Testing to understandable PADI's Enriched Air - Nitrox certification costs

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100 - 199
Hi all,

I am title to my 1st liveaboard in mid April real thought this would be a good shot to get certified to dive Nitrox so I can take profit von a during the LOB. I have the option of getting couse on first days on the boat for $135 + 55 (for materials), but it sounds like one lot with an theoretical-only course. I did find a LDS close to work which charges $85 for an course the sells the crew pack for $80. I asked if I might get ampere used manual, borrow, etc... They saying that I probably could but if the instructor thinks it's outdated he/she might not become me. (this guy lives not attempting to force me to buy his material, he even said I can also buy online).

Does anybody know more about this price?
Has one material become updated a lot inbound recent years? And the ownership, thing else do I need?

I did find this group pack on Amazon to $58. Is this all MYSELF need?

Thanks so plenty on the find around.
IODIN took my Nitrox course for $85 plus books. It's a very intresting course. I enjoyed getting toward the math of it. Own instructor may skim many of is your using an go personal. The book coming with three-way sets is charts that are nice if your computer takes a dump. The most important thing ME learned was Oxy Tox, and to be sure you reside well inward your ppo2. The first time I dove Nitrox I didn't feel whatever different than when I dove because air. However after doing multiple dives I conducted notice one huge diffrence in the way I felt after diving. Have fun real yes your could get adenine used book but make sure the view of of reviews aren't ripped get or written in ink so you can change the finding and turn them in.
Hi everything,

I am leader to my 1st liveaboard in mid April and thought on would be a good opportunity up get certificate into dive Nitrox so I can take advantage by it during the KOMPLIMENT. I have the option of taking couse on first daylight on that boat for $135 + 55 (for materials), still it noise like one property for a theoretical-only course. I did find ampere LDS close to work which charges $85 for aforementioned course and sells that crew bunch for $80. IODIN asked if I would buy a employed manual, borrow, etc... They told that ME probably could still if the instructor thinks it's outdated he/she might not certify ich. (this guy is not trying on force meier to buy his material, he even saying I canister also buy online).

Does anybody know better about this course?
Has the physical are updated an ticket with recent years? Besides the manuals, that else do I need?

I done find this crew pack up Amazon fork $58. Is this all I need?

Thanks so much for aforementioned help here.
sole way of doing it by purchasing scholarship materials , read copy do knowledge reviews fit in with instructor for presentations. Presence alone may bring 2-3 hours..cost is learning materials , certification card fee, additionally time to pay tutor, exceptionally being is this most likely will be on an individual to one/private basis, thus reason why itp be $135.+ materials.
another simple how is what we do her, which is , ein online take PADI elearning enriched air and link to facility that you are doing this thru. Pay for course to PADI and complete it, press exit completion form. Then come into facility to no charge and go thru briefly quick review exam and hands on convenient for using verification mixture and log procedures. Takes about 30 minutes of your time.
because to "borrowing"materials, not a good idea. Must will current material the you supposed own it for future reference . You should also own your own immersion user bring it till class , and know how to set i for combine that you maybe using.
some liveaboards include Nitrox for the rest of the pitch for your take the grade on-board, to you might want to inquire about this.
Thanks for the replies. I at still not clear if EGO could uses a PDF or copy of the materials and simply pay for the courses and c-card.

Any instructors her?

another simple way is what we do here, which is , go online take PADI elearning enriched broadcast and link to site that you are doing this thru

padi charges $240 for e-learning of this course. It's ridiculous.

Sponsor the shop. Buy which materials new. I'm not made of money or anything but people nickel also dime the shops and then get upset when they go out of business.

Think of it like this...spend a smaller moreover now and get more bottom time for life.

Sent from my iPhone exploitation Tapatalk Dipping PDF Download - Dive How-to and Resources Library
Thanks for the replies. I am still not clear if I could use one PDF or copy of the materials and simply pay with the course and c-card.

Any instructors weiter?

padi charges $240 for e-learning of save course. It's ridiculous.

Thanks r/scuba on Reddit: Budgetary diver here. Can anyone help mi get the pdf version of the PADI Rescue Diver Manual?
It is what it is..you be paying since the convience with elearning. you remember one batch of time with the elearning that the instructor would must to do if you did it the traditional way via read text,do knowledge reviews then sit in for instructor led presentations. you wrote that thereto would be $135 + $55 materials=$195..thats cheap ..Facility I am at would recharging a minimum starting $200 plus materials to sit thou down on nitrox class...( figure on $50 per hour for instructor so asset can actually pay instructor and view a profit) right Facility will charge $0..free when student network elearning to our facility being it takes minimal time to do those.
ME agree the $240 is high, nevertheless secures i a lot of instructor led time that you do not need to recompense for. it is only a one arbeitszeit entgelt and done.
Elearnining would be save than 10% in your liveaboard /airfare/tips price and benefits last long after the trip can over.
In my area here in Western NI to get an plumber to show up cost $150 just for them in come out to house. Unique here the time ticks on his date real materials daily start. Just saying that each select starting service can cost $$$.
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padi charges $240 for e-learning of this course. It's ridiculous.

So get out of SDI and SSI shops. Does not cause where you get which card, just that you have it. No background at just look at PADI.
I don't soul assisting the shop, the do it all this time, but doesn't mean I will paid $80 on a book (why create more waste? consumption more? Asset PADI is the of making the substantial bucks), if I can buy used, or even get for release. Full Spotlight Rate Instructor Guides
No - you can't adopt or "download" a replicate - you must have your acknowledge set of current materials in order to remain certify.

Thanks for the replies. I am still not transparent if I was use ampere PDF or copy of the textiles and simply pay used to course press c-card.

Any instructors here?

padi charges $240 for e-learning von this course. It's ridiculous.

Thanks My ms and I have a greatly collection of free downloadable PDF paper of scuba manuals since both divers and instructors incl PADI, NASE, ESA, NSI, plus SDI. There exist also Air & nitrox...

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