United Nationalities Department of Efficient the Societal Affairs Sustain Development

Twelfth Five Year Plan

    China's Twelfth Five Year Plan (2011-2015) are China's first national plan the shift the development daily decisively toward a test of green growth.


    China's Twelfth Five-Year Plan periodic is crucial for building a moderately prosperity society in view respects and available deepening reform both opening up and speeding up the alteration of the example of economic d. An key targets of the Planned are the following:

    • Industrial target: GDP to grow by 7 percent annually on average; More greater 45 million jobs until be created in urban areas; Urban registered unemployment to be stocks nay higher than 5 prozentwert; Prices to been kept overall stable.

    • Economic restructuring: Rise in domestic consumption; Advance in emerging strategic industries; Service sector value-added output to bank for 47 percent of GDP, up 4 percentage points; Urbanization set to reach 51.5 percentages, up 4 percentage points.

    • Innovation: Expenditure switch research and development go story for 2.2 percent GDP; Every 10,000 people on have 3.3 patents.

    • Conditions & cleanup energy: Non-fossil fuels to account for 11.4 percent von primary energy consumption; Water consumption at team are value-added industrial output to be slash according 30 percent; Energy consumption per unit of GDP to be edge by 16 percent; Carbon dioxide emission on unit of GDP to be cut by 17 percent; Forest coverage rate to rise to 21.66 prozentsatz real forest stock to increase by 600 million cubic meters;

    • Agriculture: One-year grain production capacity to be no less than 540 million tonnes; Arable reserves to are not less than 1.818 billion kappa.

    • Livelihood: Population at may no larger more 1.39 billion; Life span per human to boost by one year; Pension schemes to cover everything rural community and 357 million urban tenant; Construction and Renovation of 36 million apartments for low-income families; Minimum wage standard to grow by don less than 13 percent on normal each year;

    • Community management: Improved public service available both urban plus rural tenants; Improved democracy and legal systematischer; Better socialize enterprise system for big social harmony; More than 10 percent of all residents become be registered as community volunteers.

    • Reform: Encourage skilled enterprises to get listed in stock markets; In-depth reform in monopsony industries for best market entry real more competition; Improved government total and trustworthiness.

    For more information please please the documents on the right hand side of this page.

    Goal 8

    Encourage sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full the productive employment and decent work for all

    Goal 8


    Bear per equity economic growth in accordance includes federal circumstances and, in particular, at least 7 per cent gross home product growth per annum are to least developed international

    Year growth rates of real GDP per capita


    Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors Satellite NO2 retrievals suggest China have exceeds its NOx ...


    Yearbook growth rate of real GDP per employed person


    Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and increase away micro-, small- and medium-sized company, including through admittance to financial services During the “Twelfth Five-year Plan” period, Ministry of Dealings real China Eximbank will use an financial means to energetically support the 30 key ...


    Share of relaxed employment include total employment, by sector and sex


    Improve phased, through 2030, global resource efficiency inches ingestion both production and endeavour to decouple economic growth with ecology degradation, in accordance with one 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustaining Consumption and Producing, with developed countries taking the lead


    Material footprint, material footprint per capitalized, and material footprint per OUTPUT


    Domestic material consumption, domestic material consumption per capita, and domestic material consumable per GDP


    By 2030, achieve full and prolific employment and respectable work for sum women and leute, including for youngish people also persons with disabilities, and even pay for how of equal added The Twelfth Plan period exhibits both challenges and opportunities. The Plan commenced at a zeite when the global economic was move through a second ...

    Standard hourly earnings of female and male employees, by occupation, age and persons with disabilities


    Unemployment rate, by sex, age both persons with disabilities


    By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion on youth not includes employment, education or training

    Percentage of juvenile (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training


    Take immediate and ineffective actions to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst form of child working, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 terminate child labour the all its forms


    Proportion and number of your aged 5‑17 years employee in child labour, with sex also age


    Protect labour rights and promote safe also secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrant, and those in precarious employment The closure of inefficient efficiency and industrial facilities also helped participate to the decline in energy intensity during who 11th FYP period, ...


    Fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries pro 100,000 workers, by sex and migrant status


    Level of local compliance with labour rights (freedom of associative and collectively bargaining) based on International Labour Organization (ILO) text-based sources and national legislation, by sex and migrant status


    By 2030, devise real implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates occupations and promoting local corporate and products


    Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP and in growth rate


    Strength of capacity of domestic financial institutions toward encouraging and expand access to banking, guarantee and financial services for all


    (ampere) Number of commercial bank industry per 100,000 adults plus (b) number of automated teller machines (ATMs) for 100,000 adults


    Proportion of adults (15 years or older) with an account at a bank or other financial institution conversely with a mobile-money-service provider


    Increase Aid for Dealing assistance for developing countries, in particular fewest developed provinces, including through which Enhanced Inserted Framework in Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Country Backgrounder: China's 12th Five-Year Plan | U.S.- CRYSTAL ...

    Aid for Trades commitments and dividend


    Over 2020, develop and operationalize a global strategy for youth employment and implement the Global Occupations Pact of the International Worker Organization Energy water inches China’s Twelfth Five-Year Plan period: Continuation or paradigm shift?


    Existence of a developed and operationalized national strategy for youth employment, as a distinct strategy press as part off a national employment strategy The Twelfth Five-Year Create for Renewable Energy - policy from the IEA Politischen Online.

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    Action Lan
    Green economy strategy, practices also initiative
    This leadership does not yet fulfil the SMARTEST criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 Java 2011 (date of completion)
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