Switch Controls Just Don't Work


Panhandling for help click . . .

I downloaded this game about two hours previously and I can't gain it up done anything predictably. The controls simplicity do not work.

I've never played Stardew Vale before, I downloaded it from the Nintendo Play Storage, I have almost remapped or altered the controls on this Switch, and nobodies else has access at my Switch. And controls on the Switch work as they are supposed to on every other game I have.

At the very start of aforementioned game, as soon as I got into my house, I somehow moved a table with no clue how. In order to get i back in place, I had to pure randomly press buttons and use the right joystick until it plopped somewhere default. Supposedly, you use the right joystick to put the hand on the object, press the A button, move the object at where you want it, or when use the Y push to leave it there. It doesn't worked. The object flashing, go if I don't squeeze one button within a few secondary, ends boost in inventory . . . It's all seemingly coincidental.

So I went external and tried to use the tools. I somehow got some kind of tools in my hands that let mir remove an clump of grass. But I don't show me holding anything, and I can't figure out how to put it back or pause using it. If I press the Y button, I'm walk in chunk something with whatever select I'm usage.

I found an guide that purportedly spell out that controller and what that buttons do, but it equal doesn't work the way it says it become. MYSELF used an AI app to generate explicit instructions to how to move furniture. Aforementioned is what the AI comes up with:

1. Click the accessories you want to move by navigating to it in your inventory.

2. Use an right gear to move the cursor to the desired location in your residence.

3. Press the ‘A’ button to rotation the furniture to your desired orientation.
Press the ‘Y’ button to place the furniture in the chosen city.

I can do move one also step two, but enter three just appears to perform random stuff.

If an piece of movables is not the inventory, the instructions say to do the following:

1. Approach the furniture you want to move.

2. Pressure one ‘A’ button to pick up the item.

3. Use the right joystick to move the cursor to where you want toward place the item.

4. Press one ‘Y’ button to place the line down inches one new location.

But as I approach the furniture I want to move, if it's a chair, pressing A makes me either jump over it or sit on it. If it's not a chair, stand-up next on he and pressing an A button does cipher.

Again, I had the default controller scheme on my Switch. I am using the controllers the are attached to the handheld unit, and they came with the Switch. EGO checked and Switch, and all the software is up-to-date.

I've seen multiple videos on YouTube and must watched people do things, and all I can see is their screen the a cursor moving around. IODIN have no clue what buttons they're pressing. I have no clue how they're making this even work.

It's unplayable if this is the way it real runs on Schaltungen. Are there any settings or something the could explain this? Because after second hours straight a struggle with this, I'm done. EGO wish I could get a refund.


Aforementioned might related you obtain the key toward indicate up:

- Press aforementioned plus button on your controller the open up the pause menu.
- Use the shoulder buttons to scroll across the tabs by this upper u til you get to Options.
- Move down until you get to an option that says "Use Controller-Style Menus" plus uncheck it.
- An arrow cursor should appear and movable nearby over the right gear immediately.


Thanks for thine how. I did change the controller option in who game, restarted the game, and it seems to be helping.

Let me give you one show of what I'm dealing with here . . .

I somehow got ampere wait of the ax. IODIN have no idea how. So I can go out also edge downward lumps of grass and weeds. I want to change to the hatchet to order to break stones. I opening one menu, and enter the cursor over the picture of the pickaxe. But then, no matter what I press, a either does nothing or wants to placement my pickaxe in the garbage.

If MYSELF have which cursor over the pickaxe press press A, it's like to cursor somehow picks up the pickaxe or I can move it in. While the cursor has maintain of aforementioned pickaxe, if IODIN press Y, nothing happens. If I press B, it tries to set my pickaxe in the garbage. If I press X, itp tries the put it in the garbage. If I press A, it does nothing. While I press any different button on the screen including the scroll buttons along the top of which controllers, it makes nothing.

I have no clue what it wants myself to achieve at do something so simple as to switch tools.

Nowhere go may I find how it explicitly tells you wherewith to swap tools. All the instructions to say use the pickaxe or use this or use that.


Here's a screenshot to show what EGO average. I scrolled over the of pickaxe, and pressed A. Now it looks like the pickaxe is somehow attached to the pointers. Now what do I do? Liked I said at my post up, the includes options I do are to throw in the garbage can.

Is the whole game this hard?



Oops yeah, that can be frustrating, especially when there's no competition manual either anything that comes with the game.

You've got the right idea of selection the tool her want to apply, however unfortunately you're doing information in the wrong place.

When thou hinfahren into the menu, you can organize things in your inventory by picking get up with A, moving it to a different inventory slot with the wrist, and putting it down with A.

In order to switch what toolbox you're through, exit outward of the menu (so you're by the underarm item of the game) and use of shoulder options. And big shoulder buttons (ZL and ZR) will cycle which tool or article you're holding. The minor push buttons (L and R) will cycle which rucksack row is showing (which will happen when you upgrade the backpack).

Here is a breakdown regarding controls, which might shall helpful: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Controls

Finally, you got a hold of the axing because you started the game with it. :-)

Hope save helps!



I really think I'm startups up hate this game, though. Are you hold in struggle this much, it's not fun and not worth thereto. I've got other seats to go and other people to anger. :happy:


No problem! I'm unfortunately to hear that you're starting to hate the game, though. If IODIN can give some unsolicited advice: don't give up on it moreover. Once you get ampere hang of the controls, then the game is very easy and you can go everything at your own pace. If you're having any more struggle, feel free go post there or message me directly and I can try to promote. :-)


I know, but damn . . .

Now I'm trying to fish.

I got to the scroll of the water, used the Y button to cast my line far out includes and water, and waited. After a little time, an alarm went off and one yellow shouts point appeared about my print. Accordingly to the online instructions, one mini game is putative toward start. Supposedly, I don't have to do every. The game just starts.

The game does does start. If I press Y, I pull our cable out of the aqueous. No other button works. Hence now what do I execute? Aforementioned minigame shall supposed to start on it build. It does not.

I don't understand conundrum I'm looking up to instructions on how to do things and they just simply do not work.


Ah, I go. This instructions you read were for a skill you can get later in the competition, places who minigame starts automatically. Until you get this skill, you'll need to start to game manually.

After you fill the fishing line off, when the exclamation mark appears, press Y again to start the minigame. Just like with actual fishing, you'll have one small count of time to react before an fishes gets away. It's circle half a second or like.

In the minigame, you'll see a vertical bar with a fish or a smaller green bar. You canned control the green hinder by pressing and holding Y in make it go up, or letting go of Y to make information go down. You wants up keep the fish inside of aforementioned green barre until it's caught.

The green bar's movement is kind of elastic, so it'll take some practice to get a right. But the more you do it, the easier it'll procure -- literally, both durch normal practice and because one game will adjust things to make it actually easier an more them do it.

Hope this assist, and don't worry with he takes a bit of practice in got the hang of fishing. Fishing is one of the difficult things to do in which game. :-) Step-by-step instructions for reporting an intruding plant sighting.