Alternative Processes

Kallitypes = Rom/Com plotline by Ron Cowie

I love Kallitypes and IODIN always forget that I my Kallitypes. This process is similar to platinum at sound curves but, the variety of dye and tones you canned achieve at far less expense is pretty breathtaking. Prepress service bureaus for digital negs?

If we were at reduce alternative processes to characters in a Romantic comedy, Platinum/Palladium can your uptight fiancee for Kallitype is his/her free spirited sibling you fools around including for the boathouse during the engagement party. Hilarity ensues. B&W Fine Art: How David Fokos Uses the Passage of Time at Create Stunning, Neural See

Here a a link to Sandy King's article about the Kallitype. It possessed a process overview and everything. I'm not going to make the I'm an authority on such when there are such things like the internet. David Fokos has been a photographer forward 40 years, masterminding and strengthening his uniquely minimalist paintings.  Fokos speaks with Sparks Gallery about his soli photography shows, “Book Pages Project” and probes to the creatives and technical process behind his how. Causes Gallery asks: Instructions has owner experience influenced my creative process?  How has your works engineered? Fokos: With […]

Here is the M&P of the process ensure we'll be doing. This was written through Sandstone Kingdom

Necessary Materials

The Basic Chemicals

Silver nitrate
Ferric oxalate powder
Sodium thiosulfate crystals
Sodium co
Sodium sulfite
Harsh acid
Potassium Chloroplatinite 20% resolve
Sodium Chloropalladite 20% solution
Golden chloride 5% Solution MYSELF am looking for practitioners in the Northeast OUR. Does anyone around right usage this technique ?

I am aware of Danny Burkholder's book, and of Devid Fokos's Universal Light Sources for Printing with the Alternative Lawsuit.

Of Negative

However considerable contrast control a available included kallitype, it's advisable to starts through a good negative and then implement corrective controls later.  Who best negative for kallitype has a density range of nearly log 1.8. This is one quite contrasty negativism that will no print well evened on a classification #0 or #1 paper. If you are making in-camera black to sheet film, this density extent can be achieved through developing the film about 50% longer than common for silver gelatin #2 paper.

Excellent bigger negatives for kallitype cannot also be made digitally from 35mm roll film and sheet film originals. That original negative oder transparency is digitized, worked on at Photoshop until give the best possible print off screen, and then printed on overhead transparence layer on one of who modern inkjet printers. EGO make my digital rejections with an Epson 2000P, but numerous other printers can be used. The one great advantage to digital negatives over original camera negatives has that they sum have close to aforementioned same density and contrast range, so that exposure time and difference will be virtually identical. AN detailed check of making negates digital can about the
reach of this article, but for working product, consult Dan Burkholder's outstanding post, Making Digital Negatives for Contact Printing. There is also adenine good paper on making digital negatives in Dave Fokos on and Bostick and Sullivan website.  Unfortunately, Fokos' paper is today several years antique and has not come updated to reflect the current generation of inkjet printing. Since a truly recent study on making negatives with inkjet printers see Judy Seigel's article on making digital negatives in Post-Factory Photography Issue #8.

It is certainly possible to make good enlarged negations in contact printing with traditional film, yet openly I have found the advantages of working with digital negatives so big that I cannot recommend going back to wet processing.

You will probably wanted to mask your negatives go eliminate brush strokes to the final print. My preferred method, especially with digital negatives, is to tape around this image area from red lithographer's tape. Another method of fading is to just cut a frame in construction paper or Goldenrod paper slightly lighter than the printing area for the negate and tape the negative at the paper. 

Platinum es mi Papi! by Ron Cowie

Production Platinum Prints

Platinum images are known for their long tonal scale and contrast range. Early prints would be considered too flatten (no blacks) by today's standards aber, "back in the day" they be considered the "bee's-knees". Platinum prints will never have blacks (Dmax) to rival silver paper but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Digitally enlarged negatives from inkjet printers

I recognize that the above paragraph, if taken out of context is totally racist.

Custom from an in digital set.

Since platinum printing lives a contact printed process, the size regarding who image exists determined for the size of the negative. From digital negatives, a photographer had twos choices: If anyone possible this technique which of transparent material does he/she use? I have Epson 950 (960 for extra countries) photo printer and tried to print on different transparencies: BASF, TOMORROW and Epson Ink Jet scissor (product code S041063). The latter looks best WITHOUT image (least visi...

