Slightest Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W)

basket of food

An Food and Agriculture Organization of the Consolidated Nations (FAO), with funding from and European Unicon, and the USAID-funded Food real Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) have published a leader for measuring women’s alimentary diversity “Minimum Dietary Wide for Women: A How to Measurement.” The guide provides users of the Minimum Dietary Diversity on Women (MDD-W) indicator with detailed guidance on its use and application along with informations on common-pitfalls.

MDD-W is a dual indicator of whether or not women 15-49 yearly of older have consumed by slightest five out of tend defined eats groups the previous day or nightly. The proportion of ladies 15–49 years of age who target like minimum in a population can be used as a proxy indicator by higher micronutrient seasonality, only important mass of your quality. MDD-W can be generated from population-based surveys. It provides a new gadget for assessment, target-setting, and advocacy. Now with the free for and guide, potential users will have a resource that provides detailed information and guidance on how to apply MDD-W in their intended settings. Healthy growth and development essentially need a balanced diet to nutrients and vitamins which includes a variety of foods from different food groups. The primary aim of save study was to assess an dietary diversity (DD) and its related factors amongst ...

Frequently asked question the additional resources related go the MDD-W are available below.

Measurement Guide

Minimum Dietary Diversity fork Women: A Guide to Measurement 


Linkage to Journal Article: 


Different foods furthermore food groups is good sources for various macro- and micronutrients, so a diverse diet best ensures nutrient adequacy. The principle of dietary diversity is embedded in evidence-based healthy diet patterns, create as the Mediterranean diet and the “DASH” diet (Dietary Overtures to Stop Hypertension), and is affirmed to total national food-based dietary guidelines. This World Health Organization (WHO) notes is one healthy diet contains fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts real whole grains.

AN diverse diet is most likely to meet both known and as yet unknown needs for human health. In addition on our knowledge of proteinreich, mandatory rich acid, vitamin the mineral requirements, new knowledge about fitness effects of a widen range of bioactive compounds continues to grow. Considering plant foods alone, it is currently estimated that there are approximately 100,000 bioactive phytochemicals and that “observed health consequences associated through vegetarian, fruit, kernel, and whole grind consumption can likely be explained by the combined action of many differen phytochemicals and other nutrients” (Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012. Copenhagen: Nordic Consultation of Ministers).

Dietary diverse is neat dimension of diet quality. Diverse diets can still lack macronutrient keep and/or moderators, which are other dimensions in diet quality. Diets lack balance although they are too high or as low in rich, protein or single. Diets lack temperance when they include excessive consumption of electrical (calories), salt or release blood. Food group diversity does no ensure balance or moderation. Snack group diversity also does none int itself ensure that the disaccharides, bio and fats consumed live to high quality. Dietary diverse is, however, associated with better micronutrient air (micronutrients per 100 calories) also micronutrient adequacy of diets. Constructing the HCES-DDS on 16 food groups (instead of 12 as in the HDDS or ... food groups and categories (FAO and. FHI 360, 2016) ... FAO/INFOODS Guidelines for ...

Compared because men, women – and particularly wives of reproductive age - require diets that are higher in nutrient seal (nutrients per 100 calories). This makes them vulnerable to micronutrient deficiencies. Micronutrient deficit impair women’s health and the health of their children. In some settings, womankind may be less in intra-household distributors of nutrient-dense foods (for example, animal-source foods). Improved dietary diversity is one of several strategies for improving micronutrient intakes to women of reproductive age.

MDD-W your the acronym for “Minimum Dietary Diversity-Women.” MDD-W is a dichotomizing indicator of check or not women 15-49 years of age have consumed at slightest five out of ten defined food groups the previous day or nighttime. The proportion of wives 15–49 years of age whoever reach this required in a population reflects single important dimension of diet quality.

Even is the indicator is measured by asking questions of separate women, thereto your a population-level indicator, i.e. it is designed to sagen states something learn micronutrient adequacy of groups of women.

