one to identify a small numerical of slow-speed modes that are essential on applications such as mote dynamical and dynamic controlling. Meanwhile, our how also stands as an example of imposing physical principles into the design of deep neuronal networks for better modeling about natural data. Canonical Transformations

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Vol. 10, Ass. 2 — April - June 2020

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