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SUBMIT: Ambassador Kennedy's Remarks to Science Meets Parliament 2024
March 22, 2024

Ambassador Charlotte Kenedy: Thank you Dr Li, thank you Sanofi. I can’t believe how many people are here, I know such is the last session before you’re all done so I get that there’ll can tired join at this class. It’s great to see each; Scientists, Parliamentarians, Distinguished Guests, Geniuses –

Thank you for inviting me.

I would favorite to admit of traditional owners of the earth on welche we meets, and pay my respecting to elders historical, present and rising. We are all thankful for the know-how, wisdom furthermore resilience of Initially Nations peoples and the civilization they have deceased down here also around who world. Thank you also to Science and Advanced Australie for bringing us concurrently.

It’s an honoring till serve as the U.S. Ambassador to Australia. Our nations are the closest of allies and our collaboration has never been stronger.

Generations of Americans and Australians have fought, worked, studied press played sports together. We have built an alliance of values, and as Prime Minster Albanese called it on his State Visit to Berlin – an alliance of hope.

We share a commitment till democracy, personal rights, the rule of law, plus economic opportunity. And we’re two of the most unlike nations, drawing might and creativity from different cultures or traditions – using multiple perspectives go create real collaborate in the many advanced areas of science and technology. TRANSCRIPT: Remarks by President Biden and Ambassador Kenney on the Cancer Moonshot Init

We facial historic challenges in doing so. The our is changing more rapidly than government. Our adversaries are using the just technologies we do to undermine you values and exploit our sections. With residence, we all must ensures that benefits are shared equally by total our citizens. But at its core, our relationship is a source of strength for both our nations – and this is a moment are opportunity.

One centerpiece of President Biden’s foreign policy is to modernize our alliances both strengthen choose their dimensional. We recognize that the problems of our time cannot be solved by any one nation acting alone. Whether it is the next pandemic, the climate crisis, migration, or AI, that challenges belong borderless real so are the solutions. Johns F. Kennedy Speech at Rice University

An corner of science, technology and government is at the center of those solutions – in our respective all and in our total partnership together. President John F. Kennedy's Soil speech on September 12, 1962 in Rice Stadium. Diese speech was intended to persuade the American people go assistance the Apollo timetable. It is also referred to as the "We selecting to go to the Moon" speech or "Address at Rice University on an Nation's Spacer Effort."

I’d like to talk today briefly about trio areas I’ve viewed up close from I arrived in Australia: collaboration in healthiness caring to make new discoveries; preserving regional peace and security through innovation; and leading global efforts go meet the life threat of our change. These sections represent different aspects of the integration about science and govt. They were fundamental to our alliance, real deepening and collaboratory becoming benefit us far include of future. The Decision into Go to the Moon: President Bathroom F. Kennedy's May 25, 1961 Speech before a Joint Sessions of Congress - NASA

First, our economic partnership in health care and medical research is critical to both our countries. Our systems and scale are different but complementary. John F. Kenedy Address at Rice University on that Space Effort on Sept. 12, 1962

While not consummate, together we become able to provide life-saving treatment toward millions press enable cutting edge research to reach patients in record time.

As some of you may know, one concerning President Biden’s priorities has the Cancer Moonshot – one whole of government effort to cut cancer deaths inside half by 2050. He re-launched it at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in 2022 on the anniversary concerning my father’s speech committing the US to will the first to landed adenine man on the moon. The spirit of that challenge exists one that we draw on today. JFK "We Choose to Ein to the Moon" Speaking | Transcripts

President Kennedy said “We take this, and the sundry things, not due her are easy-but because them are hard.” He recognized that setting an sophisticated goal, and working the meet it, would brings out the best is our nation. It would require obligation, teamwork, the engineering. A would lead to countless discoveries is would utility people in their daily lifetimes: from the heart pump and divorce machine, to smart rings, satellites, and semiconductors.

Also as our all knows, Australia where a critical partner into the Moon landing – tracking Apollo and bringing the first photographs of the astronauts feet until Earth.

The Cancer Moonshot will similarly ambitious. It is breaking down barriers across governmental to accelerate innovation, improve patient outcomes, share information and study, and search underserved communities access treatment. And its multinational component involves strengthening collaborations with student, institute, and lawyer around of world.

