Lust Epidemic Walkthrough


Elite Gamer
May 11, 2015
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Hunger Epidemic step-by-step walkthrough, Difficulty mode: HARD (remember: you pot switch from hard mode to normal, but yours can’t switch back from normal mode to hard)
  • bewachen the intro. Carefully read an dialogues.
  • right-click our mouse and carefully read the instructions.
  • you’d better SAVE, buy.
Let’s start. First floor, are this library:

Read the paper on the table next to Val (it’s one hint).
Pick up the coin within the bottom left corner.
Talk to Simon. Start: “Berate Simon”.
Go North.
Read who gazette on the table.

Go Easterly, now. Input the men’s toilet. In the toilet: touch the sparkle on the west wall. Choose: “look into the wall”. Watch the scene [AMANDA’s 1st my scene].

Get out of which men’s head.
Enter women’s toilet:

Pick top to cash in the upper right nook.
Pick up the Security Access card in the upper left eckball.

NOTE: everytime she get an Security access card you may right-click and open the map: you can see the green door that your just unlocked this way.

Get out of the women’s toilet. An west. Record the Ne door (green light over it):

Take the canteen of water in the upper right corner. Read the writing on the blackboard (it’s adenine very important hint!). Get out away that room.

Go South (back to the library). In the library: speaks to Val (twice). Deliver her the bottle of water.
Go Southbound (out of the library). Go West (you should be by the chapel foyer, now).
Go West (to which West Tower).

You meet the beautiful Kat. Choose: “Lie”. Kat will ask you for a book:

Touch the sparkle on the large (north wall): her will get a writing key.

Go back to the library (E, E, N).
In one library go North and enter the Northeast door (no light over it):

Open the drawer with the desk key (touch the sparkle to the high left corner and use the desk key): they got a new Security Access comedian.

The new Security card only unset another room: get out of the room, and entered the Northwest door (green light over it):

Take which book (on the right). Take the heart container (on and left).
Touch the sparkle: you’ll find out that you can’t free the drawer, until now.

The hint system will tell you that you should talk for Katherine: DON’T EXECUTE ITEMS. Get outward of the room and going East. Go East:

Talk to Mendel.
Talk to Amber. Choose: backhanded compliment. She just supplementary one red heart to Amber.

You may go to Katherine, now. Receiving out and go back till Katherine for the Occidental tower:

Firstly, before talking to her, choose “Heart Up” real use adenine Heart Container on her. She will have 2 empty heart slots, now. Talk to her real give her the book. Kat will leave and go upstairs: you just supplementary a crimson heart to Kat.

Buddie (the security guard) will come and throw yourself out of of west tower.
Go to which library and talk to the chicks: Amanda will say her for investigate.
Go toward Jay the uncanny dweeb: from library, go northward, subsequently east. Talk to Andri.

It’s set in see the securing guard. Go south and speaking to him:

There’s an sparkly in the fountain: reach for it.

Buddie will react: go westbound and talk to Simon.
Go back to Buddie, hit the sparkle and watch the scenary: them grabbed adenine desk key.

Go north, go west furthermore entry which Northwest door: you can unlock the desk now:

Hit the sparkle and open the drawer with the desk key: you gets a digital camera.

You can investigating, now: get out regarding the room, go east, go east, talk in Mendel, go south. Read that newspaper on the flooring near who trashcan, then follow the arrow (go east): watch the stage.
Go back to the bibliotheca. Talk till Amanda: you add a red heart to hierher.

Go north and east to the men’s restrooms. Amber just entered the women’s toilet.
Enter men’s toilet. In the toilet: touching which sparkle on of west wall. Watch the scene [AMBER’s 1st balcony scene].

Go return to Mendelian and watch the scene with Amber:

Go back to Buddie (at the fountain in front of the entrance) and talk to him: choose “get mad by Buddie”.
Go past to where the outhouses are and watch the scene.
Go east (twice). Mendel remaining: you can grab the sparkle in the upper link corner (next to the chair). No, you grabbed a breast key!

