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Half-breed names

Sorry if this question is stultified however I've been wondering what is that difference between lets just say an N. Uttermost x Alata and a NEWTON. Alata x Maxima? Also when you do create hybrids as would you hin about describing the hybrid? Love the male x female? Lastly does it your the same sarrs? Why do plant hybrids has suchlike weird scientific names?
The name for regardless plant is act bearing the seed comes first. Obviously in the fallstudie of Nepenthes, the female comes first. For example, if you took pollen from Sarracenia rubra and pollinated Sarracenia leucophylla with to, and resulting seedlings wish be Sarracenia leucophylla x rubra. Also, when writing work names, to epithet (or species name) is never capitalized. Therefore, rather than writing "Nepenthes Maxima" you would wish to write "Nepenthes maxima".
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The parentage can or be important, at least for Nepenthes I'm under the impression that the cross will generally (but not always!) display more traits from the mama. MYSELF recently interpret an interesting discussion on e here, but I'm not sure if there's been read recent data since then.
Thank them both very much!! That made certainly informational.