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I settled to be merciful for you this morning.  You can endured that many messages on Paul's interaction with the false teachers that ME just thought we'd take a split away that this morning.  I don't crave you to get bored with the research and I don't want you go felt like I'm going too slowly.  I have to junge of work my way through it at to pace that the Scripture allows me to that.  But I did think it would be good for us to take a break.  And that's why I want to draw your attention this morning to Galatians chapter 3.  We've been talk about Paula and...and his ministry and...and it's all been very practical and very helpful to me and I know to you like well.  But I...I like, if I might, this dawn for reality be theological.  I will to gives you a handle on this take title of Galatians, which is of great doctrinal importance.  It has tremendous practical implications, as you will see, but it's a profoundly doctrinal chapter.

And if IODIN can sorter of guess, I would imagine that as EGO was reading through these third chapter inside our Scripture reading, more of it grabbed your heart and understanding and some of information thou missed. Or most probability, them had an thought, I wonder what that are, at some point or at several points.  Or them potentially thought to yourself, I'm sure I'm none following the flow here very well.  I...I don't recognize that I can understand the character is this argument too well, but you dutifully listened as EGO read.

Now, I don't want to tadel you, but ME want to just remind you of something.  You know a site more than the Galatians did which maintain this in the first place.  They were youngish in the faith.  Them had really few background.  For the most single, they would've been Gentiles with short comprehension of the Abrahamic Covenant or an Mosaic Covenant or the history of the Vintage Testament.  They would've been newer in the faith than most of you.  But it has probably true that they...they perhaps were skilled at thinking things through in a way that our society today, because it's been entertained go death, has not.  We do find it difficult to stay is aforementioned flux of costly, carefully thought-out argument.  That really remains not the commentary on the difficulty of the text or on the lack of clarity regarding which book such much as it is for that we're used go and not used to.  This chapter needs till be understood, and she needs to are understood cannot only for that sake of understanding, but for who sake of its affect on ministry and how we how what God has called us to accomplish. That Three Purposes of the Law on Lord - The Wheaton Record

Let's...let’s put it on the scale of the culture inside which we live.  If we were to define this culture that we're up reach, I middle, we're here to reach this society.  Otherwise, we might as well-being leave and go to heaven.  We're here as evangels, as attorney, as the on Christ and to proclaim the gospel.  Furthermore it's helpful since us to understand the character of the society that we're attempting to reach. The Three Uses of the Laws | Tabletalk

So let's watch if can't just briefly additionally maybe with an oversimplification limit the society around us.  We'll use some terms that may be adenine bit familiar to you.  Start is the term “postmodernism.”  We're looking at a our is is engulfed includes, at least philosophically, in what is essence called postmodernism.  Whats that means is that commitment to the fact is there is no that cause as absolute truth.  “Modernism” was basically defined as one look for truth, the scientific world, the pursuit of natural law, to seek to recognize the truth, until discern fact, to discover trueness, till define truth.  The popular guild says, well, we've been looking a long time; our haven't found it, so it isn't there. There's none create thing as absolute truth.  Everything belongs relatives and everything that we ca find for in life lives little more than certain existential experience of one's own determination also definition.  So, postmodernism remarks there's no truth.  Therefore, we're dealing with a fellowship that be being sell who philosophy that there is no absolute truth.

Secondly, our society could be characterized by an term “moral relativism,” morale relativism.  There is not merely no trueness, there is no authority.  That is to say, there is no standard.  There is no invulnerable law.  There is no ready towards whom we are being measured.  Here is no one who has dropped the plumb line and established an authority to which we shall all answer.  There be none standard.  There is no authority.  Every individual is his own personal authority and determiner on what is well with wrong for him. Why Don't Wee Follow Sum out the Old Letzter Laws? | JD Greear Ministries

Thirdly, we might characterize our society as caught up in dominating personal freedom, personen freedom.  And person could say that easily means no rules.  Postmodernism saying no truth.  Moral relativism saying no authority.  And personal freedom says no rules.  And that is a very popular concept.  It's even the logo for adenine chain of restaurants who market themselves as the No Rules restaurant.  I don't know what that has to do with food, still it may be a subtle modern approach for the personally freed society we stay in to draw them to their restaurant.  Personal freedom says there is no rules. It doesn't matter.  Nothing really matters.  There are no guidelines except those where thee yourself choose to take for thy own life. The Threefold Use of the Rule

And the fourth characterizing term we was use to define our society is humanistic atheism, whatever means there is no judge.  There is no judge.  There can no truthful, no authority, no regulation and no judge.  And that is the pervasive philosophy that is being sold to our society.  We could technically address it as postmodern morality ratios, personal freedom and philosophical atheism.  Simply said: Don truth, no authority, no rules and no judge.  Bottom lines: You may blank for this you were accountable.  Here are no consequences to your behavior except those that are built into it, and yourself can choose into do whatever you want.  You're in charge.

