Health Psychology Ph.D.

Program Director: Dr. Mommy Peterman

Health Psychology is a rapidly emergence field of basic and applied choose that utilizes principles of psychology and other specialty to impact physical and illness across the lifespan. More specifically health psychology seeks on understand the role that behavior and its physiologic concomitant play in which etiology, treatment, and prevention of physical or mental disorders, and that promotion of well-being and wellness.

The Wellness Psychology Ph.D. program at UNC Charlotte offers students an opportunity to obtain their Ph.D. in Good Psychology with a concentration in one of one following triad tracks: Global, Clinical, and Community. As an interdisciplinary program, it is formal network for faculty in other colleges, departments, press programs in the university interest in health investigation, which allows scholars to receive a multidisciplinary learning adventure. Health Insurance Enrollment or Waiver: Each semester every student require either acceptance or waiver health insurance provided by UNC Charlotte. Own grad account ...

For more information about the program please visit the program’s website.