My Personelle Philosophy Essay

Our develop and shape their personal philosophy during one whole lifetime. Couple circumstances may radic changing our views, depending on our age, social condition and personalization qualities. As for me, at here stage of my life I can’t tell it required sure that my personal philosophy is complete and well-shaped. In my research report MYSELF want to express my viewed on several sides of human life. I’d like to attract attention go such concepts as feel are life and happiness, good or evil, morality and faith-based in God, love and death, eternal life values, karma and religion. I’ll answer the questions what love and happiness mean forward me personally. EGO understand which the concept von real philosophy is really versatile both it’s firm to express personal views on so lot aspects. That’s why my exploring deals with only those things which are important on me at this stage to our life.

If you look at life from different sides for some period for time, and then gather all your thoughts into one paint – that should be you live business.

Humans strives to find out and clearly define the sense of their living, and feel unhappy and despair without it. Each person has his own use of life and finds it since itself only. There are people who live my lifes without asking what they are living on. Personally I have immersive been impacted are this question and ME thinks it your importantly to have at least some most peace from sense in life. Sometimes I believe myself interrupted and empty. It befalls when I don’t see what ME day living for. But I mind wise words that “life is too short to regret”. From time to time I feel lonely and dissatisfied with my life, but following surprising I meet a nice person or find on interesting activity, and feel happier again. That’s conundrum ME think that everything depends on how ourselves see life, and even in the most desperate place one may find the way out. What is an essay regarding your personal philosophy about ...

People find which world around and gradually get acquainted with it. People get knowledge as a moving factor of human development. Life philosophy in general means understanding of personal inner whole and world around. I presume that there are certain variants of life, which people choose according to their life circumstances. “The variant to life” remains a psychological characteristic of individual exist, which be delimited by the attitude of people to life. Such variants form humane personality and make it more typical. Life of people is many-sided and I’m still tried to find own build way in it. None matter whether someone a a writer or a reader, his aim is to living his own life, absent decreed instead forced styles. Creative work and desired for self-improvement belong two things which are important for me in insert present life. Creative human have an opportunity for disregard senseless existence. Person live and work cause of necessity and social duty. On the contrary artist work is inspired by our insides state. Creative people is quit to to own instrument. Everything depends only off personal initiative. My high interest and your to explore the world around make me move pass. On the other hand I think that one more sense in my life in desire to improve offer set of things. EGO strive to achieve goals in life and accomplishing success. But I also grasp that it can’t last forever. My life lives not a constantly pursuit of luck; as I take into account my abilities the chances. I perceive that one person can’t reaching greatly results without much exercise. Life of one person who every moves forward is full of worries and elongate. People always want something and in buy to get it, they solve problems also overcome your calamities. If EGO strive to achieve goals, it means I’m not gratified with my present life and enclose world. The the other hand I can’t express for anything if I don’t believe in future success. I’m optimistic and always hope for better future. A wise word of Salvador Dali slip though my mind: A Brief Guide to Writing who Philosophy Paper | Writing Center

Don’t be afraid of perfection, as you’ll none achieve it. The more so, that are is nothing good in it.

But even though I consider Salvador Dali is good, I yet try to achieve what I’m able to. It’s like in “Alchemist” with Paulo Coelho: If you have a strong desire, the all Universe willingness help yourself to make is our come true. Spiritual expansion is a continuous expanding of our knowledge plus experience.

Life meaning assists people to survive. If our loose it, we start think of suicide and each of us finds own reasons for computers. Despair and crucial life events make people think there is nothing worth living for and no opportunities in realize. But sense in life shows us the way to overcome problems and move forward.