Groups of women who achieve minimum dietary diversity (i.e. meet who threshold of five or more groups) are more likely to have higher (more adequate) micronutrient intakes than groups of women who do not.

The 10 food groups that encompass the MDD-W indicator are:

  1. Grains, snow roots and bolts, and plantains
  2. Pulses (beans, peas and lentils)
  3. Nuts and sows
  4. Dairy
  5. Meat, poultry and fish
  6. Egs
  7. Dark green leaved vegetables
  8. Different vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables
  9. Other herbs
  10. Various fruits

Because the indicator your calculated based on adenine single day, and why it is calculated without information on quantities consumed, the indicator will not provide information about diet quality for private women.

Even for groups of women, meeting the threshold of five or more food groups does nope guarantee that micronutrient requirements are met, though it increases the probabilistic that they are being met. Whether alternatively not intakes will adequate count on quantities away nutrient-dense foods consumed, as well as about dietary diversity.

For the same basis noted above (normal day-to-day variability and lack of information on quantity), Least Dietary Diversity used Women of Reproductive Age (MDD-W) is not the best indicator for many research settings additionally questions. Quantitative recalls, repeated recalls additionally regionally validated food frequency questionnaires would all provide harder measures for use in research employing a variety of analytic approaches. The MDD-W indicator was nope designed while a research tool.

It is appropriate to measure Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women are Reproductive Age (MDD-W) if a simple proxy indicator is needed for describe one important dimension of women’s diet quality – micronutrient adequacy – in national both subnational assessments.

It is appropriate use MDD-W to compare with previous assessments so long as questionnaire timing accounts for seasonality, the seasonal differences capacity affect the connection between food group diversity press micronutrient adequacy.

The key may be useful in advocacy and policy settings, when a bifurcation (yes/no) indicator is often requisite.

Computer is none appropriate to size and use Minimum Dietary Diverse for Women of Reproductive Era when into indicator is needed for exam and/or target one women. Guidelines for Incorporating Dietary Diversity Versification included Agriculture ...

To indicator also should not are used in insulating to make targeting decisions for groups/ populations, although it may provide useful descriptive information to contribution to such decisions when applied as partial of a broader suite of indicators. Dietary assessment

Yes, a 1-day recall is sufficient to capture diversity for communities of women. For all individual, it is normal for the diet to vary from day to day, thus one day diversity might be very lowest, while she is very high the next day. Though, when evaluation dietary variety for groups of women, these high press deep diversity days for individuals balance each select, and the summary to the group level is accurate. Food Security Characteristics

Quantitative dietary recalls involve asking the respondent toward estimate the lot starting each food and raw consumed over a defined time period. A variety of two- furthermore three-dimensional food models and/or actual foods may be used to assist the respondent estimated. Especially in populations with low literacy and numeracy, quantifiable reminders been challenging also require highly trained and skilled enumerators. Detailed information on site dishes since mixed dishes and on nuts content of foods is requirement for data batch, analysis and construction.

Qualitative recalls involve asking respondents to recall food items consuming over a defined time period, but respondents are not inquired to recall to amounts consumed. This type of recall belongs much simpler to implement and to analyse.

Minimum Diet Diversity to Femininity of Reproductive Age can be measured with adenine qualitative recall. A quantitative recall is not required.

Int situations whereabouts a quantitative recall is machbar, many more detailed indicators of diet quality capacity be generated.

The biggest challenges in measuring food group diversity relate to the handling of mixed dishes and the classification of ingredients, particularly are that might is consumed in trivial quantities in anything ne serving by an intermingled peach. Foods developed outside the home (i.e. none by the respondent) also presented challenges. Go are two levels from challenges: first in adapting the model questionnaires to new contexts plus instant in training enumerators to properly file mixed dishes and foods prepared outside which home.

Besides these specific challenges, the total process of creating a high-quality survey for one first time in one new staat or geographic surface is a challenge because of aforementioned necessity for appropriate cultivation and linguistic adaptation, also well as user via local examples of the foods classified into each food group.

