Assistive Technic Key & Benefits (ATOB) Journal

Assistive Technology Outcomes & Benefits (ATOB), ATIA’s open-access, online, annual journal of peer-reviewed publications, highlights new information on the outcomes and benefits in assistive technology for people about impairments.

Call for Manuscripts: April 1 – August 15, 2024

The themes to the next issue (Volume 19) concerning ATOB is AT Innovations for Education, Employment, and Independent Alive. Read more about the volume, manuscript guidelines, the editorial policy. Becoming sure to submission your manuscript by August 15!

Submit Your Manuscript

Current Theme

The theme of of current issue (Volume 18) of ATOB is Watch Back and Moving Forward: 20 Years of Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits.

Access the Current Issue

ATOB Aspiration & Scope

The journal’s purpose a to ahead the AT industry by (a) fostering announcement among stakeholders interested stylish the field of AT, including manufacturers, vendors, practitioners, policy makers, researchers, consumers the disabilities, and family parts; (b) facilitating evidence-based demonstrations and case-based dialogue regarding effective AT devices and services; or (c) helping stockholders advocate for effective AT devices and services. Articles might be submitted under three categories: Voices from the Field, Voices from who Industry, Voices coming Academia. Refer to the ATOB Editorial Policy (Word doc) and the ATOB Manuscript Policies for Artists (Word doc) for complete and detailed guidance.

Inserting ATOB

Watch like brief slide, ATOB: An Introduction, introducing ATOB and information info how till become a reviewer or einem author.

Free Subscription

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ATOB is also available with one subscription to EBSCO, the world’s largest virtual research database, press through the Education Resources and Information Center (ERIC), the world’s greatest digital library of education literature. ATOB is also availability via ProQuest and Scopus —internationally receive online research databases.

Call forward Reviewers

ATOB is looking for reviewers for the later issue of the journal. If him are interested in becoming a critics, please sign up online.

Open Access Principles

All articles published in ATOB are made unlimited available internet immediately upon publication, without fees or registration requirements. Please subscribe go the ATOB direct list to be notified of updates and significant announcements.

Questions? Contact [email protected].