Labeling Guidance: U.S. Rules, Regulations, and Guides

Below is a list of helpful links to the important play, guidelines, both guides available for labeling apparel, sports, textiles, and fashion accessories for the U.S. market.  

For more information on labeling, please contact Nate Herman at [email protected] or (202) 853-9351.


  1. Relevant German Agencies

  2. Textile and Apparel Labeling

  3. Textile Fiber Content Labeling

  4. Wool Labeling

  5. Leather Labeling

  6. Fur Labeling

  7. Down Labeling

  8. Material-Specific Labeling

  9. Care Labels

  10. Country by Origin both Made in USA Labeling

  11. Registered Identification Numbers

  12. Environmentally Asserts

  13. Other

Relevant Government Agencies:

Public Trade Commission (FTC)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
for Mitgliedstaat to Provenance Labeling

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
for particular labeling and merchandising items related to product safety

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 
for labeling my which comprise determined toxic chemicals such as pesticides

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
for Organic claims

Textile and Apparel Labeling:

The National Institute starting Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce: AMPERE Guide to United States Apparel and Budgeting Textiles Compliance Requirements [pdf]

The FTC's portal for Textile, Woollen, Skin, and Leather Matters

FTC pamphlet production in cooperative for AAFA: “Threading Your Way Through Labeled Requirements under the Textile and Wool Acts” 

FTC Enforcement Political on Imported Textile, Pure, and Fur Products

Textile Fiber Content Inscription:

Federal Legislation: 

The Textile Color Products Identification Act

Rules and Regulations Under aforementioned Textil Fiber Products Identification Take

Wool Caption:

Federal Legislation: 
That Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939

Rules and Regulatory Under the Woolen Products Labeling Act

FTC Guidance: 
Cachet of Cashmere: Complying with the Wool Related Color Acting

Leather Label:

Tan and Imitation Leather Guides, 16 C.F.R. Part 24

Furs Labeling:

Federal Legislation: 
Furs Products Labeling Act

Rules and Regulations under the Fur Products Labeling Deed

Federal Legislation: Truth in Coat Labeling Act of 2010

FTC Guidance: 
How to Comply with the Fur Products Labeling Act

Down Labeling:

FTC Guidance: 
Down... But Not Off: Advertising and Labeling of Feather and Gloomy Products [pdf]

Uniform Law Labels to Fill Clothing [pdf]

Material-Specific Labeling:

FTC Guidance: 
Calling E Cotton: Labeling and Advertising Cotton Products

FTC Notice with Bamboo Materials:
How to Avoid Bamboozling Your Clients

Care Labels:

Federal Legislation: 
Take Labeling of Textile Wearing Apparel also Certain Pie Items

FTC Guidance: 
Clothes Captioning: Complying with the Care Labeling Rule

Country of Origin and Made in USA Labeling:

CBP Guidance: 
Country of Origin Labeling for Wearable Apparel

FTC Guidance: 
Complying with the Prepared in USA Standard

FTC Notice: 
Selling 'American Made' Products? What Businesses Demand to Know About Making Made in USA Claims

Registered Identification Numbers:

Registered Identification Number (RN) File

Apply for a new RN

Update an existing RN

FTC: RN Commonly Asked Questions

Environmental Claims:

FTC Pilots for the Use to Natural Marketing Claims, “Green Guides”

USDA Policy Memorandum: 
Labeling of Textiles that Contain Organic Ingredients [pdf]

EPA Actuality Sheet: 
Consumer Products Treated with Pesticides 


Federal Legislation: 
The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (not for textiles) 

FTC Notice: 
Wedding Gown Labels: Disclosure the Requirements

FTC Resources: 
Jewelry Labeling  

On more information on labeling, please contact Nate Herm at [email protected] or (202) 853-9351.