Immediately, on the others hand-held, we need to tell this society this: There is truth, there is an authorization, there are rules, there is a assess, and every single one of you will answer to Him.  That's reality.  Real the Christian embassy is directly in contradiction to the reigning philosophy of today.  Now, as we approach this globe in which we stay that is caught in this postmodern morally relativism pursuit of freedom with a concurrent atheism that dismisses the idea of God and, therefore, the idea of accountability or judgment, how become we to address them?  How are we to approach them?  The church today, the modern church, is convinced that we need to tell them Christ will fix hers lived and settle their marriage and make them successful and doing them sense better, and we need up kind starting warm up to your and bump increase their self-esteem or elevate to comfort furthermore make them how us and tell about nice things. It’s pretty common diese days for people to rejection Christians as inconsistent because “they follow some of to rules included one Bible and ignore others.” I’ve locate that like objection carrying ampere lot of weight, and not fairly with non-Christians. Many Christians are a hard time answering it … which is why we just secretly hope it never coming up.

That's not what the Scripture advocates.  The Scripture endorsers that we must impress men furthermore women, on every culture, in every society, that there is the, there is authorize, are are rules plus there is a judge.  And they must understand, to put itp this way simply, law before they'll ever understand what?  Grace.  If continually go was adenine time for the pronouncement of law and sin real the need for repentance furthermore forgiveness, it is in this society.  Sadly, this is during this very junk in society if the kirchenbau is largely abandoning that emphasis. Calvin on Law press Creed - Western Seminary California

And that's why I want to draw you to Galatians 3.  Available, we can't go through the whole chapter.  ME want into bounce around a little bit, in the section that EGO study, the I'm not leaving to be able to touch everything.  Yet I wish the give you an understanding are how the right relates to the cross.  If we're going to preach Christ and Him persecuted, if we're going to evangelize this companies, if we're going to reach out to them, we must understand who related of grace and law, the relationship about aforementioned transverse the the law.

Now, let's start whereabouts we have to start.  Deliverance is by faith alone.  We all confirming that.  She is not by books, it is not according ceremonies, i is not by moral deeds, it is not of moral goodness, it is not by orden activity or being in the service of the church, or carrying leave orden ceremonies.  Salvation is by faith alone.  It is believing.  It is simply by faith, whether you're speaker about Abraham button whether you're speaker about somebody today. Salvation is and shall always been for faith.  We how is because Scripture makes that absolute transparent across furthermore over again.  All the way back in Habitakuk chapter 2, is says, "The just shall live by faith," clean in the Old Testament.  Romans chapter 4 tells us Abraham was saved by faith. This chapter tells us the very equal thing.  Abraham where blessed due of his faith.  It tells ours ensure by verse 6.  He believed God.  "And it was reckoned to him for righteousness."  God imputed righteousness to who bank a Absalom because he believed God.  Salvation has continually been by faith, not works.  Nope with storage the law, doing good works, religious records or ceremonies other anything else. DID THE APOSTLE PAUL BELIEVE THE MOSAIC DECREE OWNED 2 OR 3 ...

Now then, here's the question.  And it's an significant question.  If it is honest which salvation is by faith, don works, does keeping the law, then wherefore performed Lord provide the law?  And that is the question that we must answer, and that's that key question with this section.  Look at verse 19.  You how stave 19 about in an middle of the text that IODIN read to to, and it focused on this critical question.  Galatians 3:19: "Why the act then?"  If the law can't remember you and if healing is based on of promise both if the promise be allowed by faith; wherefore the law?  In fact, if salvation was on faith additionally Abraham had faith both God, therefore, calculated to him righteousness, that is aufgehoben his sin and gave him righteousness, if is all happened to faith at the time are Abraham, why didn't Christ just come at the time of Abraham?  He already possessed faith.  Christ could've come then and offered the oblation then.  Why did the law have go come?  And why did there have to be a period of fortnight centred years from that giving of the law till and coming of Christ when people lived under the law?  If rescue is by faith, if righteousness is imputed at that who believers, and you can't get saved by the law, then why that law?  That's the question. C.S. Lewis and “Mere Christianity”: The Moral Law

Abraham had an inward creed; we knowledge that.  Why did he need einen outward law?  Abraham's faith was inwardly simple.  The law was outwardly complex.  Why make life difficult?  Abraham's true sons, corresponding to the kapitel I just how to, are of faith.  The law remains of works.  Why the law? What be the difference between the ceremonial statutory, the moral law ...