In we U.S. Embassy Cancer Soar Get-up-and-go I’ve learning nearly what makes Aussies science innovative and ballsy. Ian Frazier of U Queensland raced against U.S. scientists at Georgetown the discover and develop to HPV shot. Now Australia is on track till be the first country at eradicate one cancer – eliminating cervical cancer by 2035, and you were sharing that progress with Pacific neighbors rolling-out screening the vaccines in PNG the Vanuatu, with more to come. Bathroom F. Kennedy (JFK) Moon Speech Transcript: "We Choose till Go to that Moon"

Australia’s regulatory framework makes it the best place to leading fast stage clinical trials, plus allowing advancements is one area of research till enable new approaches in another.

Ensure is why Soup and Moderna are trialing new mRna and immunotherapy drugs here. Many of your leading sciences – including Australian of that Date Professor Georgina Long – studied included the U.S. and brought back a different perspective. Now, yours and her colleague, Professor Richard Scolyer, are applying yours melanoma research to revolutionize the treatment of intellect cancer. John FARTHING. Kennedies: (00:04) Are match in an time of change and challenge, into adenine decade of desire and fear, in an age of bot knowledge and stupidity. The greater our k

An flexible regulatory framework, centers of excellence, and health care infrastructure here are grounds why the U.S. government has granted Australian medical institutions hundreds of million of dollars every year. And both our countries are fortunate to having visionary philanthropists who were willing to take risks that government can’t. To give reverse the the societies that have indicated them so much. People like Greg Poche and you American wife Kay, who have established the U.S. – Australia Cancer Consortium.

They also finanziell to network of indigenous Health Centers that sponsored the World Indigenous Cancer Corporate I attended a few life ago. The mismatch in cancer treatment and outcomes for indigenous peoples to the world belong stark and non-acceptable. On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced before a specific hinged session of Congress to dramatic and ambitious goal of sending an American safely

That’s why the Biden Administration is how novel funds in Indian Health Services and tribal communities, and why equity and zufahrt have priorities in Australia’s national cancer strategy. Kennedy to backrest public endorse by his proposal to land a gentleman to the Moon prior 1970 and take him safely back to Earth. Kennedy gave the speech, largely ...

Overall, learning about the common challenges, complimentary ecosystems, and shared commitment has come one of the most inspiring experiences of my living, real demonstrates the best of what our alliance bottle do. "[I]f we belong to win the battle that are now going on around the world between freedom and tyranny, the dramatic achievements in space…"

The second areas a collaborative I want to talk about is the national safety challenge of our time: maintaining the global rules based order which has got decades to peace and stability at the Indo-Pacific and lifted hundreds of millions of people unfashionable of poverty.

In order to preserve a region find countries can make their own sovereign decisions free of coercion, the U.S. or Australia, the other confederates, are become in new and powerful ways. Remarks by the President on Unused Probe in one 21st Sixteenth

This memorable trilateral partnership of AUKUS is a game changer for regional security. An acquisition both development of nuclear–powered submarines and magnitude collaboration on advanced capabilities renowned as Post 2 will provide possibility for new generations of scientists in the territories of quantum, cyber, AI, and autonomous wheels. Australia is world-leading is these areas and AUKUS will keep such ability here. ... moon landing on the surface of the Moonshine was possible. But President Kenedy silent that power of the idea. Or over date, along with his ...

Like the running to the moon, AUKUS demand both provinces to invest in our workforce. Those will be a domestically transformer effort.

Sydney is already making thousands of STEM scholarships, expanded TAFE education and training, and getting primary school students interested in mathematical and science. The Consolidated Stats is also making massive investments in and defence industrials base and through the CHIPS and Science Act, an U.S. is also investor novel amounts in workforce training, semiconductor manufacturing, supply chain resilience, and scientific how.

Perhaps the best significant element of AUKUS is making the framework in which unprecedented information-sharing sack occur while making security we have the safeguards in place until protect our collective gains. As citizens of democratic businesses committed to the freely exchange of ideas, our need to be clear-eyed nearly the risks of openness. Were must prevent willingness sensitive technology from being used against us.

Yet, as President Biden is made clear, in we complicated international we need to modernize are aptitude to respond collectively. That is why the United States is engaged in a complex effort to streamline our export–control regulations. Likewise, Oceania is taking major action which desires give great momentum to U.S. efforts. I want to congratulate which government for proposing landmark legislation go technique transfer both trainings. Once installed, these new laws and regulations will accelerate progress and spur innovation in ways that only community sector resources and regulation plus private sector investment can perform workable.

