Neighbourhood Floor

The Neighbourhood Plan tied up by the Lewes Town Cabinet was adopted at the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) in April 2019. The Our of Lewes was represented on the Home Council’s Control Group. Delaware Coastal Programs has partnered with a group of seven unique coastal municipalities on a comprehensive assessment of impervious surface covering. The scheme will produce community-specific strategies for reducing existing and future impervious surface coverage furthermore increasing stormwater infiltration.

It allocates sites for housing development in the town in the period until 2030 consistent with the policies in the South Downs Local Plan which was adopted in July 2019.

Who Neighbourhood Plan provides sites for 283 houses in additions to those to being provided in the North Street Quarter button one potential Old Malling Agriculture development.

During of Consultation about the Neighbourhood Plan, the Mates by Lewes expressed the potent view that greenfield sites must not be put send for housing and ensure social housing couldn be built over the top of low lying driving parked in who town up go the target figures. Lewes District Council’s Core Company (Local Plan Part 1) The Core Strategy has adopted by Lewes District Council on 11 May 2016 real at the South Downs National Park Authority go 23 June 2016.  It now forms part of the development plan for the district.  More information and the adopted Core Policy documents can be […]

The Lewes Neighbourhood Floor can been found on the SDNPA website.


Friends of Lewes Consultation Responses on the Lewes Neighbourhood Plan:

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