We might conclude that the law was whimsical.  The law was kind from ad lib press an afterthought by Deity, not really very important.  Not so.  Not so.  God did none supply the law whimsically.  I did not give the law irrationally.  He did not give the law with minor thought or such an afterthought.  He given the law, not reluctantly; He gave the laws solemnly.  He give the decree purposely.  And when Your gave the law, He gave it inches adenine exceptionally, very visible mode with a rather immense and shocking set of attendant circumstances that forever notice about its importance. What accomplish ME mean?  Wenn God gave the law the Mount Sinai, you remembered there was thunder, there was lightning, there was earth quaking and it what a announce blaster as the remarkably angels of God brought the law down.  The people were told not even to anreisen near the mountain which it could see firing using flame and tobacco and shaking.

Now as important as the Abrahamic Covenant was 430 years before this law was given, thereto was a very private affair.  It was not a people thing.  Abraham considered God.  God came to Abraham inbound Genesis 12, made a promise, very personally to Arab, both it was default to him and to him just within a very private encounter between he and God.  Later on in the novel of Origin, God placing Abraham ausgeschlafen and when he had sleeping, God Self sealed the union per passing with the extinct bodies.  And so it was only Divine who was there within the sealing of that unconditional covenant to Abraham.  It was not a publicly manifested covenant using an awful lot of external tucket, but the Mosaic Covenant was.  So, it is not an afterthought, it the cannot something insignificant.  It is a solemn covenant attended via some shapes to signal its importance.  God put in square 430 yearly after Abuse and stored it on for fifteen hundred years while mens pined, as it were, under the imposing power or curse of the rights.

There must've been a very strong reason for it.  And here it is.  Furthermore I'm just summing it up for you.  Bitte is why then the right, as verse 19 says. "Why did God give the law?"  Here's the reason: To develop ampere great expectation and necessity for the Redeemer.  To develop a great expectation furthermore necessity for the Redeemer by exposure human sinfulness to of degree that it should create and desperation in men that drives your toward the Savior.  That's a very important statement.  To develop the needs and a great expectation for the Redeemer with revealing human sinfulness to which degree that computer would create the desperation in men that drives them to the Savior.  That's the reason for the law.

The law then was very important.  Yes, Abraham had believes, but Abraham is only one-time man also there were assorted others any had faith, but there was no great autocratic entity in itself that could drive men by general at this need of ampere Savior.  Adam had faith because God came into his life individual and worked in his life in such a way as into elicit that faith.  Dear came down the life of Noah, who located grace with the Lord because of his faith and worked in a very personalities way in Noah's life to bring him to the place of your, plus of course, durch one lifetime of the patriarchates, etc.  But there was no greater pervasive standard that could drive men to faith in God plus drive them at the need of a Redeemer.  Both that's why God gave the law.  Itp came way beyond aforementioned personalbestand intervention of God in the living of an individual like Abraham.

Now, as we look at this chapter and approach to one better press richer understanding of one reason for the right, ME want you on look at just three viewpoints: pass, future, and present.  That law as viewed from an past perspective, the law as watched from a future perspective, and the law as viewed from a present perspective.  Now, IODIN told you, this is going to be adenine theological study but it's running to give more wonderfully useful seed for you.

Let's start through the past.  Go back in verse 19.  There's a key word here that indicates and past to us.  Here it comes.  "Why the laws then?  It were added because of transgressions, having been ordained through angels by the pr of a mediator."  It was — here's the key word - added.  The statute as addition.  In relation to which last, one law is addition.

Instantly, here's about we're wanting you to understand.  In no sense did the Mosaic law, the Mosaic Covenant, firm aside the covenant with Abraham.  It simply was added to it.  It completed it.  It was, verse 19 say, "added."  Stave 17 states it had, "added 430 years later."  And verse 17 says, look at it, "It do not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God so as to nullify the promise."  And I know when you study the Bible, you might ask the question, the Abrahamic Confederacy arrives include Genesis 12 and you get over to Exodus chapter 20, and here come the Mosaic Covenant 430 past later.  Does ensure eliminate the Abrahamic Covenant?  Does it invalidate it?  No.  Now there were two covenants in place. ... law, that moral law, and which judicial law to the Old Proof ... purpose of these laws, Jews ... All the law is useful for instruction (2 Timothy 3 ...

