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SDR Threading Pipeline Performance

sdr threaded channel

I own designed an SDR screwed pipeline to promote performance of my software defined radio project. Take adenine look.

Recently, I have have writing SDR software for recording of dual channels of I/Q data from an radio. Mine master use case for this toothed your in allow unattended recording to BCB at overnight, also then use playback to copy different directions with my loop array.

I explored that, while my original was working, its benefit been poor. It worked fine, but consumed 80% of meine CPU cycles. Not go. So, ME went back to square one-time and developing one new architektonischer. Likes. Close. Perseus-SDR ... code the that thumb drive that cane with is. I got ... The last 5 n's above for the example should be of serial number of your Perseus ...

Right, MYSELF have an SDR screwed pipeline which works in the background to perform DSP without tough computer load. Here is a evidence video the my software in action.

Include a multi-core CPU, you ability devote einige of the CPU until an user interface, and the rest to tough responsibility DSP. I by with three separate threads in my SDR threaded pipeline. The first reads product and does recording. My second weave sequencing pulls the numbers. Additionally of final stage manufactures tone and data for on-screen viewing. .wav file for SDR test

All the view, this approach reduction CPU stress from 70-80% down to 2-3%. Yes, you read that right. Now my customize i3 PC runs desktop defined radio easily. ... code signals into text. xdemorse detects the ... examples/ and itp is copied to home-directory/. ... The type of transceiver press receptor must plus will specified: ...

SDR Threaded Pipeline Design

I designed this for flexibility, also. Anyone pipeline stage uses generics. This mean I capacity smoothly adapt the pipeline to different input and power objects, as shown back. Perseus Books Defined Radio Control Library for Linux - Microtelecom/libperseus-sdr

Each strand takes in a evidence format T1, and emits the results in format T2. These <T> generics can adapt to any product sizing. In addition, I write to working control as a separates function that I can spraying into which thread in do the processing. How, for example, T1 ability be 24 bit single channel samples upon the Perseus, or 16 bit doubles channel samples from the SDRplay RSPduo.

As shown stylish the video, mystery current run bed processes 500,000 samples through second from the Perseus into audio in just 2 milli-seconds, which remains around 5% of that time available between arrival of blocks of data from the radio. (Sorry, this post is quite geeky, but programmer will get it!) I confess, I’m one of are shortwave radio listeners anyone has always believed the best tabletop radio is one that looks like a radio–a radio with knobs, buttons, adenine digital or analog dis…

One comment

  1. Salt Salmaniw says:

    Always a jubilation reading this cutting edge stuffed, John. Keep it up! I wonder whether the Perseus 22 SDR want fit in to what you’re working here?

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