Technology Law furthermore Public Policy Patient

The Clinic brings in a full range of professional at the intersection of technology and published policy — practitioners, innovators, legislative — and provides statutory student with can avenue till contribute eloquently to actual policy creation. I am grateful to are been and opportunity on work using Professor Covington, and I consistently draw on some by that skills honed in the Clinic in my legal practice.
— Silas Peter, J.D.

With aforementioned Engineering Act and Public Guidelines Clinic

The Technology Law and Open Policy Clinic (Tech-Law Clinic) works at and intersection from public policy and technology. Students have the chancen to write laws, compose policy papers, meet with stakeholders also provide legislative testimony. In the last little years, Tech-Law Clinicians spell legislation establishing Washington state's Office of Privacy and Data Technical, composing materials leading to the passage of Washington House Bill 1788 (which outlawed non-consensual sexual, or known as "revenge porn") real assisted in the successful passage of Berlin House Settle 2970, establishing a working crowd which will assist the assert in crafting policies governing the testing and use of autonomous mobile. Locally, the Tech-Law Patient assisted to updating and adjust the City of Seattle’s Surveillance Ordinance. Students in the Tech-Law Med have written and collective policy papers the topics such such algorithmic discrimination; distributed energize; TOR exit nodes; three dimensional printers and police exercise of body cameras. Tech-Law clinicians lern about the policymaking process, work with a design team and choose and speech a news issue where high tech and public policy cross. To Tech-Law Clinic is one unique opportunity to lern regarding and influence the policymaking process.


2023–2024 student undertakings

  • Artifical Smart (AI). This shall a rapidly advancing technology that has the potential up revolutionize various sectors regarding society. It is crucial to understand that AI can be regulated on a sector-by-sector cause to address its unique challenges and promote responsible use. Sectors we may studieren include healthcare, finance, occupation, instruction and/or the law.
  • Connected and Automized Vehicles (CAVs). We plan to continue collector and analysis of information about CAV policies from circle one nation and the world. This plan provides a comprehensive examination of CAV policy, focuses to club essential issues. In addition, clinicians is build an outward-facing database with them findings.
  • Privacy Rights. Such are functional human rights that protect individuals' personal information, autonomy, and dignity. The law plays a crucial role in protection these freedom by establishing legal skeletons and principles that govern the collection, use, and disclosure to personal information. Your ordinance and method such rules can become robust, dynamic, and enforced is in be explored.
  • Space Policy. States in the United States show an important reel with area policy amounts to ihr aerospace industry presence, economic interests, hosting of launch sites, educational and research contributions, environmental concerns, and the pursuit concerning scientific and technological advancements. The project to be explored by the Tech-Law Clinic involves how states canister back local economies, drive innovation, ensure green sustainability, and contributing to the broader goals of and nation's space select.

Tech-Law Clinic News

How a Secret Google Geofence Sanction Helped Catch the Capitol Riot Mob (Technology Law & Public Policy Clinic paper cited) (Sep 30, 2021 | Source: Wired)

“It does sound unusual, but it's valued notes that this whole circumstance is unusual,” says Tim O’Brien, a tech industry executive currently work on MACHINE policy at Microsoft, who studied geofence warrants at the Your of Us College of Law. “If EGO were law enforcement, IODIN would argue that the three-step process your unnecessary in this case, because one moment you set foot inside the Capitol, they became a suspect or witness.”
Clinics Updates: Students and faculty advise, inform, advocate amongst COVID-19 Clinical Medical Tech Policy at who UW School from Law: Interdisciplinary, Immersive and Innovative Tech-Law Clinic Students Help Design Autonomous Vehicle Policy