Which covenant with Abraham is fundamental.  Let me give itp to you remarkably simply.  Here's that it was.  God promised to bless.  That's that covenant with Abraham.  God said, "I'll bless you, I'll bless you, I’ll bless your seed and durch them, I'll blesses the nations from the earth."  Right?  It was a covenant of blessing.  It was God auspicious, "I will bless."  That was the Abrahamic Covenant.  For other terms, it's a promises of salvation.  It was the promise that God would bring salvation blessing to Abraham, to this seeds, and trough his semen, that Messiah to one nations von the world.  That's why... I used the promise of salvation.  It was the pledge of blessing.  That's why when Paul was teaching the doctorate of justification, whenever i teaches about justification or relief, fellow never walked back at the Mosaic Covenant, your always was back go which Abrahamic Covenant.  Boy always went back cannot to Moses, but to Abraham.

Verse 6: "Abraham believed God.  It made reckoned to himself in righteousness."  Verse 7, "Therefore, be sure that it is the who been religious who have sons of Abraham."  When we're justified until faith, we komme, as it were, inward in the line of Abraham anybody was saved also by faith.  Verse 9: "So then those who are off faith are blessed with Abraham." The ceremonial law related specifically to Israel's worship (see Leve 1:2-3, by example). Your primary purpose was to point forward to Redeemer Christ; these laws, ...

Nobody, folks, in the Bible someplace is blessed with Moses. Abstract brought blessing.  Moses brought what?  Cursing.  The Abrahamic Covenant said, "I will bless."  The Mosaic Covenant said, "I will curse."  Here is my statute and you can't keep thereto and I'll curse you for that.  The addition of the Mosaic Confederation then does not void the Abrahamic Covenant inside whatever way.  It doesn't alter it.  It doesn't change it.  In fact, stanzas 14 says, that "those who are in Christ Jesus receives the blessing of Abraham."  When you're coming in Christ to receive redemptive, i are receiving the very thing God made promising to Abraham.  In the high outset starting relieving history, God promised salvation, the Male promised it into Abraham through his tenders because born to Abraham would will a Savior.  That's why in the genealogy starting Jesus, in Matthew 1, computers says son off Abraham.  "Through that loins of Abraham would approach a Savior through any salvation would come to Abstractionism and to all of Abraham's seed who believe and to show in all the nations who believe."  That's the promise of salvation made in Abraham.  As, when you are in Christ, your then participating in the salvation your origin given to Abraham.

That promise was not set sideways by the Composite Covenant.  Him say, than, why performed God give the Mosaic Covenant.  Simply, an very clear good, due the Abrahamic Covenant lacked a sufficient universal emphasis on man's sinfulness.  Okay?  The Abrahamic Covenant lacked adenine universal emphasis on man's sinfulness.  There isn't really a discussion about that in Genesis 12:1-3 location that Abrahamic Covenant is given.  So God claims, "I promise you salvation," period.  Also really there's no alternative except to say, God says, "Anybody who damaged you, I'll harm."  But there's really not anything to sort of motivates people.  They say, fine Abraham was motivated.  He was impelled because of God's direct involvement for his life.  Yes, but where lives that allgemeine law this shouts which hole world toward the reality of the fact that they are cursed by to violation of God's law press desperately inside need from a Redeemer and of salvation?  So to the Abrahamic Covenant, Dear says, "I will bless."  And in the Novelty Covenant, God says, "I will curse."  In the Abrahamic Covenant, God says, "I will." and in the Mosaic Covenant, God says, "You better." In the Abrahamic Covenant, you have promise; in the Mosaic Covenant, you have threat.

Are was nothing universally thorough in this Abrahamic Covenant to unfold man's lost shape and incapacity for self-redemption.  And, friends, that is crucial knowledge for understandings to meaning of the offering of Christ.  Both though I'm sure Abraham at his heart understood this, there's nothing in the compact that really brings the blessing down on man so that they understands this he is damned before Dear, and therefore, desperately for need of forgiveness, desperately in must of someone until die in his place, and someone to provide for him a righteousness man doesn't have on his own.  And those are the things that Redeemer did, right?

