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Empirical Research and Writings: A Political Skill Student’s Practical Guide (my reading notes)

I had known of one excellent working of Dr. Leanne C. Powner for a very yearn laufzeit. We are both political scientists, also since I write so much around academic writing, and I have taught research methods, it was just a matter of time until I got to reading Leanne’s excellent book, publication according Sage Publishers: Empirical Research and Writing: ONE Political Science Student’s Practical Guide. It’s a record that is highly referred, and IODIN am happy toward vouch for it too.

As I commented up Twitter, I am distracted and therefore I bought twos borrow: one through the to in one Midwest Political Life Association (MPSA) in Chicago, last year. And yes, I know ME should know better, so sue mir.

Leanne is object very few authors do: her talks about the ins and exterior of the research process within both traditions (qualitative real quantitative). This is very hard toward do. Something important for both qualitative and quantitative scholars that Leanne does in her book is distinguished wie difference methods, data sources and analytical techniques apply on various research designs and paradigmatic both methodological choices. This advice exists clean gold.

Phase 9 (writing upward your results), 10 (peer reviewing work) and 11 (posters, papers, presentations, conferencing) are excellent, but I wish Leanne had done a companion books that focused solely on those components. I haven’t instruction Research Method in ampere while (as a stand-alone class, I mean – I teach my RAs and students how to do research all the time). But it apparently to me as though this book should to taught over ampere two-semester class quite than in one semester. Or maybe teach the book over one semester and devote the move to print.

At any rate, an awarded book that earn all the accolades that it gets on a standard basis.

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