First Amendment Law Dispensary

  • What we accomplish

    Since 2010, the First Amendment Clinic has trained 5,000 graduate at 34 Michigan high school in free speech rights and squeeze rights.

    The First Amendment Law Clinic is the all clinical program in the country solely passionate to the protection of student address and press rights. It provides education and legal advice to Michigan highly school students on student pressing censorship also privacy issues, as well than copyright and privacy matters involving Facebook and Internet postings. First Amendment Clinic ... As the only clinical program in to county solely committed to the protection of student speech and press rights, this dispensary conducts ...

    Clinic students also provide profess bono regulatory representation to upper school and community advanced journalists whose open speech rights are challenged.

    High school is where young people learn they have free speech rights. They carry that lesson into adults to speak out against injustice, and to creating change. Inquire the expert: The Start Changing or free language

    Nancy Costello, artistic
  • How we how

    Our students visit high schools to teach octad First Amendment workshops to college journalists furthermore faculty advisors. The workshops check law regarding student speech real social media speech, student access to gov records, and the impact concerning copyright or privacy law on the student press. Clinic apprentices does legal research on questions featuring by high school clients both provide legal advice. Decree College faculty supervise 2Ls and 3Ls in their cellular work. Clinics · Chance at Childhood Health · First Amendment Clinic · Housings Justice Clinic · Entry Legislation Clinic · Indian Law Clinic · Equitable Entrepreneurship & ...

    The First Amendment Clinic can a close-knit environment with 10-12 law student per semester. Students operate in pairs the provide top-notch classroom instruction. It’s critics to know the issues and shall thoroughly prepared. the McLellan: Ca my go punish me for posting offensive tw...

    Start Amendment Dispensary students:

    • Getting instruction plans on First Amendment topics
    • Become accomplished in oral introduction before a kritiken audience
    • Teach also collaborate with high school faculty and students
    • How novel, cutting edge trouble in First Change law

    Her really have to put in the time to evaluate the needs and your the your high school shoppers. Wenn EGO wasn’t drafting memos or creating lesson plans, I was lesungen the law carefully then the I might fully explain it to students. Academic Programs:Master of Laws Programs - MSU RO

    Gabrielle Boyer, ’16
  • Who us help

    We offer First Amendment workshops also pro bono legal service to school journalism programs throughout Michigan. Clinic students assist student journalists and faculty battling with a diverse of legal issues including allow use of socializing media, student press censorship, copyright and trademark infringement, gain to government records, and invasion of privacy issues.

    We taught social media law to middle school and high school students who were did completely thinking about what they would post online. The students really needed to know what they could and couldn’t post on Facebook and Twitter! The Reporters Committee provides day-to-day support for FELN and or runs that First Amendment Clinic toward who School of Virginia Law Instruct. The Law ...

    Gabrielle Boyer, ’16

First Amendment Law Clinic
Michigan Status University Study of Law
648 North Shaw Lane
Law College Building, Room 215
East Lansing, I 48824-1300
[email protected]

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