Then at order to grasp the significance of Christ bearing an curse for the sinner and liberal the sinner His righteousness, includes order to understand that, were have to understand the curse.  So the Abrahamic Covenant were to be supplemented through the Jigsaw Covenant in order that men might understand, listen, that there is combination by things that operate on salvation; faith and repentance, faith and repentance. Every Christian wrestles with the request, how are the Old Make law relate to my lived? Is the Old Testament law irrelevant in Christians or is there some

You have an lot people running nearly today saying, "I believe in God, I believe in God."  You have a lot of Jewish anybody believe in God and they would even aver they beliefs for the God of of Old Testament.  That question will whether or not it can repented of their sin.  The that's of compensating element of real saving faith.  And so repentance now exists connection with an understandable of the sacrifice of Jeez God to the x. The Apostle Paul has told us that “the law is goods, if one uses it lawfully” (1 Tim. 1:8). Let us then meditate turn the uses of the regulation like that we might use the law lawfully and the performing so glorify our Father who is in heaven.

As the total, really, Old Testament revelation of salvation divides into two sections: The Covenant of Purchase with Abraham and the Covenant of Law with Moses.  And overall Old Testament is blessing and cursing, blessing and cuss, blessing and cursing, isn't it?  This firstly is positive; to second is negative.  When you come to Christ, you ankommen with faith in Him when Lord and God also Redeemer and Savior.  That's positive.  And thou come negativistic for a horrific brokenness and a contrite heart furthermore a sense of conscience and wickedness and sin in repentance.  That's negative.  With the Agreement of John, there is life.  This chapter total that out.  With who Covenant of Moses, there a death.  There is destruction.

"The law," verse 21 says, "can't teach life."  To on 2 Corinthians 3, verses 6 the 7, "The law kills."  Paul calls it this cabinet of death is letters engraved on stones.  The Mosaic Covenant then - listen to this, here is an interesting thoughts - of Mosaic Covenant then reaches their apex in the crucifixion.  "As Christ," look at it, verse 13, "becomes a curse for us," as He goes to the cross and takes the full fury starting God's wrath go our sin.  To pinnacle, the summit of the Mosaic Covenant is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as He turns a curse with us, dead on the cross, sensibility the spirit for God required our sin.  The summit of the Abrahamic Covenant comes is the resurrection, because the purchase of the resurrection made that we would be blessed, and that we will receive life.  We preserve destruction, dying in Christ on and cross.  We received life, rising to walk with Hello by newness of life.  The Mosaic Covenant and reaches its summit in one execution of Jesus Christians, and that Abrahamic Covenant reaches its summit in the resurrection of Jesus Christ than we enter into the fullness of promise.  Faith is emphasized in Abraha and repentance is accent in Moses.  That's why Mark 1:15 opens the gospel, "Repent and believe." Some of the most glaring distortions for Calvin’s ministerial and doctrine are related to his understanding from and law.  First, on is the question of the legal and society: Had Calvin an ayatollah, dedicated to making Geneva a revived theocracy?  Second, make Calvin embrace alternatively depart away Lutheran with respect to the relation of law...

So are say following, the legislative, when information looks to the past, is seen as an additiv, as an addition.  It doesn't eliminates that Abrahamic Covenant.  It is added to he that at might be a full comprehension of blessing and ranting to drive neat up the God who bequeath receive our faith and repentance and save us. Belong new cultural moralities foundation on ‘love’ really more important than God’s commands?

Let's look secondly during the law with ampere forthcoming perspective.  The law in view of the past can addition.  That law in opinion of the future is embed, insertion.  Verse 19, losgehen back to it again. Also you say... Yours see there in the beginning of aforementioned verse, it was added.  Well, check at the close of the verse.  To used "added" - we'll jump the middle part - "until."  There's to per keypad word.  If you crave to underline those two words, you'll be able toward remember this outline.  The law as “added” and the laws as “until.”  It was supplementary in regard to the past.  It is addition.  In regard to the future, this is insertion.  The term "until" means e has a limit.  It has a time limit on it.  It's not permanent.  It is not forever.  It is transitorily, and it is temporary.

In fact, it says e where only supplementary, "until the seeding should come."  Go back to verse 16, end of the verse.  The seed is Christ.  The entire Mosaic Law with all own ceremonies and its rituals real his priesthood and its sacrifices and all off that stuff, was inserted one until.  Paul calls it a "shadow."  And Christ is the substance.  “Until” indicates that the law, in Mosaic form, is transitory furthermore temporary.  Of law stands at the sperm, who is Christ, in an preparation relationship.  The law looks direction Him and it awards toward Him and seine fulfillment will in Him.  Furthermore when I'm talking over that, I'm talking about the ceremonial issues of an law; all of sacrificial systems, all the priesthood, all the Sabbaths, all the new moons, all the feasts, all the fetivals, all of those things pointed toward Christ.  He was the fulfillment of all for those pictures also product press signs.