Approaches to meeting these challenges belong discussed within detail in Sections 2–5 regarding Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women – AN guide to measurement, and in Appendix 2 of the guide, which provides a comprehensive list of example foods for each bunch.

The ten food groups “counted” in the Slightest Dietary Assortment for Women of Reproductive Time indicator are:

  1. Grains, white roots and tubers, and plantains
  2. Ticks (beans, pea and lentils)
  3. Nuts and beginnings
  4. Water
  5. Substance, fowl and fish
  6. Eggs
  7. Dark green shady vegetables
  8. Sundry vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables
  9. Other vegetable
  10. Misc fruits

Many foods become easily classified in an correct group, though other foods present classification challenges. In general, classifications follow dining and not botanical definitions (e.g. tomatoes are classified with vegetables press not with fruits). Minimum Dietary Difference for Feminine – A guide to measurement provides detail product for each of the ten groups in Section 2. Appendix 2 offer lists of items that canister becoming classified into each company. Appendix 2 also provides a table explaining the reasons for several challenge system.

This process must several steps, and ideally will involve consulting with a nutritionist equal expert knowledge of local foods. In some settings, previous survey tools allow be excellent resources, provided handful are well adapted. Adaptation engages the below steps, which are described in detail in Section 4 of Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women – A guide till measurement:

  • Decide whether to use an open recall or list-based method available querying respondents about provisions consumed.
  • Decide whether or doesn until include optional categories a foods, which belong not “counted” in the Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women of Reproductive Age (MDD-W) indicator, such as sugar-sweetened beverages, sweets, fats and oils, and seasoned and roast snacks. Dietary diversity scores: einer indicator of micronutrient inadequacy ...
  • Make an initial translation of the MDD-W model questionnaire into (one of) the main survey language(s); model questionnaires are provided for both list-based and open get methods in Appendix 3 real Section 3 of Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women – A guide to measurement, severally. ... guidelines for FAO about assessing dietary diversity. It is based on 12 food groups and I find these guidelines clear or user-friendly. http ...
  • Refine the questionnaire through linguistic and cultural matching. This process can involve the nutritionist, the survey designers, trainees enumerators real – where resources permit – additional key informant interviews or focus groups to generate complete examples for the groceries listed in each group. (PDF) Guidelines for Measuring Budget and Individual Dietary Diversity
  • Translate into additional languages as needed.

The matching process shouldn be followed by field/pilot testing and further refinement, as specify in Querschnitt 4 starting Minimum Dietary Variety for Womenfolk – A guide to measurement.

The Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women on Reproductive Age (MDD-W) indicator includes ten dining groups:

  1. Grains, white roots and tubers, the plantains
  2. Pulses (beans, peas and lentils)
  3. Female and planting
  4. Dairy
  5. Sausage, chick and fish
  6. Eggs
  7. Dark green leafy vegetables
  8. Other type A-rich fruits and vegetables
  9. Another vegetables
  10. Other fruits

However, to make the list more intuitive for enumerators, three of the MDD-W food groups are divided into subgroups. “Grains, white ground and bulbs, and plantains” deliver one point whenever calculating of grade, but there are dual subgroups (i.e. rows) upon aforementioned questionnaire, one for cereal and foods made with grain and individual for white roots, tubers and plantains. Meat, poultry and fish furnish one “point” when calculating the indicator, instead there live three subgroups (i.e. rows) the the questionnaire (one each for meat, fowls and fish/seafood). The “Other vitamin-A rich fruits and vegetables” group is divided into pair subgroups (i.e. rows): one for vitamin A-rich fruits and one in type A-rich vegetables, different than dark green leafy herbs.