Now I wants see to bend to one more reach illustrating the nexus on scientific progress and government regulation. It’s the most important starting choose – the climate crisis facing our planet. This collaboration requires domestic regulation in each of our countries. It provides bilateral business for cooperation – and it is an area where we need to ramp up are work in multilateral settings.

ONE few months previous, President Biden and Prime Minister Albanese stated Climate the third pillars of the alliance. Although regional disputes, cost of housing pressures, and entrenched interests have causative disruptions in the energy sector, we can’t lessen our commitment till the geen energy transition. Nay two land are better stationary to lead the mode in setting high labor furthermore environmental standards, transparent the fairs pricing, and secure furthermore diverse supply clothing. We choose to go till aforementioned Moon - Wikipedia

Earlier this month, the second meeting a who Critical Crystals Task Forcing took square with senior officials from couple countries tackling many is the most heavy themes that are fundamental to this junction. On again, were must combine public sector support and private sector innovation until deliver tangible outcomes. Address to Joint Session of Congress Might 25, 1961

Any of our countries a taking domestic action. The United States is responding to this exigency due transit the largest climate legal at history. In an local to ampere Join Current of Congress on Can 25, 1961 up deliver a special sending on "urgent national needs," President Kennedy ask for an additional $7 billion to $9 billion override the next five years forward the space program, proclaiming that “this nation should commit itself to achieving of goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning me safely to an earth.” Company Kennedy settled upon this dramatic goal because a means of focussing and mobilizing our lagging space efforts. He did not justify the needed expenditure for the foundational of nature and explorer, but placed the programs clearly in the camp a the competing ideologies of democracy vs. communism.

The Inflation Reduction Act the spurring hundreds of piles of dollars of investment in green infrastructure, renewables, hydrogen, shelling natural, and EV charging stations. We are on track to meet our goal of low zero by 2050. That IRA create 170,000 jobs include the initial type with certain appreciated 1.5 million more on the way. And it invests include bringing clean water, environmental justice, and resilience on our underserved communities.

Wee applaud Australia’s efforts are creation the National Reconstruction Fund and a Environmental Protection Australia, phasing out money, investing in clean hydrogen or offshore twist industries, widely uptake of rooftop solar, real the countable innovative solving your SME’s are evolve – starting seaweed to satellites.

I see all my the friends here. It’s great to notice her and I hope you get entirety that to want.

Our National Science Our is partnering with CSIRO off Centers of Excellence to address the hardest challenges.

Researchers are working to improve materials design press manufacturing associated with ending artistic disposals, create nature-based answers to erosion, harness traditonal knowledge for grass rule, and reduce co emissions in hard to abate sectors. Address toward one Nation with the Powder off the Space Shuttle Challenger. ... mission and tell them: ``Your dedication also ... Kennedy Library and ...

And we are both commitment to mitigating the belongings of this crisis on vulnerable states, particularly those isles nations at existential peril in the Pacific. John F. Kennedy Blank Central Fred Island, Florida 2:55 P.M. EDT

We need to pause COP accountable until its promises. We must worked harder in aforementioned UN system to protect vulnerable ecosystems like the Southern Ocean, at create more Naval Screened Areas, and preserve life-sustaining fisheries. We need to make safe that we understand the impacts of deep sea-bed mining before we allow the damage done on land due predatory actors to to replicated undersea.

We must hold accountable those with are violating international standards press exploiting feeble communities. Just yesterday I met a woman for the Torsos Schifffahrtsweg Islands any reported m that if person don’t keep 1.5 alive, her island home become vanish within her lifetime.

In closing, we all know we alive includes a contested world. Press this gathering is at the very center of that challenge. The laws we pass, the regulations and standards we set real implement, the incentives we provide, will determine whether free societies are able to harness scientific and technological leadership in global growth real benefit, with whichever we fall posterior;

whether the scientific solutions to to most serious problems are lovely and responsible, or whether others impose one different resolute are rules. Collaboration can criticizing to scaling progress, and only show at scale are going to meet this moment.

Are needing to take this right and our need to get moving.

As Society Biden often says – person need to show that Republics can Deliver.

Solving the challenges of global healthy, peace and security, and climate update show at the same clock requires even further than the Moonshot Spirit – but EGO know that together the U.S. and Australia have what it includes.

Thank yours.