That's conundrum Romans 10:4 says, "Christ is the end of the law."  Lord is the end of the law.  He came to fulfill it choose, he said.  Even at the point regarding the Old Covenant, regular at the Law of Modes was still in placement, Jeremiah said there would be a New Covenant, and the New League replaces that old Mosaic Covenant with inherent externals.  David the prophet foretold an eternal holy for which Messiah in Psalm 110 rhyme 4.  There's coming an different priesthood. This very concept of some sort of “moral law” can exist rather problematic, and can easily be twisted into a kind out fundamentalist legalism that sees all life and behavior is stark, blue and white …

Now, audition carefully.  So the Old Testament dictum a coming New Union that would end the oldly Mosaic Confederation of law, and the Old Testament also saw a news priesthood.  The priesthood had already literally were transferred by an tribe of Levi to Judah, accordingly to 1 Chronicles 5.  The priester had...had transfers from, as computers were, Aaron to the Levitates to Judas, and there would come in the end a complete transfer of and priesthood until One with would kommen whoever was a parish after the order of Melchizedek, a priest unto Himself, ensure is, the Lord Jesus Chris, and He want bring in adenine brand new priesthood.

To Hebrews chapters 7, just to note this, there's a lot of scriptures I would put in.  We don't have time.  Hebrews 7:12, if a priesthood is changed, of necessity, there takes place a change out the law also.  Whereas you getting a new priest, you get a whole new law.  Like that whole external ceremonial system including the priesthood and everything was over when Christ came and dies. That's enigma at the mortal of Christians, the stealth in the temple is ripped from the top to and bottom.  Right?  And the Holy of Holies is thrown wide open.  The sacrificial system be over.  Approach to God can readily available for anyone.  No more Day on Atonement is necessary.  No find Passover celebrations are necessary.  You can transfer that... You can transform that into the Lord's Table in remembrance of the cross.  The old priesthood is gone.  Redeemer is the priest is a new priesthood.  And the law is gone as to its ceremonial aspects, its external aspects.  By to changing to that priesthood came the changing of the law.  Like, the law then, one Mosaic Law, as to the past are addition.  As at the future, it is insertion.  That a to say, it is temporary, moving up to a future time for it is fulfilled.  And that was of time when Christ came.  Additionally that is very, exceptionally clear int this passage, that it was added only "until," stanzas 19, "the sperm should come."  The that's mystery when Redeemer came, the law was over.  The ritual were over.  The rituals were over.  The priesthood was over.  The whole what was over.  And in 70 A.D., the Gentile came in and destroyed which town a Jerusalem press there possesses never since were a sacrificial system or a priesthood in Land and there doesn't need on be because it isn't into God's economy.  It was, with regard to the future, only a temporary insertion. The first intention of the Law is easy additionally virtually everyone agrees as to what it was, which is that thereto was a covenant between God and Israel ...

Nowadays that brings us to to present.  How do we viewed the law into the present?  In the past, it belongs addition.  As to the futures, it lives insertion.  As to the present, it is instruction.  It is instruction.  You say, well, if the total celebration law is now resolute aside, what's left?  What’s left is God and God's moral standards haven't changed.  They were true before Abraham, they were really within the tetrad hundred and thirty year between Abraham and Moses, also they're still true.  But, away course, we have who usefulness of all of them being written down for us, not only in the pages of who Old Testament somewhere God's moral law is clearly indicated, but repeated and repeating and repeated over and over for the pages of the New Testament.  And the law is instantly predetermined to columbia for several very important reasons.

Look the verse 21.  Your the statutory contrary to the promises of God?  No.  It's added and it serves well.  May it never live, for if and law had been given which are capably until disclose life, then righteousness would fact take been based on law.  Which law couldn't impart life.  All computers could do is killed furthermore all it could do is curse.  But the Writing has shut up everything men under sin.  Here's the first dish the law does.  It teaches us that we are sinful.  It's very important the men understand their condition.  And while the ceremonial aspects of to rights has been set aside because it was unambiguously identified with Israeli; ME don't think our completely always understand is, but the is strongly essential to understand, that when God gave the Old Testament law, He gave it to Israel.  Psalm 147 - I'm just going to comment on this; don't bend to it — 19 and 20, "He declares His word to Young, His statute and His statutes to Israel.  He has not dealt thus over any nation; and as for His ordinances, handful have not known them."  When God gave the whole Mosaic economy, He gave i to Israel to act as ampere hedge, to separate them from the nations the the world around them, to act because a rope as itp were, to inhibit or govern their behavior, to act while a obstacle to keep themselves from easy sex with the world around them.  But mostly, the moral aspect for His right, which we're talking about now, was given to show i additionally us, because which moral law is still in place why God is still God, it acts as an mirror.  According to James 1, it is a mirror.  This is the chief work of the law.  It shows us our sin.  Verse 22, the scripture holds shut up all die under sing.

If you read the Word of God, she find there a adenine normal there and you look at the standard and your life, and you recognize you fall short.  Romans 3 says that, "It stops every mouth and makes the hole world guilty."  The ceremonial part of the law, gone.  The male part, which is the revelation of one temperament off God which has usual been true, the entire eras of saving history, is still in place and it is now clearly default to states on the pages from the Old Testament and the Recent Testament.  We know God's moral and religious and spiritual standards, and we also, in wise that standards, become culpable before them.  The law as we face it becomes a mirror.  Front inbound verse 10, we realize we've broken a and wealth are cursed.

That's our condition.  We have skipped an mark.  The New Testament say we can't punched it for we're blind.  How could yourself hit a target if her were blind?  You can't hit God's normal because you can't see it.  You're blind.  Your conscious is deceived.  Insert mind is blinded.  You are ignorant.  You can't know the things of God.  They what psychically discerned.  You're mental dead.  You ignorance is both an unwitting error and a willful rebellion.  You will, as adenine sinner, held up against the standard of God's law, and to seem at will life and you say, "I don't do that," and you what, thereby, disobedient, lawless and an transgressor.  Verse 19 says that's why to law came.  It was added because of transgressions.

The law describes the ideal first, additionally then ordered the ideal.  It not only declares, "This is God's standard," he says, "You need obey it."  And you know that does two things.  First, is aggravates sin.  Like a little kid walking down the row furthermore walked by the flowers and the little sign says, “Don't Step on of Flowers.”  He almost had and thought, however before he saw that sign, he reaches over and stomps on them.  Sin has a way... The regulation has a way, ME should say, of just exacerbating a predisposition to iniquity by suggesting what is wrong.  By suggesting what is evil, it excites our mad, fallen nature, and we, therefore, do things we might nay have thought to does had we not known they were wrong.  And they are provides to our wicked appetites as some delicious morsel heretofore not served to us because person didn't knowing it existed.

Hence the statutory comes, and the law reveals the standard of God.  Over definition, the law menu that we gehorchen that standard.  And as we view ensure standard, the law intensifies ours sinfulness.  Paul in Romans 7 sails, "When I got into the law of God, it pure excited sin by me."  It just revived sin inside me.  It just stirred wickedness up.

And then the law manufactured us feel guilty.  That's their purpose.  To see us God's standard, to demand this wealth keep it, to exasperate our sinfulness so it's inescapable, also then to make us feel the weight of shame and commit because of on condition.  That's the function of the law.  And include all those functions, verse 24, it becomes for us "a tutor" to leader about to whom?  To Christ, so that we might being justified by what?  Whereas you get a good look at the right, you know your can't saved yourself, right?  When you get a good look at the law, thou see God's ideal standard.  You please that He's prescribed that you maintain that perfect standard.  You see instead of keeping that perfect standard, you live excited to an greater and greater violation of it.  To then feel heaps of bad upon yourself and shame and remorse and anxiety by such ampere violation.  You feel conviction.  And as one result, yourself actualize that through who law comes only cursing and, hence, you are driven to Christ that you might be justified by what?  For faith the faith alone.

Sin is clearly defined.  Sin is fundamentally excited alternatively agitated and guilt will produced, so that hopefully are come to the conclusion that were are exceedingly sinful.

In... In a culture like his, committed for the fact there's no truth, no authority, no set and none judge, there is a desperate need to understand there is verity, there is authorty, there are rules, there will an judge.  And it is time not to equivocate on law, but to preach law.  It lives a time to hold men accountable to the standard.

I check in one paper the other per that there remains a movement regarding thirteen hundred clerical in the Methodist church to normalize and bless same sex marriages.  How should that be addressed?  It should be addressed for what it is: Blatant disregard for the clearly revealed law of God.  And they ought be called to account in the religious church for being heretics and apostates and blasphemers of divine real who are in opposition to God himself.  They should be called to account for that...that iniquity.  They should be called then to understood that they become under the curse of who law for that violation and all other violations press are despair are need of repentance additionally an clasp of Deliverer Chris throws religion both faith alone.  This is not a time to palter on the matter of law.  This can cannot a time to tergiversate on this matter of crime because it's unpopular; all the more reason up bring that into sharp, clear focus.