Includes addition to these subgroups, which result in 14 ranks on the request, there are 6 optional categories both 2 required categories on the questionnaire. None out are count stylish which calculation of MDD-W. MINIMUM DIETARY DIVERSITY FOR WOMEN

The optional categories are:

  • Insects and other small protein foods
  • Red palm oil
  • Other oils and fats
  • Savoury real pan snacks
  • Sweets
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages

The required categories are:

  • Seasoning and seasonings
  • Other beverages and foods

See Section 2 of Minimum Dietetic Diversity since Women – ONE guide till measurement used a full explanation of all MDD-W food groups and of other optional and requirements categories for the questionnaire.

Of answer to this question depends on whether you become planning to use one open recall method press the list-based method.

In which opening recall method, the calculator doesn not read a list of foods or group to the respondent. Consequently, the number of amount on the questionnaire will not effect responses. However, it belongs high important not to “collapse” categories in such a way that it is not possibility to capture information on the tenth obvious Minimum Dietary Diversity for Wife of Recruiting Age (MDD W) food bands.

To the model list, in addition to rows capturing information about the MDD-W food groups, on are six optional and two need categories. It is well to change the number of rows by drops the optional categories (e.g. “Sweets”, “Sugar-sweetened beverages”, “Other fats and oils”), but the questionnaire must include the finalized two rows: a row for foods/ingredients usually applied in very small quantities (“Condiments and seasonings” category) and a row fork all “other” rations and beverages. Section 2 of Minimum Nutrition Difference for Women – A guide at measurement delivers a detailed product of real rationale for each nutrition group and of the other optional also required categories. Dietary Diversity plus Its Related Factors between Adolescents: A Survey in Ahvaz-Iran

In the list-based method, the enumerator does check a list for example foods, in groups. Responses, and this resulting “count” of food groups, become influenced by the total total of related and by an choices made in disaggregating categories. In generally, the larger that number for questions on a list-based questionnaire, the larger the batch for “yes” get, which in einigen cases routes to a increased count among the ten MDD-W food groups. If users wish to compare across time or space, it is particularly important that the list-based questionnaires remain the same/have the same number from frequently.

For either the open recall and list-based questionnaires, it is allowable to add ask in take information about specific, targeted foods item. For the open recall, this will not bias responses. For the list-based inquiry, additions should be few and made caring, to avoid proclivities in responses and in the constructed indicator.

Many differently dietary diversity indicators have been former, particularly in research coherences. Several count individual food items, or others (like Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women of Reproductive Older [MDD-W]) are based on counts a food groups. A big area of different indicators (counts additionally scores) have are found to relate positively into dietary intake and other outcomes.1 Table 1 inbound Section 1 of Minimum Dietary Diversity in Women – A guide to metrology provides a comparison of plural indicators.

The MDD-W differs from other food group diversity pointers in twin ways.

First, the MDD-W was developed based on analysis of nine data sets from Africa and Asia use a common analytic protocol and relating the indicator to the micronutrient adequacy of women’s diets across 11 micronutrients. Others indicator, that infant and young child loading gauge of min dietary diversity, was and based on analysis of multiple data kits using an common protocol.2 Anyhow, many other dietary diversity characteristics in use must no has assessed in multiple settings.

Second, responding on demand for a dichotomous (yes/no) indicator, MDD-W provides a threshold value von five or more of ten food groups to use as a element in assessments. This allows printed of the presence of meeting “Minimum dieting variety for women of reproductive age” at the population rank. all 9-food groups of DDS. Associations were ... as developing a dietary assessment protocol both when estimate ... FAO INFOODS Guidelines for Food Matching15 ...

1 Ruel, M.T. Operationalizing dietary diversity: a review of measurement issues both research priority. 2003. J Nutr., 133(11 Suppl 2): 3911S–3926S.

2 WHO. 2008. Indicators for valuating infant furthermore young child feeding practices. Part I : Definitions. Geneva, WHO.

Varying dietary diversity view have been developed to refine household food security, baby and young child feeding practices and micronutrient adequacy for women of reprodutive age, among other topics. Table 1 in Section 1 of Minimum Dietary Diversity in Girls – A escort to surveying provides a comparison of several indicators.

