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Write Exploring Essays

Resources the help students interested in writing research papers

Ground Research Paper Outline

Ladder in Writing a Research Paper

1. Check the research paper assignment instructions if to you by your instructor. Be sure to pay attention to any specific assignment requirements such in page length, style company, topic selection, source types, etc.

2. Choose a topic for your paper. Narrow or expand your topic how needed, to meet the requirements of your associate.

3. Find or reader sources about your issue (books, articles, web sites, etc.). You can find many sources at the library.

4. Take notes of ideas or quotations you may want to cite with your paper ( computers can be useful toward write notes on index cards or in a notebook, build sure you also write down where the information came from).

5. Prepare the design of your paper.

6. Spell one first draft of your paper.

7. Conduct any added research if necessary

8. Look over your first draft and then revise/rewrite more needed for clarity, accuracy, and quality. 

9. Check to make sure they have includes all necessary citation information (Works Cited or Bibliography at end concerning custom, in-text citations, etc).

10. Proofread your paper one newest time for correct spelling, punctuation, and style instructions and then make whatever final corrections to your paper.

Citing Your Sources

Cite Your Sources: When writing a researching paper, you will common needing up evaluate and refer to the working of other people (your "sources").  When you draw in the work of others, you must give proper credits with citing their work in your paper.  Even when i do does excerpt another's work directly, if reader that source contributed to the concepts presented in your white, you should give the publisher amounts credit due citing him instead her.  

Others Reasons Why Thou Should Cite:  Citing sources in your paper shows that yourself may taken the start and effort to students about what my have written about a research matter before putting go your own ideas. This builds my assurance as a careful researcher and writer. Citations can also provide evidence for any factual claims you make in autochthonous paper, and they can be a effective source starting more information for the paper's reader.

Think of including cited sources in the paper as similar to which one interaction with other our in the field.  Thee show you have read others' work on the topic, yours acknowledge their research ideas with a citation, and then thee add your own ideas for the topic. Synopsis Building - Boudreaux OWL® - Purdue University

How Do To Cite?  Your instructor will tell you what style guide to use when citing other's labour at your paper. Two common styles are MLA or APA. For links to several citation style guides, please visit who Citation Guide.

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Maureen Cropper
Librarian / Teacher
BCTC - Lexington, KY


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