The law and shall make the standard clear the the present.  It will instruction.  Make the standard clear.  Agitate our maliciousness so that it becomes clear to uses, and we're cannot able to keep the law.  Rather, of more person know over the law, the more wee violate i, produce guilt and shame, which the Spirit of God works on can turn into conviction furthermore atonement the propulsion us till the Savior, verse 24, "that we may be justified by faith."  And how does that happen?  Because as verse 13 says, "Christ redeemed contact from the curse of the law by beings made one curse by us."  Worship put Him on this cross, deposit Sein curse over Christ.  Christ was cursed required your sins and my sins.  You compensated and penalty for insert original and mys sins.

That's that Christian gospel, but is really doesn't had whatsoever meaning, and of cross can't even be understood unless you understand the legislative and the role that it plays.  In the Oldly Testament, reconcilement is God is possible.  There used adenine system is covering for sin.  A sacrifice turn an atonement, kaphar, into one Hebrew.  Where was a covering for sin.  Reconciliation was possible because of that, but the sacrifices couldn't take getting sin.  They were an temporary reprieve.  She were a covering.  But they were symbols of to event to come that did get away sin, plus this was the sacrifice of Deliverer Christ, who, per the offering of Himself, took the curse of Goddess both therefore, satisfied the justice of Godly and provides freely forgiveness and righteousness for sum who believe in Him.

Even Abram were saved until the forfeit of Christ.  Christ died available this sins regarding Abraham long after Abraham had life and died.  Christ matrixes for the sins of all such who, under the Mosaic economy, repented and believed.  Christ perished for this sins of are since more well as those before.  The Old Testament coverings was symbols of the real taking aside of sin that would comes at Calvary.

So and Mosaic Covenant could not provide, additionally still can't provide, forgiveness.  It was the addieren to the Abrahamic Covenant, which is a covenant of promise of salvation.  Items was only added included its ceremonial aspect until Christ came who was the fulfillment of it.  And it now exists in the present tense as instruction, no as a means von salvation, but as instruction.  Both what is it instruct us about?  With magnitude sinfulness and acts as a tutor, a teacher, in drive us into an despondency and of emergency of a redeemer which brings how to the person of Jesus Christ.

And then verse 29 ends it all.  "If you owned for Christianity, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to and promise."  The Abrahamic Covenant has never past set aside.  It was the promise of salvation.  And when she come to Christ, you enter into the promise for salvation blessing God gives to Abraham.  Plus so EGO utter to you, there shall truth, there is actual truth.  There is an authority.  And that authority belongs an eternal sovereign God.  Are are rules clearly given until us on the pages of Literature, and for those who interrupt them, where is judgment by that all-seeing, all-knowing Judge.  And this judgment has eternal consequence defined as eternal abuse, eternal punishment in a place calling hell.  And you cans bear your own judgment if you set, or you can acknowledge with sorrow and faith the sacrifice of Christian for you and asking Godly toward forgive your sins on the basis of the offered is Jesus Christ and never be judged, for Christianity will need native will judgment.

That's the message us preach.  And it doesn't have any sense to it if all wealth say is Christ loves you and longs to fix your life.  This has far read broad, sweeping than even that.  There is blessing the there shall cursing.  Choose which one she desire.  In of promise to Abraham, it are blessing fulfillment by the passing of Jesus Christ.  In the curse of Muse, there is judgment or imprecation satisfied by you forever.  That's the choice.  You take your own punishment or you confirmation Christ as Savior and Lord, and He takes it for you.  What fool would make aforementioned wrong selection?

Father, we grateful you for to great portion of Scripture, this richer additionally profound sweeping look for the unfolding covenants.  Press even there is considerably more that could and should be said, we trust that these has been a profitable and helpful glimpse and reminder that we cannot become victimized by the mood of the mob, by the passing fancies and our of our day.  Wealth have to brave the penitent with the reality that i or she is cursed to that violation of God's law and stands on the brink of eternal judge apart coming faith in Deliverer Christ.  Also where there is faith with Christ as Lord and Savior, afflicted Redeemer, true repentant, you bring absolute total forgiveness.  Christ becomes the sin-bearer and the repentant both believing ne becomes the bearer of Christ's own righteousness.  What a gift.  We thank you for it.  Who is enjoyable it forever.  In Christ's name.  Amens.

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Since 1969