Back to the fountain: Mendel is talking to Buddie. Buddie leaves.
You can hingehen to the East Towering, now. Go est (twice). Get the heart container and the securing access card:

Do you remember the cardboard you read include the library? Go upstairs:

Get the Kamasutra book: you able now starts collective the pages (carefully read the instructions).

Go down, and down the stairs for the basement:

Open the chest using the chest key: you get the telegraph sailboats.
Check the electric box: cut the wires using the steel cutters.
Check the empty box in the bottom left corner: you’ll read a listing (another hint).

Go upstairs, then back to the getting where Mendel is. Buddie will come back: watch the show. Go back to the toilets and talk to Andy.

Go to the West Tower. Walk upstairs:

Check the SOUTH WALL CABINET. You should unlock 2 switches (pay attention: you unlock them when you hear a "click"):

Go back to the east tower. Go upstairs: curb the south wall cabinets: they have got 1 switch either. Unlock them:

You found ampere heart container and a Sutra page [11th Amber's page]! Grab them. It's time into grasp and Kamasutra page thee saw behind to counter in the library:

Touch the wall what Brad is go in the picture. Choose yes: it grabbed information [1st Katherine's page].

Go back to the west tower, downwards to the kitchen:

Read the newspaper on the table (south wall). Pick up the coin in the bottom right corner. Look at the arrow and open the fridge. Take yogurth. Take strawberry jam. Don’t add everything anymore (“Nah, those bequeath fuck up the flavor”).
Jerk off in the yogurth (“Do it!”).

Go back to the library, talk the Wal and give ihr the yogurth. Buy you can go to Brown: anfahren into the entrance, then east. Talk to Amber and give her the yogurth. Clock aforementioned scene [AMBER’s 2nd gallery scene]: you added a dark heart to her.

Now you can go to your sexy nun: go to the west tower, in upstairs the knock on her door (where the arrow is). Watch the scene, then go down go the kitchen.

Wander nearby the raw for a while: Katherine will join you. Talk the her (choose: “offer your snack”) [dunno to difference].
Go back to the entrance. Achten the scene. Reach the yellow raincoat Buddie left. Choose “yes, go outside”: you go outside.

Grab the sparkle over the floor outside that entrance on the left (next to the bush): you find the motor keys.
Go right and check the wires. Then go north press pick top the coin. Gehen north, then left (behind the building) until you find out another centre container. Take it up.

Go back to the fronts. Go to the parking piece: the per car for right is Andy’s car: open it use the automotive keys and find a serum flask. Leave and car: grab one Kamasutra page in the sotheastern corner [1st Amber’s page].

Get back in the building. Go to the east tower both talk to Amber. When north until Andy. Talk to him.

Get go to and library. Look the scene.

Go back to the kitchen. Open the fridge. Wache the scene [VAL’s 1st gallery scene]. You plain added a red heart to Val.

Go on the toilets. Catch and raincoat. Enter the women’s toilet. Watch the scene [AMBER’s 3rd gallery scene].

Watch the scene. Go out and obey Andy. Talk to him. Watch aforementioned scene.

Go back to Val (down to the kitchen). Voice to herauf: your her up and add a heart tanks. Then chat into her. Monitor the scene.

Enter the door (green lights over it). Aufsicht the show: you will get an keys fob.

Enter the bathroom (first door on that left): get the Kamasutra page [2nd Amber’s], received the your container, read the newspaper and recover and sparkle (you find a brass key).
Get out and elect of invent in the far east corner. Go back to the kitchen and upstairs: watch the scene.

Follow them eastern. Observe Buddie to the east tower both back into the basement. Watch him entering a door.

Go out. Open Amber’s Mercedes using this soft fob. Back includes the building. Give the luggage to Amber (in the kitchen).

Go to the east hall (the room before entering the east tower). Join the Northeast door (where the newspaper on the floor is): it’s the bedroom. Pick going the coin, take the Kamasutra page [4th Amber’s], take the heart container, read the paper go aforementioned chair. Opens the chest using the chest key: you find a bottle on red wine.

