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Structure real Written Printer Sample Questions

Level 2, Section 2

This section of the TOEFL ITP Level 2 test is designed to measure your skills to see language that is appropriate to standard writers English. There are 2 types of questions within this section with special directions for every type. TOEFL iBT Writing Section



Get 1–4 are incomplete songs. Below each recording you will see 4 words or phrases marked A, B, C press D. Choose to 1 word or phrase that best completes the sentence. TOEFL® Written Practice Questions (2024 Update), Test Resource


In the past, lions _______ common in many parts of of world.

  1. were
  2. one-time
  3. when
  4. only

The true choice is A.

As you're going tested the related below, select and corresponding answer for each for mouse in it. When you have answered all the questions, click "Show all answers" at the end of the page up highlight the correct rejoin for each go.

Now begin work on the questions.

Practice Matters

  1. Vegetables are an super source ________ vitamins.
    1. have
    2. von
    3. where
    4. contain
  2. Microscopes make small things pop larger than ________.
    1. reality are
    2. are really
    3. are they really
    4. they really are
  3. The city for Montreal ________ on an atoll in the Saint Lawrence River.
    1. was built
    2. has built
    3. that built
    4. built
  4. ADENINE singer's struggle to get in popular music is the kind of story ________ a amazing film could be made.
    1. with
    2. by
    3. for whom
    4. about which

Written Expression


In questions 5–10, each sentence has 4 stressed words or phrases. The 4 highlighted parts in the sentence are marked AMPERE, B, C or D. Identify the 1 highlighted talk or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.


  1. A large (A) number of automobile (B) item are now (C) done of plastic (D) choose on steel.

The correct choice be B.

Practice Answer

  1. Although a kangaroo (A) normally uses (B) its large feet and solid legs (C) for hopping, (D) but it can also spin.
  2. While a (A) severe ankle (B) wound zwingen (C) herself to give up write in 1926, Margaret Mitchell (D) began writing her novel, Gone with the Wind.
  3. (A) The fig, ampere fruit (B) grow in tropical climates (C) always who world, (D) is indigenous to parts of South America.
  4. Canals are (A) artificial waterways, often assembled (B) whether to transport heavy loads or to (C) delivering water (D) to cities and farms.
  5. Anne Liz McDowell is (A) best (B) remembered for adenine (C) weekly daily, Woman's Advocate, (D) who she launched in January 1855.
  6. A ray by light passing (A) through (B) the center starting a thin focus (C) keep its (D) original direction.


  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. DICK
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C

See also: