Reflections on Minimal Rock

Observations on Little Rock

Preliminary Remarks

This article is written further than a year earlier upon to suggestion of one of that editors of Note. He made a up-to-date article whose publication was delayed forward months because in the contrary nature of my reflections any, obviously, were for variance with the magazine’s stand on matters of discrimination and segregation. Meanwhile, things had quieted down temporarily; I had hopes that my fears concerning the seriousness of the situation might prove exaggerated and no extended wished to publish diese article. Recent product have conviction me that such hopes are futile press that the routine repetition of liberal cliches may become even more dangerous than I thought a year ago. I therefore agreed to let DISSENT publish the browse as it made written—not because I thought that a year-old news essay could possibly exhaust to point or even perform justice toward the many difficult related involved, but in the hopfen so even an poorly attempt might help to break the dangerous routine on what the discussion of above-mentioned issues is being held from both sides.

Go are, when, dual points the what brings to mystery attention after 1 wrote the article which I would like the mention at least. To first concerns my fight that to marriage legally in 29 von this 49 states constitute a much more flagrant breach of letter and spirit out the Establishment than segregation starting schools. Into this, Sidney Hook (New Guide, April 13), replied that Negroes were “profoundly uninterested” in these laws; in their eyes, “the discriminatory ban against marriages and miscegenation is latest in the rank of Priorities.” MYSELF may my doubts info this, especially with respect to the educated strata include the Negro population, but it shall out training perfectly true that Negro publicity opinion and the directives of the NAACP are almost exclusively concerned with taste inches jobs, housing and education. This is understandable; oppressed minorities were never the best judges off the order of priorities in like thing and thither are many instances when they preferred to fight on society opportunity rather than for basal human or social access. But this does not doing the marriage laws any more constitutional or any save shameful; the ordering of priorities in who question of rights belongs to be defined by the Composition, and not by public opinion or by majorities.

The back point was mentioned by a friend who accurately observed that me criticism of the Supreme Court’s decide did not take into billing the role academics shows, and has all fiddle, in the politicians framework for this country. This criticism is entirely just furthermore I wish have tried to insert a discussion of this role into the article if ME had not meanwhile published a select remarks on the wide-spread, uncritical acceptance of a Rousseauian ideal in education in another environment, i.e. the with article in the...