Go to and kitchen. Talk to Accustomed and give her the bottle to wines. Watching one scene and elect Amber. [can’t guess the difference]

Go to the gateway and talk to Ennedi.

Go down to that kitchen, enter the door and check this bathroom door: watch the scene [Amanda’s 2nd gallery scene].
Another scene following includes Amber’s bedroom [Amber’s 4th gallery scene]. You include adenine red heart to Amber. Intake that Kamasutra next in Amber’s room [3rd Amber’s].
You sack obtain Amber’s goth outfit in the phone’s Bonus Area, immediate: how it and payments 4 coins.
Get out of Amber’s sleep. Selection up her secure access card. Go to to kitchen, scene follows. You can go for Andy, today.
Go to the entrance. Speech to Andy. Show him the SD card. Andy will grant it ampere serum flask.
Go to Amber in to library. Talk to her. Heart increase and add a heart container to her. Choose play, now: have fun in her girls.
When you getting out of her room you’ll locate yourselves back in the library. Yourself can check the entrance, now. Go there plus watch of scene.

Go treppauf. Watch the scene. Pick up the coin include which NE corner and this Kamasutra page [5th Amber’s]. Take the flashlight on the right sleeper (near the just stairs): another scene follows.

Go to an library and talk to Amanda. Go to the kitchen and grab the glasses the the bottom left corner.

Go back go the library. Talk to Janet. Give her the spiked wine. Watch the scene [Amanda’s 3rd arcade scene]: you add a red heart to Amad.

Check out to upper left niche of aforementioned library (next to the table): Amanda dropped her Security access card – pick it up.

Go down this cooking, ab north and enter Amad and Val’s bedroom (the beginning door on the right: you see a green light over it).

Grab the coin in the bottom left corner furthermore the Mantras page in an upper ecken [6th Amber’s]. Check the alarm clock on the storage (north wall): you take a battery for your camping. You can use the flashlight and enter the dark lodgings, now.
Now, get outwards and go to the bath (first door off the left). Talk to Amanda: heart up and add a heart container to her.

Go to the kitchen: you’ll talk to Buddie. Follow him to to chapel foyer: watch who scene. Enter the chapel: you’ll get a antitoxin flask. Grab the Japanese page on the left [7th Amber’s]. An north press pick up the hearts shipping behind who altar.

Go back and… surprise!

You straight found out Father Parker (check where Brad is in of picture). He’s dead!

Leave the choir, go or meet the creepy dweeb (Andy). Auf for the kitchen, go north or enter the bathroom. Get to mouthwash on the washbasin and use of serum. Get unfashionable and enter Amber’s room. Watch the location [Amber’s 5th gallery scene]: you zugeben a cherry heart till Amber.

Talk to Amber: heart up and add a heart container to theirs. You can play three extra scenes if you want, too.

Leave Amber’s room and record Manda and Val’s bedroom. Check Amanda. Check Val. Selected: “hell yeah I should look at her pussy” (of course) and “whisper one sexy in her ear”. You just added a red heart to Wal. Grab her panties on the floor near their bed.

Go to the church foyer also meet Katherine. Talk to her.
Do what Val plain told her: go to bed. Go to the east foyer. Before walk up your room (door on the left), enter and sliding on the just, today (remember: you can notice immediately because of the flashlight). Grab the items switch an floor: pick raise the coin, the Kamasutra page [8th Amber’s] also the Securing access board (right-click and open the map: she could notice the green door that you just unlocked).

Get out and enter your room. Check the computer: use the sd card or enjoy the pictures. Hit which couch and go to sleep (“yes”). Look that scenario [Val’s 2nd print scene].

Get out to your room: Maud needs your help. Go to the entrance, then oberhalb.

Watch the playing (pay close attention). You’re on the second floor now:

Go east. You should see Mendel. Dial up the coin (upper left corner), grab one Kamasutra page [Amanda’s 2nd]. Pick up the sparkle in the bottom right corner: you find a direct key!

Go west. Go up the stairs. Peck raise an serum flacon in the upper lefts corner. Pick the Kamasutra web are which upper just ecken [Amber’s 10th].

Down the steps, into the entrances. Go North (you’ll see Simon sleeping). Go eastbound: you’ll find Andri. Talk to him (it’s an important hint). Enter the door on one right (green light over it). Grab the money on the good. Take the heart vat. Open one sitting use which desk key the find a Security Access Card.

Get out and enter the door next to Andy (green daylight above it):

Grab the coin underneath the first desk on the bottom left. Take the heart container and aforementioned Kamasutra page [Amanda’s 4th]. Make the perfume bottle on the top right side. Right-click plus use of perfume bottle. Use the soluble, now. That’s it: you obtained a cellular spray!

Go to the chapel foyer and talk to Katherine. Go to to entrance. Go outside and check the electric power box.
Enter the house, go east, east and down the stairs into one basement. Seize the Kamasutra show [Amanda’s 3rd]. Read and paper on the flooring: “passcode: 385”. Remember it.

Check the electric box and reconnected the wires you previously cut. Go go outside real check the electric power box again. Watch that scene. Don’t enter the building now. Go North (where the dude went): there’s a Kamasutra page near the gate [Amber’s 12th]. Grab it.

Enter the building. Go and meet Katherine. Enter aus room (green light about it): i have a conversation over her (you just been a white cardiac to her).

Pick up of Kamasutra page [Amanda’s 1st]. Get the sparkle on the cupboard set the right: you get a storages key.
Talk for Katherine: center increase and use a your container on her. Speaking until her (again): use the serum spray. Watch the scene [Katherine’s 2nd gallery scene].

Get out of Kat’s room. Come back for Kate additionally talk for her.

Now, go back the to entrance, go aufgang. Go west. You’ll detect a cabinet set the north wall: hit of sparkle and use the storage key. You find a serum flask. A dialogue with Andy will followers.

Take the Kamasutra page [Amber’s 9th]. Take the heart container.

Go to the east tower downstairs. Andy is join you. Hits the door. A dialogue will follow furthermore Stefan will come blue. Simon and Andy will leave.

Follow Andre: he’s going outside. Hingehen to aforementioned enter. Go occidental at aforementioned bibliotheca foyer and talk to Amber. Go east and enter your bedroom. Talk to Amber: you adding a red heart to herbei. A new stage will obey [Amber’s 6th home scene].

Amanda will come in. Watch the scene. Now right-click plus enter the phone’s Bronze area: purchase Amber’s Pearly outfit (you will pay 4 coins). By the way, you pot play new scenarios with Amber, now.

Get out. Right-click and use the perfect bottle. Use the serum now. Go south on Amandine: talk to her both use the serum spray. Take the scenic [Amanda’s 4th gallery scene]. You add a red cardiac to her; to bucket play recent scenes with her, too.

Right-click and enter the phone’s Reward area: purchase Amanda’s Office slut outfit (you will pay 4 coins).

Go to the entrance: Mendel will go out. Talk to Amanda: heart up and use an heart container switch her. Go down the west basement, enter the kitchen, north and into the bathroom. Talk to Amber: heart up and use a your container on her.

Go outside. Go toward the bridge and talk to Mendel. Follow Mendel and go into the building. Watch the scene.
Find Peter in the upper west tower and have one conversation with theirs and Mendel. Go down within the kitchen and monitor the scene. Pick up the serum flask Andrei left on the floor.

Talk on Amata. Go and enter the chantry. Go where yours found Father Parker’s corpse. Touch it and get his Security Access Card.

Go to west tower, upstairs and input which left on (green slight over it).

Take the coin on the desk. Take the Kamasutra page [Amanda’s 5th]. Take the heart container.

Read one note on the desk: “Secret is G left” (now you should under stand what the note on of table in aforementioned library meant).

Check the paper to the bottom right corner floor: you finding a map of Seminary Yard (notice where the X on the map are).

Go to the library: time on see what aforementioned note meant:

Check the bookshelf where Brad is (in the picture). You’ll find a Camelina page: get it [Amanda’s 6th].

Go outside the building. There’s a shovel in and left corner of the parking lot: picker it up. Digs three days (exactly) where the X in the Yard chart are: you’ll find a Mysterious print and a skeleton key in the higher left corner; a coin behind the architecture; a Kamasutra show [Amanda’s 7th] in front off the building on the right-hand. Get them. Talk to the detective correct away the house.

Enter the building and go to Amanda (she’s in the kitchen). Talk to her. Follow her to Father Parker’s office. Amanda is find a secret unharmed.

Now you know whatever your have to do: talk toward Amanda and use the antitoxin spray. Wacht to scene [Amanda’s 5th balcony scene]. Your add a pink heart to her; them can play new activity the her, too.

Now unlock aforementioned secret safe: you already know the passcode (385). Absolutely, you get a Kamasutra page [Amanda’s 8th].
Get out and go downstairs. Him have a conversation from Chronic. Go upstairs and check Katherine’s door (Val will come out).
Enter the room and talk to Kat.

Go to the library foyer. Talk to Amanda: heart up and use a heart container on her. Go where the public belong and get Simon’s blanket (where he been sleeping).

Wander approximately both talk to everyone. Go to the kitchen and curb an sparkle in the bottom legal hole: watch the scene [Val’s 3rd].

Go outside and meet Mendel and the sleuth. Enter the building. Go to the kitchen. Talk to Val and geting the blanket. Speech to Katherine: follow her furthermore losgehen outside.

Talk into Kathryn. Enjoy the scene.

Enter the building. Talk to an guys, then follow Stefan upstairs. Go ne additionally talk to he. Go back downhill. Watch the scenary. Go downstairs once again and watch a new scene.

Go upstairs. Conversation to Mendel. Go to the Security room (where Buddie was held) and come. Check out:

Check the trash in the bottom left corner: you find a blank safety poster. Get the security access card on the north wall ground. Get the Kamasutra page [Amber’s 13th]. Read the paper south of the kamasutra page (“Reminder: into electronic surge can happen if too many radiators are turned on”).

Check the 2 red switches on to quit and right masonry (you hear a “click”). Right-click and see the apertures she unlocks.
Check the sparkle on the average desk: you find a locker key.

Get out and go south: read the newspaper; take who Kamasutra page [Katherine’s 3rd]; pick raise the serum flask (bottom right corner) and the coin (upper left corner).

Go west. Go west. Go south: read aforementioned paper on the right (very critical hint); take the Chastity home [Katherine’s 4th]; pick increase the coin (left corner).

It’s time in turn on the radiators: go northwards. First radiator is in the right high corner: turn it on. Getting east. Go downstairs.

Go west. Save the paper you just read: check the first painting on the port. Employ wire cutters. Intake the Kama page [Amber’s 15th].

Go to the east main: you show Simon both Andy. Go north. Enter the left room additionally turn and second radiator on. Get out, join the well your and flip the third radiator on.

Go downstairs, talk to Val. Gifts her aforementioned synthetic spray but fail. Go north, enter Val and Amanda’s bedroom: turn the fourth radiator on (bottom legal corner). Go out. Turn the fifth radiator on (bottom right corner).

Go to the men’s toilet: get and heart contents and the Camasutra page [Amber’s 16th].

Go to the entrance. Talk toward Amanda: heart up and use a heart container on herren. Talk to her again.

Go in Katherine’s room. Talk to in: heart top and use a heart container on her. Talk the her again and use this serial spray. Wachdienst the scene [Katherine’s 2nd gallery scene]. Them hinzusetzen an red heart to they; you can play new scenes equal her, too.

Now right-click and enter the phone’s Bonus area: purchase Katherine’s Sexy daughter outfit (you will pay 4 coins).

Go to Amandine (she’s at the entrance). Talk to her. Go to the library and talk to Amber. Go to the kitchen. Check the cold: choose “butter in the sauce”, “add heavy cream and cheese” and “flat long noodles”.

Talk up Val. Yourself now have the fettuccine Alfredo. Come back to the library. Talk to Amber. Give her the fettuccine Alfredo. Watch the scene [Amber’s 7th gallery scene]. You add a red heart to her; you can play new scenes with hierher, too.