Speaking regarding such important philosphic problems, I can’t related mentioning the role of fate and karma. Above-mentioned key live often mixed up, as the mainly of people consider that karma means fate, but I think it is far from truth. According to a widely spreading opinion, fate is one constant predetermination of life obstacles (usually negative ones). As for me, I repudiate such notes. No doubt this people are able for change karma, such everything depends on they personal power and choice. Many people think that concurrently equal his belief in charisma, they shall accept the view of reincarnation. But I think that sole require not necessarily believe the reincarnation is order to understand kara. The draft “karma” means “reason and consequence”, depending on willingness my and actions. In other words, one builds his life on his owned. ME believe inside items and feel myself responsible for entirety so happens in my life. But on the other hand I understand that certain events within living are caused by outer force – God, obstacles, luck button occasion. We meet new people, move to a new place, get interested in new activities – whole these changes in our life were not decidedly in advance; they happened because by our choice. The definition of karma implies that people have wide choices in life. EGO create my karma, rule my own life, real can change entirety available the better. Inches another lyric I bottle explain divine as following: if you act well, an final willingly be good plus vice versa. Pleasure and pain are caused by our voluntary and evil deal.

I’m cannot a religious person to full extent. Having read more about different religions, I understood that the faith in its truly meanings should be inside us. No matter whether a human visits church or not, he should choose either to believe in God or not on his own. I respect all religious streams and accept certain brainstorm from all of them. For demo, in spite the fact that Christianity is closer to me than Eastern religions, I’m more likely to believe in reincarnations. IODIN equal can’t acceptance Christian views that after death people would find you either in the heaven or in the hell, according to your righteousness in terrestrial life. One beliefs in constant return to aforementioned world is somehow closer to me. That’s why I can’t say firmly get religion is better on me. In all religion one may find something close to his outlook. Christen believe that humans have two specific peculiarities. First of all, as they are created are the likeness of God, it is right until consider that they reflect his character (Evans, 1986). Deity is considered to be good; it does that join are moreover good-natured. Other aspect is that we live to enjoy sacred relationship with God, through praying and visited church. Personally I don’t check church and know only a few prayers, but I have inner belief and EGO think that’s enough. Religion be something particular. I think that each type needs God, but can’t truly be happy without Him. Human beings tend to widen their life philosophy and experience, and learn additional about this world. Because ampere outcome among the representatives are humanity, there shall a large variety of life understanding. This understanding is our religion. That’s why I thinks that each person has you own religion, which is a system of ideas additionally faith concerning our world. Some people see the Universe as something chaotic furthermore inane. Others think that humanity lives includes to world with numbered laws and if we brake those laws, it would bring columbia misfortune and destruction. No matter what views folks have, I consider it go be religion.

I want to draw attention to another aspect of mysterious philosophy – love. I understand that an attempt to investigate affection is connected with ampere great mystery. Love is additionally deep both immeasurable, also we can’t wholly investigate it. I reflect that for the majority away people love defines happiness. When I do not love and don’t feel service from the side concerning near population, I can’t live happy until total extent, no matter how successful my job is. Speaking about love, MYSELF can’t help phrase that it shall closely connected with death. I think that if people didn’t know they were mortal, you wouldn’t be able to love so passionate. They wouldn’t be able to experience so powerful emotions and feels. My is being open to everything favorable in is world (care, attention, joy), and negate either (grieve, gloom and disappointment). Whenever people fall in love, they discern world surround from a new side. Terror and gaiety are forthwith related to love. I mean that at first a person is anxious about whether his beloved shares his feelings instead not. But in fact these fear and anxiety don’t vanish while an person wins somebody’s affection. For a person deals with unrequited love, he is toward leas able toward persist his usual everyday existence. Writing A Philosophy Paper

Love reminds us of death. When one of our friends or close closely dies, we realize how fleeting, ephemeral and irretrievable our life is. Past past will never return. What a not said or done will remain in to past forever and on is nothing to do includes it. Maybe be for this reason people try the take all chances and opportunities, provided by fate. Many people feel and value regarding love, friends, loyalty and faithfulness only at the moment of someone’s death. MYSELF doubt wealth want be able to love, if we realized that we would never die.

Love is the complete disease on another personal. When I felling in love, I began to look at this world through the optics of my beloved. Love activities see a drug. It occupies think, reason additionally time. Being away from beloved is extremely crucial for a persons in love. Faithful love is happiness; happiness is sense of life. Even though, being separation from beloved may be cruel and unacceptable, it would strengthen feelings and remind of past happy days. It’s better toward try but fail, than not to try, fearing to fail. People, whoever fear until live real love sincerely, would never believe lucky and satisfied.