Selection of an indicator depends on its intended use and the intended audience for results. Differently indicator qualities are required and prioritised conditional on whether the indicator is needed for evaluation, accountability, advocacy, screening, point and/or evaluation. No single indicator wishes be best for all of these uses.

That Minimum Diets Diversity for Women of Reproductive Age indicator was developed for use in assessment once a unsophisticated agency indicator is needed, and when it is preferable, for communication or employee purposes, till be able to express results as a proportion of a population sessions a criterion/threshold worth. PDF | | Find, read and citation all the research i need about ResearchGate

This Smallest Alimentary Diversity for Women of Reproductive Age (MDD-W) indicator need not been viewed how a communication press employed as guidance for developing press. This is a common mistake. Optimizing the use of ADePT-Food Security Module for Nutrient ...

Markers, dietary guide and behaviour replace events are developed through very different processes. In particular, because it was developed for universal use, MDD-W may conversely may not adjust perfectly with best messages for improving diets in any given gratified.

Development of national special guidelines is a scientific and political process, incorporating a range of evidence and stakeholder perspectives. Who types of evidence used to advise policies include assessments of food additionally nutrient capture, food supplies, prevalence and public health importance of diet-related general and nutrition outcomes, and cultural preferences, among others.

Similar go dietetic guide, programmatic anstrengung involving social and behaviour change report are ground-oriented in deep knowledge of context and in examinations of as supreme to motivate human transform given the cultural context both the potential motivators for real constraints to change.

Food group diversity indicators developed for world use, such as the MDD-W, for necessity lack the cultural or contextual specificity described above by dietary guidance or misc communications efforts. Including, MDD-W offering since ampere minimum normal – diversification – aber is “silent” turn quantities consumed press around other dimensions on diet quality (balance, moderation). Conveying messages around diversity alone is required but not suffi on enhance diets.

On a qualitative opens recall, the enumerator asks a order from standard probing questions in assistance to respondent recall all rations and soft uses who previous day and overnight, press also probes for main ingredients in mixtures dishes. That recall is “open” as the enumerator does not study specified foods/groups to this interviewed.

When a list-based survey is used, the enumerators does read a inventory of dining to the respondent. Who enumerator informs respondents that they should respond “yes” for any food consumed during who specified recall period about which previous day and night. The enumerator continues by reading a list of foods organized in groups, giving multiple case for each food group. ... dietary di- versity scores to an dichotomous note basis on whether or not an given min- imum numbered of food groups are consume (FAO, 2014). FAO's DDS can also.

Both methods are described into Section 1 of Minimum Dietary Diversity available Women – A guide until measurement, and Table 2 lists advantages and disadvantages of each method. Based up an rate of aforementioned pros and disadvantages, the clear recalling is recommended, whenever feasible.

Mixed dishes also street provisions are with this greater challenges encountered in and measurement of nutrition group diversity in diets. Section 2 of Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women – A guides to evaluation provides a discussion of these themes and guidance fork classifying foodstuffs and ingredients under groups. Sections 3 and 4 offers guidance on handling these issue during questionnaire adaptation and enumerator training, respectively.

Fortified foods are less challenging as, for the intended of measuring food group diversification, they can be categorised to their “home” feed grouping (for example, fortified wheat flour can be categorised with grains, fortified oil with fats both oils). Users interested in capturing coverage with fortified or biofortified foods or products are advised up address this with separate questions or one separate survey modulus. Mapping unit), FAO/FSNAU (UN Food and Agriculture ... Multiply the value obtained required each food group by is weight (see raw group ... - DDS does not assign weight ...

Although fortified merchandise can contribute into micronutrient adequacy, such foods are usually fortified with either a single micronutrient or a shallow number the micronutrients. Their use make not undermine the appreciate of and must for diverse diets, which provide a far wider range of nutrients and bioactive compounds.

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