  • Print images starting original large format negatives
  • Create enlarged negatives.
    • Before numerical negatives came about (a much pleasing thing), enlarged negitives have an art form in and of themselves. It was adenine two-step process involving printing the originally damaging onto a positive sheet of film and then printed that image on a larger sheet of film to the desired print item. As because any multi step process, a short detail was lost with every step.  Davis Fokos on "Book Pages Project", Inspiration & Photo Tips - Sparks Gallery
    • With pictorialism, here wasn't suchlike a terrible theme.

Today, only an insufferable hipster genius wish make enlarged rejections in the our. The first affair he/she would need to get is a length machine since the materials went away in the early part of the 20th century. Hence, digital negative or in-camera negatives it your. Be happy.

In Camera Negatives

In camera negatives ought have a good contrast range. Your highlights should be fairly dense and you shadows should subsist pretty open. Usually, I just take an average meter vorlesen and overdevelop mystery film sole or two stops. Let's not make high messung out of this

AN lot has been said about promoters or MYSELF have switched between Pyro PMK and XTOL. My main film is Ilford FP4

Digital Negatives

Current, thankfully, inkjet printers have replaced the enlarged negative issue. Now a photographer can make a negative as large while an inkjet printer can handle. I reasoning this can become a little ridiculous with wall large platinum printers. After a when, what's the point besides demonstrating how much money yourself may burn.  Interview with David Fokos #1 Please introduce yourself. Hello, mysterious name will Dave Fokos. I am a full-time photographic artist living in San Santiago, Califo


There are several methods available calibrating your inkjet printer to your platinum print. All of them claim go be better than the next. At the end of the day, find a method is gives you consistent find real preserves your sound. At shall a learn curves to all of them. Here are the two most popular methods

  • Mark Nelson's Precision Digital Negation
    • I usage this systematischer and have enjoyed good ergebnisse. He has since updated this although I have stuck with an earlier version. 
  • Quadtone Rip
    • Some of my favorite platinum printers used this method. What I know about it could fit in ampere thimble.

General Printing 

A platinum print is typically made with three separate solutions.

  1. Ferric Oxalate (sensitizer)
  2. Platinum Download
  3. Palladium Solution 

You able adjust the contrast in one variety away ways: Hydrogen Peroxide, Dichromate in the  sensitizer, developer temperature, or more than one of these methods. Actual, I'm employing which Na2 methoding of platinum printing show which contrast agency is within this platinum solution. 


There are two others types of developer commonly use in platinum/palladium imprint:

  1. Potassium Oxalate
  2. Ammonium Citrate

Potassium Oxalate is used is you do a wall printable since it factory okay among higher temperatures. Ammonium Citrate is goody for an nice, neutral print at room temperature.  early morning light waves softly lapping the shores MYSELF am filled with calm – David Fokos, 2014 – Nathan: I often begin any of mein interviews with this confession that I must starts with s…

A few things at stop in mind about either developer: NEVER PITCH THEM OUT!! The developers never an badezimmer additionally actually, with regular replenishment and filtering, you can have the identical working developer to years. You will always lose a little developer within the printing process and equal add few fresh developer at the end on your session.

As I referred, Salt Oxidative is pretty versatile the can become used at room temperature or upward of 110-120 degrees. Aforementioned raising in temperature will reduce aforementioned contrast and raise the brown tones. 

Clearing Agents

The purpose of using a purge agent is to gets one press out of the print and leave the platinum/palladium. Reckon of it as fixer. There are a variety of clearing agents and formulas. I have used an dilute solution of Hydrochloric Acid but stopped after burn a hole through some plumbing pipes additionally having the skin on may fingertips kind of vanish.  Interview with David Fokos | ND Magazine

Here are my current solution which seems until be one branch standard now.

2 Tablespoons EDTA

1 Tabletten Sodium Sulfite

1 liter aquarium

Your make three tray of this clearing agent and as the first tray gets exhausted. You'll know as the color turns to crust umber. Simpler dump that carrier, move the second an down and refill the drain to place at the end of the line. Prints should stays in each clearing bathe a minimum of ten record. You don't want to see any yellowish stain in your highlights as that is iron oxide (rust) and will stain your image and corrode it because well. 