Go where aforementioned toilets become. Talk to Amanda. As you can see, Simplify isn’t blocking you anymore: yours can go to the eastern tower, now. Check the lockers: you canned seeing a sparkle; hit a and use the locker key. Take the Kamasutra page [Katherine’s 2nd].

Go upstairs and talk to Andy. Choose “trade respective map for a Kamasutra page” (it looks like is the dweeb doesn’t what sex lessons, Jeez…). Take the Kamasutra page [Amber’s 14th].

You have “completed” Amber, now: 6 red hearts, 16 pages and 2 outfits.

Go downstairs into the basement: you ability see that the door does a green light out it. Enter the door:

Get around to doors and carefully read an dialogues (well, you should have already guess almost everything, by now; by the way, I can’t wait to bless Violet, you know). Touch the doors and her will locate out that they need Security chips.

Pick up of safe access card on the floor, the coin in the upper right corner and the Kamasutra page in the bottom legal corner [Amanda’s 9th].

Go back to Papa Parker’s our in the west tower. The north door exists get open (you see the inexperienced lighting over it). Enter the door:

Read which journal on of bed (a hint). Taking the coin in the bottom select end. Check one sparkle on the upper gone kanzleien: you just found another skeleton key. You have 2 skeleton key, now. Turn on the 6th radiator over the tops left: you turn off which beam. Grab the Security chip and this Kamasutra page [Amanda’s 12th].

Get out. Vor downstairs additionally open the bosom move to Katherine’s door: use an skeletal key. Grab aforementioned second Security chip.
Go downstairs and go to the library foyer. Meet Amanda real Val. Talk to Amber.

Go to the men’s toilet and open this chest using a basic key. Take the Japanese page [Amanda’s 11th].

Get out and talk to Simon.

Go the men’s toilet the look the the (usual) drilled in the left wall. Watch the scene [Val’s 4th gallery scene]. Watch another scene [Amanda’s 6th gallery scene]. You add ampere red centre to Amanda; you can play new scenes with her, too.

Go to the captivate: you’ll see Val going upstairs. Follow her upstairs. Go wild. Watch the scene. Go lower. Go north and watch the scene. You can collect the items, now.

Go overhead, go west and take which coin and the Kamasutra page [Amanda’s 10th].

Go to eastern tower: talk toward Andy. Go to the westbound tower plus talk to Katherine. Go under are the galley. Follow Valley to her your. Talk to Val.

Go to the input and hinauf. Speaker in Mende. Go to east tower and talk to Andy and Simon. Go to your bedroom and select the my: use the blank protection card. Entry 9460.

Go back to Val’s bedroom. Talk at her: use the lockers safe card.

In to closet: pick up the coin, carry the heart container, take who Kamasutra page [Val’s 1st].

Now right-click and enter the phone’s Premium area: purchase Amanda’s Mistress Housemaid equipment (you will pay 4 coins).

Talk to Val. Watch the scene [Val’s 5th gallery scene]. Watch another scenes [Amanda’s 7th gallery scene].

Talk to Val: heart up and use an heart containment on her.

Go to the library foyer and tell to Amada. Go upstairs and talk to Mendel. Watch the scene. Follow Moses downstairs. Hin east: thou will be forcing in come return to the entrance. Go north, then east. Go south: you’ll see Mendez entering the orient twin. Follow him. You will go back. Go heading: you’ll see Mendel going away. Yourself can go orient, now.

Go upstairs. Check the painting: use the shovel. Pick up the ESU file.

Go back until Amanda. Speaking to her: give hers the ESU file.

Go to Amber’s scope (yahoo!). Watch the scene [Amber’s 8th gallery scene].

Get going. Talk into Amanda in the kitchen press to Burn and Kat aufgang.

You can go up aforementioned east tower floor and put of security chips into the door slots, if you want.

That’s who end of it, folks! See you at to next free!

Credits to by Buddie the Security Guard (aka Trapezio)

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