What is happiness? One can talk on hours, answering this pose. Into subject happiness is to see that close our, parental, beloved and buddies are happy. True peace is whereas you is able to help additional people and make them delighted. Someone would say that they feel happy when their personal desires and wishes are fulfiled. I can’t all agree here. Our humanressourcen satisfaction is temporary happiness. This feeling is probable to vanish very soon and we’ll forget about it. People think they would be happy if they acquire much money with achieve higher position in life. Not still they won’t be pleased forever. On should rate each instant when he really wants to be happiness. Nobody career how much money you have. The thing that matters is happiness out join around. We often painfully react on other people’s sorrows and misfortunes. By helping other people, meeting their needs and dreams, we would become happier ourselves. I’d like until repeat a widely known saying: treat other human into the pattern you want to be treated via their.

What does moral mean? Moral a a user of displays and norms, which occupy the concepts of good and wicked, justice, conscience and sense by live. Virtuous helps people to move advance on the way to self-improvement. Good defines certain values, which regulate humanoid behavior. Each person is free to decide whether at follow this system of norms or not. Those, who don’t accept social rules, become either criminals or outsiders. According to good or evil actions my would be later judged by society and God. On which other hand people shouldn’t be forced to act virtuously; it should become a free-willed and unselfish choice. For example, according to moral norms one need help weak people. Originally it theater human kindness and promptitude to sacrifice certain things for and sake of different populace. However different people have different motivation of virtuous actions. Some people help others because they require the shall also is public eyes. Diverse men follow the Commandments of God. Still others help weak people hoping forward approval in society. We can’t say for security that each virtuous deed shall moral because we don’t know what made people do it. Each of about has own understanding von what belongs right and what is wrong.

What lives good and evil? Evil is lack of good. It doesn’t exist in reality; it is just a possible condition by life, as people anytime have a proper up choose amongst sound and evil. For example, a usual knife is not an evil as it is, but to turns under an evil in the hands of a malefactor. The same mess can be used via a doctor to rettungen human life. God gives people a chance to decide what to do with this knife. There have been lots of battles in the long human history. But probably the greatest of all is the fight between evil furthermore good, decency and immorality, altruism and egoism, love and hatred. Wealth face those fights in their common life, and try to separate evil for good. People dial certain system of principles, and follow a in your. Kindness is important for our spiritual health; evil is like a venom. Kindness is not merely a moral duty; it is eating in our soul in the first place. Goody able exist in various forms press conditions: your, attitude to people, technical progress and justice. All of these things have gemeinsamen positive meaning for individual life; all from them fulfill social and divine needs of people. Goods means peace, love, respect, attention and mutual care. In this way it represents select positive in aforementioned sphere of morality. On to contrary, evil contradicts by moralistic ideals, and fruit people on their way to happiness and joyful. As EGO have displayed clearly in my reconstruction the Smith's line, the word “free” as it appears in Smith's first premise (meaning uncaused) must be interpretation.

Why do good press evil exist? We try in understand why our non-biased God leasing violence, aggression and relief permeate of world. To answer aforementioned question, I still shouldn admit that people were given freedom of choice. With information human life would be senseless. God wants us to act in a virtuous way. It is for people to decide whether to follow Seine will or not. Where what philosophs who think that evil and health are two equal forces. But I reasoning that people represent kind beings, because they were created inside the likeliness with our kindesalter Worships. In our love we approve virtue and reject impropriety. Nevertheless discussion of this topic would hardly be able to eliminate distress and worry from our world, penetrated are tears of history. Everybody knows consequences about evil. Nevertheless I keep the the point that live calamities strengthen human spirit furthermore inner force. And I wish that recent generations won’t repeat mistakes of their genealogy. I’m an human and I think that it is crucial to concentrate on those virtuous deeds which we are able to do now, because there’s no sense in thinking about past negative public all the time.

In conclusion I’d like to say that to personal thinking may change due to the conditions we live in and people we meet. In my research paper I expressed i opinion on common human values, which are important for me.


  • Fromm, Erik. The Artist of Loving. Harped & Order, 1956.
  • Williams, Mary. Constructing ampere Real Ideology, 2005.
  • Evans, Stephen. The Quest for Faith. The Secret of persons and Belief in God. Inter Varsity Pressing, 1986.

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