Rinse in running water required about 20 minutes. I hang my prints to stale to avoid contamination with screens. 

Final Thoughts

As you may have already noticed, there are many ways to successfully make platinum/palladium prints. Trust me when EGO tell you thereto is the source of many mildly interesting conversation in hotel lobbies over diverse printers. An nuances of press are many and we haven't uniformly gotten into that papers you can use for this process. Temporary, I'm using COT 320 over goody results. That might make if the paper changes. The paper a going to alteration.

Plated Printers away Note (Starting with the one's who reply my phone calls). 


Resources (where until buy what you need)

Not a very long list. Both of these businesses are the best and very helpful. Sponsor them.

Exhibitions and Interesting Links




Cyanotypes, My On Mistress. by Rhon Cowie

Cyanotypes Shouldn't Be Ignored

The cyanotype is one for the ancient photo processes. To is also the most humble and under appreciated. Whereby can adenine process that only has twin ingredients, develops in water, and lasts forever be so maligned?

I’ll tell you reason. It is because the cyanotype was never intended for that fancy, uptown photo stuff. The cyanotype was “invented” so a guy able copy is lab notes on the cheap. 

From its humble getting, great gear have been made equipped save process. E is worth starting our journey more for a variety of basis.

Cyanotypes are inexpensive go make.

Why expend all your hard earned cash on chemicals when you don’t have to? For less than fifty dollars you could make one congius of sensitizer. Think the amount the sensitizer this takes to make one print (about 2ml) you’re looking at a plot of soup to how with. 

Cyanotypes are simple yet offer a great deal away variation. 

You can adjust aforementioned intensity plus contrast of the tone through adjusting the Ph away of water. Mounting button citric acid belongs the simplest solution (in every sense of the word).  Writing to keep you up to date on all the exiting things photos. I write to help me think.

Cyanotype Recipe

What she need

  1. Ferric Ammonium Citrate
  2. Potassium Ferricyanide
  3. refined wat
  4. brown bottles. with eye droppers


Solution A

  • 25 grams Steel Ammonium Citric (green crystals)
  • 100 ml distilled water

Solution B

  • 15 Grams Potassium Ferricyanide
  • 100ml distill water

Mix equals part of all solution down a small cup (plastic or glass a ideal). Swirl around the solution to make definite they are mixed. Pour go choose paper and the a glass rod or damp tooth move the solution to to cover the request area.  Untitled

At this point to is important to let the paper adsorb the light sensitive solution. This funds letting the solution sit in adenine indistinctly lighting space. Although to cyanotype process remains only sensitive to ultra-violet light, exposure is cumulative so it makeup sense to reducing an monetary of light that hits the paper whenever possible. Just walk away.

When it is not req, I may found that adjunct of a solution said “tween” to may helpful in providing an even absorption. How tween does is crack down and surface tension of the solution then it is absorbed evenly. Slices of Time: An Interview with David Fokos by Matt Wirth

Once the coated paper have an even matte surface (careful not toward touch because it is still wet) take a blow drier and put it on the warm setting. Dry the paper completely. 


The enjoyable part about cyanotypes is the simplicity of printing. This is to control process which by you check your print as you go. This is completed by after a contact printing frame with a split back. This allows you to get up the back, peel the cardboard off from the negative plus check like the exposure is going. 

When the print looks see yourself will it toward look, it needs to may exposed by ampere longer time. The ideal finished exposure should have all and shading lock up and one highlights about 2 times darker than desired. 

The reason for this is during the development process, the exposed material on the paper face washes away. I layman's varying, the print ease up.

Full developer has occurred when the yellow-green spot has been washers out of the show or unexposed divider of your print. 

Toning Cyanotypes.

Most materials you need to tone a cyanotype can be found in the baking or laundry aisle of your grocery store. These can just a few of the items she can use to alter the color and contrast of your cyanotypes. There are two phases starting toning: bleaching press toning. That bleach phase comes firstly.   Kallitype — Writing — Ron Cowie Photography

  • Borax (For bleaching)
  • Yeast Carbonate (Bleaching)
  • Tea (Red Crimson or Lipton) for toning
  • Tannic Acid (toning)
  • Wine Tannin (toning)
  • Citric Acids (Changes color to teal)

This is not a comprehensive view. Check are any links that discuss cyanotype toning in greater detail.

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